下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- A book about how to improve the quality of managerial decision,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了一本关于如何提高管理决策质量的书。这本书主要讨论了如何提高管理决策的质量,并从商业的角度进行了行为决策的研究,通过审查判断在不同的管理环境。对于消费者、管理者和金融企业来说,这本书提供了许多细节和建议来做出更好的决策。在框架和偏好逆转章节中,作者呈现了不同的情况,以及人们在不同情况下如何做出决定。从它们的介绍中可以明显看出,框架对管理决策和个人决策的判断有着如此强大的影响。
This book mainly talks about how to improve the quality of managerial decision and takes behavioral decision research from business point by examining judgement in different managerial contexts. And for the consumer, managers, and financial enterprises, this book provides many details and suggestions to make better decisions. In Framing and the Reversal of Preferences chapter, writers present different kinds of situation and how people make their decisions in different situation. From their introduction, it can be seen obviously that framing exerts such a powerful effect on judgement of managerial decision and personal decision. How to make more rational and better decision is one task for people, especially managers. There are two important points in this aspect from my view. The one is framing of combined problem and the other is certainty problem.
Firstly, In this chapter, writers mention that the framing of the combined problem may lead to a reversal of preferences. This finding is especially essential for the management. Many decisions, which are interconnected in the actual world, such as budgeting and investment portfolio, can occur one decision at a time or in groups of decisions. The findings support that in the whole decision-making process, for enterprises, the nature of this process can probably add the possibilities of inconsistency and reasonless choices. For one company, each manager can make individual choices, which seem sensible probably respectively. But when viewed as a whole, they may not be optimal. That means when one group, or one team of a firm makes the managerial decisions, especially managerial combined decisions, they should improve their communication skills because what they decide will be for the whole company, not just for the group. So it is necessary to communicate each other and find one better and more optimal decision.
Secondly, writers also mention one effect called certainty effect: decision makers emphasize the proportion of the choices whose outcomes are considered as certain results’, which can lead to judgemental inconsistencies and biases. The certainty effect makes decision-makers more willing to cut down the likelihood of certain things than uncertain things. However, rationally, any reduction of risk in an uncertain situation should bring the same value to decision makers no matter in which level. So from that, we can get one enlightenment, which is when managers make their managerial decisions, they should not just care about certain events, but try to accept uncertain possibilities and prepare for the uncertainty. Because risks in uncertain situation have the same value with risks in certain events, managers should consider about these unhappy seemingly possibilities as well as those certain happy possibilities in order to maximize the expected value of the outcomes.
Certainly, we all know framing exerts such a enormous effect on judgement of managerial decision-making, not only in these two aspects. So what’s the reason? Naturally, the reason can not be just one and simple. From writers’ point of view, the answer should be a rational decision maker can be effected by complicated potential mental so that decision maker can not make rational decisions in the real world. This point of view is true. In real world, things are more complicated and people, including managers, often make decisions based on many exceptions, not just data or models. That gives us one lesson, for managers, they should just consider how to make rational decisions. From this view, managers should simply try to find the choices, which can maximize the expected value, not consider the outcomes although some outcomes will represent losses. What’s more, intercommunication is important. For combined decisions, they are more complex and harder to make. Therefore, they even need more intercommunication to make the decisions.