下面为大家整理的一篇优秀assignment代写范文- An analysis of the increase of population,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了人口与车辆增长的分析。随着全球人口和经济的增长,车辆也经历了疯狂的增长。人们收入增长的同时,由于技术的进步,也进一步降低了汽车生产的成本,所以人们足以负担得起对汽车的消费。只要人类社会不断发展,人口与车辆就会不断地增长。

increase of population,车辆增长,assignment代写,assignment代写范文,美国作业代写

An analysis of the increase of population and vehicles from 1930 to 1960

The 60 years between 1930 and 1990 had seen dramatic augmentation both in population and car ownership. Global population had undergone a 165% increase from 2 billion to 5.3 billion. Car ownership experienced an even wilder surge--the 580 million figure is 14.5 times of its 1930’s size.

These are all natural consequences of socioeconomic development in the last century. The employment of fertilizer enables our planet to raise more offspring, and the improvement in medical conditions advances our survival rate and prolong our life-span. Therefore the human community had a unprecedented expansion. As for car ownership, economic development holds the most credits since it makes more and more people rich enough to afford a car. Meanwhile the advancement of technology lower the cost of car production and consequently, its price. So it’s safe to say it is the combination of the two that boosted the vehicle market.

Modern technology development takes our planet’s raising ability to a whole new level. The employment of fertilizer completely revolutionizes the whole agriculture industry. In the past, farmers heavily relied on the fertility of the farmland to decide what and how much to grow. Thus, population thrive in areas where the land is fertile and wither in barren regions. Now human beings have become the masters of nature. With fertilizer we can reclaim wild lands and grow whatever we want on them. We can increase our production to unprecedented heights and we even made soilless culture a reality, which would have definitely challenged our ancestor’s wildest imagination. Fertilizer frees us from the struggle against the nature for enough food, so that people can engage in other creative and productive works and earn more money. With higher income, raising more children become not a suffocating burden as it once was. Thereafter, population in both urban and rural areas get on a high-speed lane.


The improvement of medical conditions hugely enhances our life quality and renders pestilence-the once haunting devil in human history-not scary any more. History will never forget from 1347 to 1351, The Black Death, a massive and deadly pandemic, wiped out at least 1/4 of the world’s population, reducing it to between 350 and 375 million from 450 million. Nowadays plague is basically eradicated, people are no longer taken by the throat by death. Moreover, we enjoy better health care than before, indispositions are given early treatment before they have the chance to aggravate. Healthier life styles are advocated, including enough exercise and balanced diets. Life expectancy worldwide has reached 71 according to the latest estimate by WHO.

When it comes to car ownership, economic growth made the main contribution. During 1930 to 1960, billions of global citizens enjoy the dividends of their countries’ development, especially in the western countries and emerging economies in east Asia like Korea and Taiwan. People get more and more discretionary income after paying for basic food and shelter. So they turn to purchasing cars-a machine that will bring them convenience and enjoyment.

The skyrocketing car numbers also owe much credit to the development of technology. When Carl Benz built his first Motorwagen in 1885, it was a luxury reserved for the rich and privileged. Even in 1899, 14 years after the Motorwagen was invented, only 572 units of them were built. It was until 1908 when Henry Ford designed the his Model-T that the car became available for mass production and accessible to the masses. Since then, car manufacturing technologies has never stopped developing, resulting in so many distinguished car brands nowadays for customs to choose from.

The history of the increase of population and cars is a history of how we human being develop our society. As long as our human community continues to thrive, we can expect to see more population and cars in the foreseeable future.


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