
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- What is a Healthy Romantic Relationship,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了健康的恋爱关系。什么是健康的恋爱关系?对这个问题的看法可能因人而异,不同的人对健康的恋爱关系有不同的定义。事实上,每个人的不同生活经历都可以在不同的观点中扮演不同的角色,从而形成一种健康的恋爱关系。健康的恋爱关系需要有效及时的沟通、相互尊重以及合理安排时间的前提下才能培养。

Healthy Romantic Relationshi,健康恋爱关系,英国论文代写,paper代写,论文代写

What is a healthy romantic relationship? Opinions toward this question may vary from couple to couple and different people have different definitions toward how a healthy romantic relationship should be. As a matter of fact, different life experiences of each and every person can play a part in the formation of different standpoints toward how a healthy romantic relationship should be. In my own point of view, a healthy romantic relationship can only be cultivated on the premise of effective and timely communication, mutual respect as well as properly arranged time spent together and apart.

Firstly, the effective and timely communication is inevitable for a healthy romantic relationship when taking its being able to keep the couples closely connected into consideration. To put it more specifically, the couples are better to vocalize their love to each other and offer compliments so that their partner can feel sweet due to a sense of being loved. Furthermore, the couples should also express their appreciation toward one another through various means including acts of kindness, cards, flowers, words, etc. Apart from love and appreciation, it would be beneficial toward the formation of a healthy romantic relationship for the couples to communicate their bad feelings in time but not sweep issues under the rug. Though it may be awkward and uncomfortable to talk about the negative feelings, it would contribute to a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship and they will tend to cherish their partner more.


Moreover, mutual respect is another key element for a healthy romantic relationship because it can make the couples feel they are an exclusive individual. Respect can be embodied in many forms by respecting the partner’s character, heart, time, trust. But what has to be pointed out is that respect indicates that couples can not compare their partner to others, like what they work on, their clothes, their homes and something else like that. Comparison will give people an unbalanced state of mind, resulting in their jumping on their partner. In addition, there are plenty of other things people do as will break down respect, such as evaluating badly about the other to the surrounding people, name-calling, threatening to end the relationship and so on. So a fair knowledge can be obtained that people should not do these things for the sake of a healthy romantic relationship.

Last but not the least comes that properly arranged time spent together and apart also concerns for the shaping of a healthy romantic relationship. Couples have to spend quality time together and quantity does not matter as much as quality. That is to say, when the couples are together, they should do meaningful things so that both can be engaging. Besides, spending time apart is as crucial as spending time together in that it can enable people to do their own things. Some autonomy and healthy boundaries can provide personal space for the couples so that they can remain independent. It can be understood in this way that each and every one would like to spare some time to deal with their own personal issues or to compose their emotion and organize their thoughts.

To sum up, effective and timely communication, mutual respect and properly arranged time spent together and apart are critical for the formation of a healthy romantic relationship from my perspective. Obviously, the formation of a positive and trusting partnership takes effort and time and it calls for the joint efforts of two partners involved in the relationship. It is hoped that all the couples can find their own feasible way to get along well with their partner so that they can live happily all the time.



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