Virtual capital is Marx put forward, this people understand more of the stock, and why the stock and how to become virtual capital, it is often done in general analysis. To understand deeply the theory of virtual capital in Marx's economics, we must examine its logic of thinking.
From Marx to study why the stock is virtual capital thinking logic, we can find that the reason why stocks become virtual capital, not the stock itself, but rather the stock trading. From the stock cannot be used as the duality of the functional capital and the ownership of the capital, the export of the stock must be traded to reflect it as the existence of the ownership capital, and then from the value of the sale to determine the export of virtual capital. The stock as a virtual capital is embodied in the capitalization of the proceeds, and its capitalization is based on the current interest rate and future earnings. Stock as a virtual capital and treasury bonds as a virtual capital, the former contains the meaning of the expected value, while the latter does not have this meaning, because the proceeds of the bond is established, and is guaranteed.
In addition to Marx's study of treasury bonds and the nature of the virtual capital, Engels also pointed out that commercial bills also have the nature of virtual capital. In the capitalist economy, the sale of goods in commercial credit, the liquidation of its loans can be carried out through commercial bills of exchange, commercial bills of exchange is the enterprise to pay the regular payment of the credentials. If the time of the bill is too long, the entrepreneur who gets the bill can get the bill to the bank to discount the money in order to obtain the monetary capital. In the third volume of Capital, Marx pointed out that "in the East India trade, people are no longer because of the purchase of goods and out of the draft, but in order to be able to open can be discounted, can be replaced by cash bills Buy goods ". Meaning: people are not to pay for the draft, out of the bill is to discount, access to funds.
Engels believes that this is a "way to create virtual capital", this method is based on the existence of a long commodity shipping time, if the goods transport time is shortened, this method of manufacturing virtual capital will lose the foundation. In other words, because the goods transport time is too long, it is difficult for buyers in the short term to receive the goods issued by the seller, the seller is also difficult to receive the buyer in the short term to pay the payment, and thus have a draft and draft The necessity and possibility of bank discounting, and the necessity and possibility of disappearing if the time of carriage of goods is shortened. Engels out of the draft and the bill discount as "manufacturing virtual capital", its meaning has two aspects: a commercial bill instead of monetary capital as a currency to pay; the second is the commercial bill to the bank discount in advance to obtain monetary capital.
The former is the commercial credit to replace the bank credit, the latter, is the bank credit to replace the commercial credit. The former replaced the savings of social money capital, after a replacement, the addition of social money capital, we can see, Engels expounded by commercial bills and commercial bills and discounts made by the virtual capital, there is savings and the new meaning of social capital The Engels from this sense of the virtual capital and Marx study treasury bonds are different from the virtual capital: the reason why the Treasury is a virtual capital because it does not exist as capital itself, but also to design a capital amount to pay interest; also with the Marx to study the stock Is the virtual capital of different, as the reason why the stock is virtual capital, its value has fantastic ingredients; and out of commercial bills and commercial bills discount "manufacturing" virtual capital, its value does not have fantasy ingredients, because in general they Are based on trade.
Marx in the "capital", in the study of virtual capital, the use of different concepts, such as "virtual capital", "fantasy capital", "fantasy virtual capital", "virtual currency capital", "this Kind of 'money capital' is the largest part of the virtual "and so on, it should be said that different concepts have different meanings, to express different meanings.
But in our country, people in the study of the virtual economy, always put different concepts together, confused, such as the virtual capital is equivalent to the securities of the virtual economy is equivalent to virtual capital, network economy, the bubble economy. As the concept is unclear, when discussing the problem, often not on the caliber. If you think carefully:
Securities are the carrier of virtual capital, but can not be said that virtual capital is reflected as securities. From the above Marx and Engels study of virtual capital thinking logic, we can find that they from a variety of angles, in different sense the definition of virtual capital. Generally speaking, Marx's capital from the use of non-capital and interest to pay the capital assumptions that bonds are virtual capital; from the stock market value depends on the equity income capitalization, indicating that the stock is a virtual capital; Engels from commercial credit to replace bank credit, Bank credit and the replacement of commercial credit, pointed out that the issuance of bills of exchange and bills of exchange to create virtual capital; Marx reserves from the bank does not represent the capital, only on behalf of the right to obtain the proceeds, the value is uncertain in the sense that the bankers capital The majority of the composition is virtual capital.
If the above-mentioned virtual capital is owned by valuable securities as a carrier and is therefore related to the securities, the capital of the banker pointed out by Marx does not represent his own capital, and the capital of the depositor and the same capital are different The transfer of hands makes all the capital seems to increase a number of times, and thus the discussion of virtual capital, not purely as a carrier as a carrier, but the ownership of ownership and transfer as a carrier. It can be seen that Marx pointed out that the meaning of virtual capital not only includes the uncertainty of the capital value represented by the securities, but also the uncertainty of ownership ownership. The former takes the securities as the carrier and the latter Right as a carrier.
The virtual economy is not exactly the same as the virtual capital. In this virtual is not false, illusory meaning, but rather the actual fact rather than the name of the state, that is the reality of things with its own past the traditional state of the state of separation. If we separate this state from the philosophical "alienation", then the virtual is a generalization of the state of things alienation, and the virtual economy is a generalization of the alienation of economic things. In the real economic life, there are carriers of foreign economic activities, such as e-commerce. E-commerce online to provide customers with information, so that customers choose to provide goods, door-to-door, the general people called "virtual enterprise", virtual enterprises and physical enterprises have their common, that is, to provide commodity information to meet customer needs, but There is no one for their own, there is no commodity that can be perceived, and there is no place of business that can accommodate the customer, so the carrier is alienated.
Virtual capital such as stock, which can be called carrier alienation of the virtual economy, but also it can be called functional alienation of the virtual economy, the stock is called virtual capital does not exist in it has the function of dividing the residual value, but rather it Can be used as a commodity in the market trading, through the sale to achieve value-added, which means that it can be used as a commodity in the market trading, value-added, given its new features. In addition to functional alienation of the virtual economy, there are forms of alienation of the virtual economy, such as a right derived or transformed into another right, such as bank asset securitization and options. This situation shows that the virtual economy can have a variety of activities or state of existence, if the currency to measure the value of such activities, and in order to obtain value-added, then the value of money will become a virtual capital, it can be said that the virtual capital is People engaged in the real economy outside, with a certain value to obtain value-added activities. This suggests that the virtual economy includes virtual capital, but the virtual economy is not exactly equal to the virtual capital, the two are covered by the content is different.
The virtual economy is different from the network economy. The network is a system where the network economy is an economic activity that provides information through the system. The existence of the network economy creates the conditions for the emergence and development of the virtual economy, but it is not virtual, but real, such as the IT industry, which is an important part of the network economy, from the objective existence of the network. Real economy rather than virtual economy. However, if the network as a condition to build e-commerce activities, the formation of virtual enterprises, the network generated activities and become a virtual economy. The problem lies in what is, or in what sense, it is virtual or non-virtual.
Bubble economy is presented in front of people fleeting an economic phenomenon. This economic phenomenon generally through the rapid rise in market prices and a sharp decline in performance. The reason for this phenomenon is man-made manipulation, people expect mistakes and so on. The existence of this phenomenon is different from the normal fluctuations in the economic cycle. The fluctuation of the bubble economy is abnormal and subject to the subjective factors. The time is short and does not show the stage. Bubble economy in addition to reflected in the fluctuations in market prices, but also reflected in other areas, such as false output value, false GDP and so on. The former can be called the price bubble, which can be called the output bubble or GDP bubble, showing that the bubble economy has a variety of forms. In the virtual economy there may be a bubble economy, but cannot say that there must be a bubble economy. This means that there will be no bubble in the virtual economy. So the virtual economy is not equal to the bubble economy. And the bubble economy is not equal to the price bubble. This means that the bubble economy is not necessarily reflected in the excessive price increases.
Economic bubble refers to the existence of economic growth in the bubble, such as price bubbles, the value of the bubble and so on. There is a certain bubble in economic growth is inevitable, from a sense that is normal. The economic bubble is further developed and may become a bubble economy. It can be said that from the economic bubble to the bubble economy is a process from quantitative to qualitative change. But the bubble economy is not normal, the deformity of the economy.
People in the study of the virtual economy, pay more attention to the securities market, especially the stock market circulation, which is naturally needed. But in the trend of contemporary economic finance, the virtual economy that deserves our concern should be financial derivatives trading, electronic money and internet banking.
Financial derivatives are derived from the first three categories of financial goods. Such as financial asset securities, will be generated in the bank loan asset securitization. Loan asset securitization makes the relationship between debt and debt changes: securitization before the bank and the borrower's debt and debt relationship is two-way, individual. After the securitization, the bank transfers the creditor's rights to the purchaser of the financial asset securities, so that the debt and debt relationship is aggregated and socialized, that is, the creditor is the purchaser of the majority of the financial asset securities, the debtor is not the individual borrower, Set of borrowers. In this way, the value-added capacity of securitized assets does not depend on the economic situation of individual borrowers and depends on the economic situation of society as a whole. In this sense, the relationship between financial asset securities and individual economic processes is not straightforward.
Stock, bond futures, options trading, the object is futures, options contracts, due to buy and sell the contract can be offset, do not have to settle the contract at the time of settlement, delivery of a certain financial assets, so great Most traders do not have to actually have this kind of merchandise when they actually settle, but pay the difference according to their price fluctuations. Its value-added ability depends entirely on the psychological expectations of the parties, it can be said that such transactions are completely independent of the real economic process, which we can refer to this type of transaction activity as Category 5 virtual capital. The virtual capital and thus the virtual economy for the above division, indicating that in the contemporary, a considerable part of virtual economic activities, independent of the real economic process. The factors that affect the virtual economic activity are different from the factors that affect the real economic activity. Virtual economic activity has its own laws.
Virtual economy from the economic subject and beyond the original economic subject, expanding the space of human economic activities, shorten the time of human economic activities, change the value of human economic activities, information, resource allocation and mode of operation, the socio-economic The development will have an important impact.
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