英国essay论文精选范文:“New Visual Culture under the Internet”,这篇论文讨论了网络时代下的新视觉文化。在互联网、现代通讯和多媒体技术所共同提供的物质基础支持下,新视觉文化的发展迅猛而不可阻挡。数字化图像借助于计算机技术,使动感图像和视觉效果的获取更加随心所愿,在传统技术无法涉足的领域,其表现力更显得卓越非凡。借助于多种现代信息技术,不断推动视觉文化走进全新的数字化虚拟影像时代,视觉艺术与信息技术的高度交融,使得视觉文化的发展达到一个全新的高度。
Photographers invented more than 100 years, and people's lives gradually close contact, in the record of social production, people's lives, dissemination of news and other aspects of the gradual occupation of an irreplaceable important role. But with the rapid development of the Internet, the rapid development of computer technology, so that image processing breakthroughs in traditional practices, made rapid development, so that visual images are both popular to the popular, but also to the sharp direction of rapid development. But the negative impact of the network illusion caused by the negative impact of photography and photography culture will seriously affect the development of photography, and even its survival, photographers must maintain and carry forward the traditional advantages, adhere to the real shooting and material communication ideas, The network media brings illusory, fake protests, with real records, rich information, to record the history of solidification, spread the beautiful, keep its immortal historical literature values and unique visual aesthetic effects, create photography in visual culture Unique status, to meet the beautiful culture of photography spring.
With the support of the material basis provided by the Internet, modern communications and multimedia technology, the development of new visual culture is fast and unstoppable. With the support of the increasingly mature and evolving digital technology, the acquisition of raw high-resolution images is becoming more and more convenient. Digital images are used by computer technology to make dynamic images and visual effects more desirable. In the simulation reality and production Virtual reality space and other traditional technology cannot get involved in the field, its performance is even more remarkable excellence. With the help of a variety of modern information technology, and constantly promote the visual culture into a new digital virtual image era, visual arts and information technology highly integrated, making the development of visual culture to a new height.
First, the rhythm of modern life is getting faster and faster, people get more information on the timely access to information, the new visual culture update speed is precisely adapted to this is the request. The new visual culture is produced in the digital collection equipment, grows on the computer, spreads on the network, more than the traditional media to meet people's "fast food culture" consumer demand, on the network, people want to break the geographical and spatial concepts, hope and live in different societies People in the environment to communicate, put aside the traditional values, the shackles of morality, brave to express their views, but also listen to the ideas of others, eager to and completely different life background thinking collision. Second, people more demanding "read" culture to give way to "visual" culture, people do not want to spend too much time to pursue limited information, so the text as a traditional cultural transmission of the important position is gradually giving way to visual culture , With the use of multimedia technology, communicators spread to us "read" the proportion of information in the decline, "as" the proportion of information growing, making the growth of new visual culture more fertile soil.
Documentary photography is a record of the authenticity of life as the main purpose of photography, can objectively reflect the people concerned about the event, the material comes from people's real life, documentary photography is the content of the human environment and social activities Associated photos. Documentary photographers use his unique perspective to record the fact that most people "ignore" and use photography to make photography a powerful tool for participating in the maintenance of society. Lewis The picture is a kind of social public opinion, which is a model that promotes the process of history and social reform. The picture is a kind of public opinion. Prompting the US government to repeal the child labor system through the bill in the 1930s. Another example is Xie Hailong shooting "big eyes girl" true reproduction of the status of China's education, the cause of the government and the community's attention, and ultimately, China hopes to build the project.
Digital technology is widely used in news photography practice, the rapid development of network technology to speed up the speed of information dissemination. Modern photography in order to enhance the competitiveness of the visual media, we must first improve the creative thinking and philosophy of photography, and constantly improve the photography technology and personal aesthetic, in order to take creative initiative in photography will broadly absorb learning knowledge, master modern theory Knowledge and better use of advanced media technology advanced advantages. This paper argues that photographic art is only one of the mass media fields, so we must continue to expand the art of photography to other media to develop their own space, in the process of cross-integration with the media continue to enhance their own advantages. The future of digital photography and its impact on visual arts will be more difficult to measure.
Photographers use the hands of the camera to shoot the natural light of the scene under the real record of people and people, people and society, between man and nature, and the reality and virtual distinction, and now there are a considerable number of audiences and photographers Still insist on direct photography to bring them the real feelings and desire to seek truth. The era of the Internet through the digital technology photography has an irrefutable reality, which is different from modern photography to deal with a variety of visual media challenges a major advantage, so the picture can be used as a strong basis for the facts. On the contrary, those who have been falsified by the false photos have been the vast majority of the audience asked, the final fake pictures are still exposed by the community, the authenticity of photography has been maintained and defended.
Network video lacks a "physical first" viewing trust. The Internet era of the media to rely on the screen to spread, they cannot achieve the effect of material transmission, and the photo is the instantaneous solidification of the carrier it as a real all-time people feel tangible, photographic pictures also has its irreplaceable literature, Reference function. This paper believes that photos can be more memorable than the network image screen, because they leave is fleeting time, but not the passage of time. , The object photo not only for the audience to provide a quick way to understand things, but also to remember to provide a convenient. The state of the spread of the photographic picture, it is not on the audience culture level, geographical scope of the restrictions, is a kind of everyone can understand the world language. So insist on the momentary value of photography is also very conducive to deal with the challenges of network video one of the strategies.
With the development of today's society, photography as an important source of historical evidence and literature, it will go beyond the spread of network media, and even can change the current and even the future direction of the development of the visual culture.
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