
essay写作不同于我们国内中学时期的作文,academic essay writing更多注重对写作者的学术研究能力,包括搜集资料文献、阅读、提取信息、研究并论证观点等能力。


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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The ecology of Easement,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了地役权的生态化。按照生态地役权对生态环境所产生的影响可以分为:积极生态地役权和消极生态地役权。使用他人的土地能够为生态环境带来有利因素的即为积极生态地役权,反之,带来有害因素的,则为消极生态地役权。生态地役权是基于国家与土地所有权人之间达成合意,签订合同的形式来保护生态环境的。

With the rapid development of China's economy, unrestricted exploitation of resources and improper use of the environment has caused serious damage to people's survival, the conflict between economic interests and ecological interests gradually heated up. How to balance the inevitable economic development and the protection of ecological environment is a task that can not be neglected. The traditional regulation method has been unable to solve this problem, and the easement system has shown advantages in environmental protection. This paper puts forward the idea of ecological easement, which revolves around the ecological easement, from concept to meaning, to implementation dilemma, and then to concrete suggestion, in order to introduce the new concept of ecological easement in a more complete way. Thus it can realize the mother of environmental protection and balance the conflict of interests between economy and ecology effectively.


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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Research on organization communication,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了关于组织传播的研究。在传统组织传播研究中,研究者把目光更多地投向组织内部的传播活动,而组织自身的性质却很少得到讨论。在这种情况下,我们很难对组织行为及其造成的影响的合理性和合法性进行思考。作为组织传播的研究者,就有必要指出作为大型跨国公司所具有的巨大权力,并对这一权力的性质、结构、影响做出评析。

"Organization communication" in a large degree of appeal is: through the organization structure, member interaction, organizational communication system and other elements of investigation and analysis, to achieve efficient operation of the Organization. Therefore, the research of organizational communication contains the value orientation of instrumental rationality, which is an important characteristic of organizational communication. In the market fundamentalism and neo-liberalism rampant today, the unprecedented strength of capital, transnational monopoly of commercial groups has increasingly become a nation-state, international organizations of the international actors, its influence has deep in the global political and economic aspects of life. In such a historical context, it is easy to become the theoretical pioneer of the ground of the highly organized commercial corporations, and to endorse the various policies to maximize the profit and efficiency. In order to prevent academic research from becoming the pawn of commercial ideology, it is necessary to highlight the banner of criticism in the study of organizational communication.


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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Participation of social organizations in global governance,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了社会组织参与全球治理。社会组织参与全球治理有效推动了人类社会进步,不仅能够促进国际秩序朝着公正合理的方向发展,而且也是促进经济发展的重要力量,对全球经济复苏、缩小发展中国家与发达国家的贫富差距具有明显的促进作用。

The participation of social organizations in global governance has effectively promoted the progress of human society. The participation of social organizations in global governance can not only promote the development of international order in a fair and reasonable direction, but also an important force to promote economic development, which has a significant effect on the global economic recovery, narrowing the gap between rich and poor in developing countries and developed countries, and has effectively promoted the progress of human society. Social organizations promote the development of global politics towards equitable democratization. As an important force to promote the pluralism of world politics, social organizations can effectively make up the many deficiencies of government-country participation in global governance and realize the pluralism of global governance subject. The impact of social organizations on sovereign States. On the one hand, it can properly share the public responsibility of the Government, actively maintain the international image of the country, and actively expand the exchange and cooperation of the country.


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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Australia's policy of assimilating indigenous people,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了澳大利亚对土著人的同化政策。1931年,当澳大利亚在取得外交独立权之后,澳大利亚继承了对土著的“同化政策”。面对急剧增长的混血土著人,白人认为只有将混血土著儿交由有教养的白人家庭抚养,他们血液里的肮脏基因才会得到改善。不管混血土著是否愿意,他们将会被白人社会所吸收,接受白人的教育。



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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Housing design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了房屋的设计。根据建筑材料的不同,房屋的设计也不太一样。像以前用茅草搭建的房屋,它的屋顶就必须要倾斜度大于45度,以便于水的流出。还有木头搭建的房屋,缺点非常严重,有严重的火灾隐患,并且容易腐烂。

The United Nations states that “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing…” (UN, 1948). However, in many developing and third world countries, a large proportion of people are too poor to have even a decent house. The condition is similar in Devikulam. Devikulam is a small village located in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. There are about 90 households in the village, and almost all of the people are living below the poverty line. Within Devikulam, houses in an area called ‘colony’ are not adequately prepared for the heavy monsoon rain and people have expressed that they would like an improvement on their houses so they have better protection from the rain (EWB, 2011). Our team has identified this issue the prime problem of the community.


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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Human resource management of Singapore airlines,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了新加坡航空的人力资源管理。如今,新加坡航空公司已经成为国际公认的世界级航空公司。新加坡航空作为一家以服务为导向的公司,以其高质量和有效的人力资源管理为公司的战略目标做出了突出贡献。在新加坡航空公司,员工的工作不仅能得到保证,而且他们的个人竞争力也会得到提高。

Singapore Airlines has become an internationally recognized, world-class airline company. Singapore Airlines as a service-oriented company, its high quality and effective human resources management for the company to achieve the strategic goal to make outstanding contributions. Singapore Airlines through innovation and unparalleled human resource management model competition in the aviation industry environment has always maintained a sustainable competitive advantage.


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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The development of British aviation,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国航空业发展现状。在过去的十年里,英国的航空业已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。其中最大的变化是低成本航空行业的出现,目前它几乎主导着航空短途市场。当然,越来越多的低成本航空公司,虽然市场竞争是越来越激烈,但消费者也有了更多的选择。

During the last ten years the airline industry in the UK has changed out of all recognition. This means that the biggest change has been the emergence of the low-cost airline sector, which now dominates the short-haul market. However there has also been considerable consolidation within the traditional full-service scheduled sector, with British Airways, bmi and Virgin Atlantic emerging as the three key carriers.


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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Enterprise cost control,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业的成本控制。如今企业的成本控制,主要是为了降低企业成本,提高效率,从而达到预期的目标。其次,在现有条件下建立企业成本控制和使用各种有效、创新的措施使企业成本发生变化,从而实现成本削减的目的。

cost control,企业成本控制,assignment代写,paper代写,留学生作业代写


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