
留学生assignment代写精选范文:“Internet financial supervision”,这篇论文讨论了互联网金融监管。互联网时代的到来,让金融行业的主要发展形式改变了,由传统的金融形式变成了互联网金融。虽然互联网金融极大地让金融行业发展起来,但它也存在一定的风险,所以必须要对互联网金融进行监管。而想要保证互联网金融正常的发展,就需要相关部门制定完善的监管制度,加强对互联网金融的监管。

Internet financial,互联网金融,留学生作业代写,assignment代写,美国作业代写

With the development of Internet technology, Internet financial became the main forms of development of the financial sector, to promote financial sector plays an important role and the development of market economy. But at the same time, Internet financial but also prone to high risk, normal is conducive to the development of financial markets. Asked the Government and the financial institutions to strengthen the financial risks of the Internet attention, take effective measures to strengthen the supervision of Internet banking. This article on the Internet financial characteristics with the financial regulation of the Internet, Internet financial risk strategy are briefly discussed.

Financial coming of age for the Internet financial provides favorable guarantees for the development of market economy in China, but the Internet has also brought financial risks. Therefore, in order to ensure the orderly development of the Internet market we must demand the relevant government departments to pay attention to, and take the appropriate measures and policies, strict regulation of Internet finance.

Internet financial of development main after has three a stage: first, in 20th century late and 21st century early, Internet financial to network insurance, and network Bank, for form began get development, China also in this a period launched has first home online bank-investment bank; second, 2010 before and after, Internet financial get further development, this a period of Internet financial form more rich, Internet financial technology also more development, social network, and Big data and e-commerce, began to various of form penetration to Internet financial markets range within; last, in recent years, with information technology of high-speed development, Internet financial range further expanded, by past of e-commerce, and social network, gradually extended for securities industry, and the big Bank and insurance industry, while Internet financial of mode also more diversification, has all raised mode, and P2P mode and three party paid mode,.

The emergence of Internet financial has important significance in promoting the development of China's financial market, but also prone to serious financial risks, adverse consequences for financial markets and related subjects. Internet financial risks, including operational risks, technical risks, credit risk, liquidity risk, systemic risk as well as legal and market risks. Which, operation risk refers to of is due to personnel of operation errors or due to internal system, and program enough perfect caused of Internet financial risk; credit risk refers to of is borrowing people no according to perform himself of obligations for timely repayment and produced of risk; liquidity risk refers to of is voucher cannot circulation, and cannot timely variable now and produced of financial risk; market risk refers to due to market of changes and led to lending people interests damaged of risk Legal risk refers to the financial institution or the platform because of the wrong interpretation of the tax laws and caused huge financial losses and risks of tax burden.​

Internet financial risks that may arise in the new period are many and varied, and this Internet financial institutions operate and greater attention to the financial risks in the development of, and demand the relevant government departments to strengthen the network regulation of financial markets and take effective regulatory strategies, stable financial market development of Internet order.

To ensure that the system of the development of the Internet in our financial markets, prevent financial risks the Internet must request the departments concerned to develop a comprehensive Internet financial regulatory system in order to strengthen the monitoring of Internet banking. First, the Government should improve the legal construction of Internet financial supervision, and establish and improve relevant laws and regulations. Government according to the actual development of Internet financial current situations and problems in the development of change or an increase in the legal regulations, in order to finance provide the legal basis for the healthy development of the Internet and, secondly, require excellent technical supervision. If the Government can establish a sound system of information disclosure, to request financial information must be disclosed on the Internet, ensuring openness and validity of information so that you can avoid network speculation when the event occurs, thereby avoiding an even greater financial risk on the Internet; and, finally, establish a sound authentication system. Financial risks are the result of the Internet caused by the virtual nature of Internet technology, network world, both sides know enough about each other's, there is no guarantee that the other facts. Therefore, Internet financial lending personnel and institutions must strengthen the focus on borrowers ' identity, ensuring each other's identity information is real and effective, so as to avoid financial risks of the Internet, ensure the legitimate interests of both sides.

Current Internet subjects of financial supervision in China is still not precise enough, for preventing Internet financial risks, and strengthening financial regulation of the Internet, and therefore requires the State to strengthen financial regulation in the Internet attention, re-establishment of the financial regulation of the Internet. For example, the Government can set up the Internet's financial regulators, decentralized Internet tasks of financial supervision, improve financial supervision efficiency and quality on the Internet.

To strengthen financial regulation also needs the Internet sector in the past to regulate on the basis of the regulatory approach and model innovation, effectively protect the financial effect of the Internet. Internet generally consist of three forms of financial regulation, namely market access regulation, market supervision and operation supervision, strict monitoring of every aspect of management and control is an important prerequisite for prevention of financial risks on the Internet. In addition, in the course of Internet financial, the Government also needs to finance some development space of the Internet, in ensuring the Internet finance on the basis of the development of financial risk prevention and respond in a timely manner, this is our Government's current need to key issues.

In summary, Internet financial risks, including operational risks, such as credit risk, market risk, and legal risk. Although Internet financial appear to bring some development space to our financial economy, but its risks are to be reckoned with, therefore requested the departments concerned to ensure that the Internet and financial development on the basis of strengthened regulation of the financial risk, clear regulatory agents, regulatory methods, enhancing the effectiveness of supervision.


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