This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of command control system and economic incentive mechanism in the practice of environmental protection by analyzing the development history of environmental protection policy in UK and puts forward that they should give full play to their advantages and give full play to their effectiveness and economy. , Environmental protection at the same time, to overcome external diseconomy.
In recent years, the British environmental law academia and the legislative community is widely recognized and concerned about is a long history of the command and control system and dynamic economic incentive mechanism of the unity of opposites and integrated use.
The command and control system, as a typical means of environmental pollution control, is essentially a mandatory management adjustment method, mainly through government mandates to reduce pollution, such as through the establishment of environmental standards, and the promotion of a low-polluting environmental technology Applications. Command and control system for a long time and to a large extent benignly influence and guide the direction of environmental policy, and in practice improve the quality of the environment made a significant contribution.
However, with the evolution of environmental problems, in the increasingly deepening of the problem of environmental pollution, this coercive means seems more and more powerless. The excessive rigidity of command and control systems has led to the inefficiency and diseconomy of environmental policies. As a result, environmental pollution prevention and control will look to the new economic incentive mechanism.
Economic incentive mechanism is essentially an indirect means of regulation. It seeks to encourage environmental behavior that maximizes overall social welfare by stimulating mechanisms such as pollution charges, taxes, subsidies, and licensing transactions based on the title law and the polluter pays principle so that environmental protection and socio-economic well-being To find the ideal balance between. Therefore, the economic incentive mechanism depends on its cost economy and encourage the use of advanced technology and flexibility and other advantages and highly respected. However, the development of the system is still very imperfect, its role in practice and theoretical advantages also have some limitations.
As one of the earliest countries to produce environmental protection concepts and environmental laws, the British practice shows that command and control systems and economic incentives have their own strengths and weaknesses, only the integrated use of two means is the most effective and most economical solution to environmental problems The ideal way.
Environmental problems have been a long time in the UK. During the development of modern environmental protection law, the change of the form and concept of environmental behavior of British government led to the change of its environmental policy.
Britain 's modern environmental protection law originated in the industrial revolution. The most typical example is based on "Chemical Alkali Act 1863" set up chemical base survey organization. The task of this organization is to control the emissions of all industrial alkalis. Environmental policies of this period, however, appear to be more effective and even acceptable to the public, but they are not very mature because parliamentary parties tend to adopt end-control measures to curb pollution while ignoring the integrity of environmental protection. In other words, considerable attention has been placed on "ex post measures", that is, efforts to improve the existing environment rather than "ex ante", ie, control of pollution sources.
At the same time, fragmented, unplanned and discontinuous are the characteristics of environmental policies of this period. Due to the existence of these features, there is considerable discretion in the adoption of environmental measures at the local level. Scholars of the British environmental policy in this form is summarized as "strong administrative, decentralized implementation, to minimize the prosecution, managers and managers were close cooperation." Regardless of the form of environmental policy in Britain, there is a common understanding that the theoretical structure of many environmental policies has traditionally been based on the concept of administrative command. This administrative command is based on one or more strict environmental criteria set by the manager and then imposed on the manager by the form of an administrative license or consent, such as a company, an individual, etc., to clarify which actions are enforceable , Any unlicensed or transgressive entity or person will be subject to administrative enforcement.
Although administrative licensing and administrative enforcement, as well as enforcement in criminal law, have been identified as a major direction for the development of UK environmental policy, a variety of UK environmental policies have inevitably led to distrust of administrative command control produce. The establishment of "Total Pollution Control" in Chapter 1 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 clearly shows a significant shift from the traditional principle of passive control of pollution hazards to the principle of prevention. IPC is committed to seeking "the most viable environmental protection options" and "best available technology that does not generate excessive costs". IPC is the most basic feature is not only a process can be discharged into the existing environment, the type of pollutants are provided for, and the production process itself is also provided for.
This feature therefore implies the fact that the category of administrative command-and-control means historically shifted from a mere consequence of pollution to an existing environment to a focus on the causes of pollution. It is important to note that under the influence of the IPC, the administrative system has also undergone profound changes. Scholars have pointed out that these changes are reflected in the fact that Scottish Environmental Protection took over many of the environmental responsibilities of the original river purification department and the Royal Industrial Pollution Control Organization, as well as local authorities. In 1996, the establishment of the Environmental Services in England and Wales brought pollution control functions under one umbrella unequivocally under one administration. IPC, as opposed to the traditional "end control" in addressing environmental issues seems to be more promising. But this does not mean that relying entirely on IPC to achieve environmental pollution control is correct.
The subsequent replacement of IPC's "Total Pollution Prevention and Control" more clearly shows that the British Government has been working to find the best way to solve environmental problems. IPPC is initiated by the European Union and the European Union and is therefore obliged to adopt IPPC as one of the Member States of the European Union. The purpose of IPPC is to control environmental pollution through all appropriate means, in particular to prevent and reduce air, water and land contaminants Of emissions. IPPC in the appropriate means involved in the control of environmental pollution in the process of each play different roles, the best available means to be respected as to prevent and reduce pollution emissions "star means.
The evolutionary development of the British economic incentive mechanism is not very long, but the development of the command and control system is more exciting. The UK prides itself on the introduction of market-based environmental taxes for the first time in the world. As early as 1909, Judge LoydGeorge added environmental taxes to gasoline prices. The only regret is that, since then, the adoption of the measure is in a discontinuous state. In the United Kingdom in practice to promote market means than the so-called environmental problems in the EU "leaders" - the Netherlands and Denmark to be late, the reason lies in the traditional framework of British environmental policy, form and content constraints. This conclusion was later confirmed by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution in 1972: "We do not believe that the environmental toll system is more effective than the licensing system ... if the appropriate policies are adopted, good environmental benefits can be ensured ... Operation of the charging system Management requires professionals ... and we do not think there is such a professional at this stage ... the government should immediately investigate cases of market-based instruments; but we are not entirely convinced that the results of these surveys are sufficient to show that the market- The main change in environmental pollution control on the feasible correctness.
In the question of whether or not to use economic incentives, first, the fundamental change in attitudes in the UK seems to start with the integration of sustainable development strategies with formal rules. The definition of sustainable development has been the focus of attention in the UK since the 1987 report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. The report notes that sustainable development emphasizes development to be compatible with current needs while at the same time not jeopardizing the pace at which this development of future generations fits with needs.
The aim of sustainable development is to reconcile the conflict between economic development and environmental protection and to ensure that the benefits of each development outweigh the costs, including its environmental costs. Second, the UK's tendency to embrace economic incentives has been driven by a wave of innovation. This innovative trend that the command and control as a typical feature of government regulation means to leave the community at all levels to participate in the distribution of environmental protection responsibilities, cannot afford to achieve the goal of sustainable development. Therefore, the economic incentive mechanism, as a selective supplement alternative means, is essential.
With the post-1990s changes in this posture, a growing number of economic incentives to be applied to practice. The domestic fuel excise tax introduced in 1993 and the tax on refuse implemented in 1996 also reflect the fact that the adoption of economic incentives is no longer stagnant or ambiguous in the UK, but radical or vigorous. Although the widespread use of economic incentives is obvious, but on the other hand, it also has a big problem. Most of the economic incentive mechanism is essentially applied to increase revenue, rather than to protect the environment itself. Economic instruments are clearly biased towards industry rather than consumers.
However, the problem gradually resolved, along with the replacement of the ruling party, the new Labor government in promoting the use of economic instruments to build environmental policy framework is committed to play a more active role. A number of new economic instruments such as the 2001 Climate Change Tax and the 2002 Emissions Trading Scheme were adopted. Facts have proved that the British Government has now completely abandoned the purely rely on the command and control system strategy, but confidence will be greater bet on the economic incentive mechanism.
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