下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- British urban design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的城市设计。在20世纪80年代的规划中,新工党政府出版物发表了由理查德·罗杰斯领导的城市公共报告工作组题为《迈向城市复兴》。其中,以设计为主导的新型城市备受推崇。虽然在这份报告中,大多数的参考标准政策改革主要局限于新英格兰工党执政后,但英国有激情的城市设计和政策改革,希望建立一个欧洲最愉快的城市高质量的城市生活空间。
- Dec 26 Thu 2019 17:40
British urban design
- Dec 26 Thu 2019 17:38
这是对两篇关于数字革命带来的挑战的文章的评论。在第一篇文章中,Brad Howarth提出了机器人在可预见的未来不会取代体力劳动的观点。在第二篇文章《技术失业:第四次工业革命的教育》中,迈克尔·彼得斯总结了数字革命带来的巨大挑战,并解释了我们如何利用教育来应对这些挑战。
- Dec 26 Thu 2019 17:36
- Dec 26 Thu 2019 17:35
My Dream Job
本篇paper代写- My Dream Job讨论了作者的理想工作。作者的理想工作是成为一名大学教师和学者。教师作为人类灵魂的工程师,肩负着传授人类智慧、延续人类文明的重任。大学学者和讲师的工作环境非常理想,其工作环境充满了知识和文化,没有尘世的喧嚣和烦恼。因为一个大学学者和教师的工资和福利水平足以支付一个人的生活费,所以不会有太多的衣食之忧。同时,大学学者和讲师也经常有机会到世界各地参加学术会议和进行研究。大学学者和讲师能给作者带来高水平的工作满意度。个体的价值和意义既可以通过研究,也可以通过青年教师对前沿知识的研究来实现。本篇论文代写范文由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
My dream job is to become a college instructor and scholar. Although power, money, freedom, time, and fame are all sources of happiness for an individual, I consider wisdom to be the greatest source of happiness from the depths of our hearts. As engineers of the human souls, teachers are responsible for teaching the wisdom of mankind, with the continuation of civilization. College instructors also have an influence over students from different countries. Throughout human history, there are numerous great philosophers who assumed the role of teachers as well, including Confucius, Socrates, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche.
- Dec 26 Thu 2019 17:33
A book about how to improve the quality of managerial decision
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- A book about how to improve the quality of managerial decision,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了一本关于如何提高管理决策质量的书。这本书主要讨论了如何提高管理决策的质量,并从商业的角度进行了行为决策的研究,通过审查判断在不同的管理环境。对于消费者、管理者和金融企业来说,这本书提供了许多细节和建议来做出更好的决策。在框架和偏好逆转章节中,作者呈现了不同的情况,以及人们在不同情况下如何做出决定。从它们的介绍中可以明显看出,框架对管理决策和个人决策的判断有着如此强大的影响。
This book mainly talks about how to improve the quality of managerial decision and takes behavioral decision research from business point by examining judgement in different managerial contexts. And for the consumer, managers, and financial enterprises, this book provides many details and suggestions to make better decisions. In Framing and the Reversal of Preferences chapter, writers present different kinds of situation and how people make their decisions in different situation. From their introduction, it can be seen obviously that framing exerts such a powerful effect on judgement of managerial decision and personal decision. How to make more rational and better decision is one task for people, especially managers. There are two important points in this aspect from my view. The one is framing of combined problem and the other is certainty problem.
- Dec 25 Wed 2019 15:39
Metropolitan Museum of Art
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Metropolitan Museum of Art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了大都会艺术博物馆。大都会艺术博物馆的整体体验是相当有意义的,它使作者获得了很多知识,对美国历史有了更好更深刻的理解,尤其是关于内战的历史。它还让作者从许多不同的角度看到了当时人们的生活。巨大而杰出的艺术品给了作者一个伟大的教育时刻。
- Dec 25 Wed 2019 15:37
- Dec 25 Wed 2019 15:34
- Dec 25 Wed 2019 15:33
The Dred Scott Decision and the Civil War
本篇paper代写- The Dred Scott Decision and the Civil War讨论了德莱德·斯科特案对内战的影响。1857年的德瑞德·斯科特案彻底打破了美国南北双方精心维持的平衡和妥协。过去的联邦制一直在利用暂时的政治让步来调和矛盾。然而,德瑞德·斯科特的决定使得这些努力在奴隶制合法化的确认下变得毫无意义。随着林肯的胜利和密苏里妥协案的反驳,内战最终成为避免国家分裂的一个不可避免的解决方案。最高法院试图通过此案解决分歧。然而,这不仅没有解决危机,反而导致美国走上了分裂的道路。本篇论文代写范文由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
In the centuries since its independence, the United States has enjoyed a relatively steady and smooth development. However, the country has witnessed two major changes throughout its history: one is the civil war (1861-1865) and the other is the great economic crisis (1929-1932). Both these drastic changes have had a profound and profound impact on the historical process in the United States, and constitute the two turning points in the historical development of the United States. The Civil War was a clash between several slave states in the south and the free states in the north. The war ended with victory of the north. At the beginning of the war, the north fought to defend national reunification. Later, the fight evolved into a revolutionary war to eliminate slavery. The Dred Scott Decision was the point when the Civil War became inevitable, because it broke the north-south political balance, intensified the ideological differences, and blocked any path of further compromise.
- Dec 25 Wed 2019 15:28
Navigating Another Culture
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Navigating Another Culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了另一种文化。文化是一个特定群体形成的独特的语言、行为、观念和意识形态,它不同于国家、种族、宗教甚至社区。当你接触一个新的文化,提前做一些关于文化差异的功课有助于促进跨文化交流,你也需要一直保持一个开放和宽容的心,以适应新的环境很快。
In my point of view, culture is the distinctive language, behavior, concepts, and ideology that formed by a particular group of people. It differs from countries, races, religions, or even communities.