本篇paper代写- Artistic accomplishment讨论了艺术修养。艺术修养是生命存在的独特状态,是精神世界不可或缺的重要组成部分。对于艺术家,它体现为丰富的艺术想象力、扎实的艺术鉴赏力、超强的艺术洞察力和精湛的艺术创作水平。提高艺术修养不能一蹴而就,唯有通过艺术欣赏、创作、批评和学习等方法潜移默化,才能慢慢熏陶、悉心感知。本篇paper代写51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Artistic accomplishment,艺术修养,paper代写,代写,essay代写

Artistic accomplishment represents individual temperament, thinking depth and personality quality, embodies the artist's rich imagination, solid taste, super insight and exquisite creative level. To improve the artistic accomplishment can not be achieved overnight, only through art appreciation, creation, criticism and learning methods imperceptibly, can be slowly nurtured, attentive perception.

Artistic accomplishment is a unique state of life and an indispensable part of the spiritual world. For ordinary people, it represents the individual temperament sentiment, thinking depth and personality quality, can make you appear more plump real, flesh and blood, full of charm. But for the artist, it also embodies the rich artistic imagination, the solid artistic appreciation, the ultra strong artistic insight and the exquisite artistic creation level. Historical changes, but love life and the "true, good, beautiful" the pursuit of the same, artistic self-cultivation is not the life of unnecessary paint or embellishment, can not be indifferent to the view, can not be accomplished overnight. It is based on appreciation and perception, experience and creation, understanding and judgment, and requires a long time training exercise and careful perception.

"Self-cultivation" is called "self-cultivation" in ancient China, which is mainly embodied in the moral level. In the "university" has "since the son of the emperor so commoners, all to self-cultivation as the" "nonconforming, to know, sincerity, positive heart, self-cultivation, Qi Jia, governing the country, the world" and so on. With the development of the Times, the content and scope of the word "self-cultivation" have been enriched and enlarged, covering the abilities and qualities of grooming, manners, behavior, knowledge, skill, thought, spirit and culture. Especially in the material filling, life rich modern, more and more people will look into the rich and colorful spiritual life level, through learning, exercise, mold and other practical activities, so that they can enrich, improve and improve.

Artistic accomplishment, also known as artistic accomplishment, usually refers to the ability of a person to perceive, experience, understand, imagine, evaluate, and create art and beauty. She also refers to the artist in their respective fields of the level of display and the degree of perfection, is the art form and artistic connotation of understanding and feelings, is through their own efforts can reach the level and realm. Artistic accomplishment has great influence on the cultivation of sound personality, and she often reveals it by means of some artistic spirit, artistic ideal and artistic attitude.

Appreciation of art is a kind of aesthetic activity, which is a kind of more outstanding emotion and understanding logic, which is to arouse the psychological functions of perception, imagination, emotion, understanding and so on, and to see and experience the spiritual activities of art works under the control of aesthetic demand and aesthetic consciousness. through to each piece of art contains the rich image and the external esthetic feeling carries on the experience and the understanding, in enjoys the art the process, obtains the beauty the edification and the emotion satisfies. At the same time, with the increasing number of appreciation, enhance the artistic aesthetic ability, perception and understanding ability, thus gradually improve the level of artistic accomplishment.

To appreciate the excellent works of art, you can realize the beauty of art in the works and the aesthetic appeal of the creator. The aesthetic interest lies in the style of art appreciation, which needs more attention to the quality of works, because the art of elegance has higher aesthetic value, and vulgar works will give people bad influence. Goethe pointed out: "Appreciation is not by appreciating the medium works, but by appreciating the best works to be cultivated." "And the more outstanding works, the more vivid its artistic description, the more distinctive artistic image, the more people can arouse the interest of appreciation." Schumann once said: "The music of the United States is the world's praise and disgrace is not related to the noble heart of the hair dew." True music must always be a manifestation of lofty heart. "For example: Beethoven's Symphony, Rodin's" thinker "and so are worthy of our slow appreciation, careful taste, serious study, so as to purify our hearts, cultivate our pursuit of lofty artistic ideals.

The artistic creation is the material as the medium, will construct the soul the artistic conception of the physical state, finally forms the real existence art work the entire process, is also the artistic activity most basic form. Artistic creation is helpful to master the law of art, to cultivate perceptual ability and aesthetic ability, to develop imaginative ability, to strengthen art knowledge and skills, and to improve the level of artistic accomplishment. The artistic creation can be divided into three stages, which are the preparatory stage, the conception stage and the conveying stage.

Preparation is the stage of deep life, accumulating material and stimulating creative inspiration. Art from life, according to the needs of creation, through observation, experience, enjoy life, in order to obtain from the life of the beauty of the artistic feelings and creative material.

Conception is the stage of constructing artistic image. After all, art is higher than life, the creator of the material processing and refining, the idea of finishing, can be sublimated to art. At this time the imagination is the most basic and main, is the art of survival and development of the fundamental. There is no artistic activity without imagination, and there is no way to improve artistic accomplishment.

Communication is the stage of the physical state of artistic imagery. The communication of each artistic form is inseparable from the knowledge and skills of art. They are the components of artistic accomplishment, through the training of the use of knowledge and skills, through continuous creative experience, more in-depth understanding of art knowledge, improve art skills, can create better works.

The art criticism is to make an in-depth analysis of artistic works, to constantly feel, understand and interpret art, and to judge the form, implication and aesthetic of the works by reasonable, fair and accurate judgment on the basis of some artistic value standards.

In the process of criticizing the arts, not only in the enjoyment of artistic beauty, but in a relatively high angle, through the continuous feeling, thinking and understanding of art, to discover and comprehend the connotation of the art hidden in the arts and the value of art, so that the artistic sense of ability, rational thinking of the quality of the promotion, So that the level of appreciation and artistic accomplishment has a greater leap.

The keen ability of artistic feeling plays a very important role in art criticism. Bellinsky had said: "The keen poetic feeling, the strong sensibility to the impression of American literature-this should be the first condition of criticism, through which we can distinguish false inspiration and real inspiration, carve up and reveal the true emotion, the form of formality and the strong work full of aesthetic life, Only in such conditions, strong intelligence, profound knowledge, a high degree of upbringing is meaningful and important. In addition, we also need strong rational thinking ability, can use a series of comparison, identification, thinking and questioned methods to make a correct judgement and evaluation of art. The stronger the feeling, the more sincere the emotional experience, the more creative the imagination, the more powerful the ability to think, the more rational the judgment.

Knowledge is the summation of people's cognition and experience in the process of transforming the world, and the improvement of artistic accomplishment is inseparable from the study and accumulation of relevant knowledge. In learning to promote the realm of art, is the so-called "art through the road."

The first is the knowledge of life, because the source of art is life. From the appreciation of the subject, to understand the background of the work, familiar with the author's life experience, can be integrated with the work, heart to heart, the emergence of "with the end of the world" feeling, access to a rich, authentic artistic experience. From the creation point of view, life is the beginning of art, but also the basis and premise of art, from life is the most fundamental law of art. As Gorky said: "The theme is generated from the author's experience, by life implied to him a thought." ”

The second is cultural knowledge. A classic "dream of Red Mansions", involving poetry, arts and crafts, architectural gardening, agricultural medicine and even cooking skills, the scope of the widely called Encyclopedia. Art is the subsystem of culture, singing and dancing, arts is culture, Astronomy geography, Mathematics history is also culture, art and other learning are interlinked and mutually influenced.

Art is a paradise that human beings open up to vent their hearts and get rid of their physical bondage. Marx pointed out: "If you are willing to appreciate art, you must be a person of artistic accomplishment." "Dialectically, in the appreciation, creation, criticism, learning and so on to improve the art of self-cultivation, but also promote the level of related ability to improve, the two complement each other to promote." Life and beauty, but the United States is also multi-level, endless, artistic accomplishment can shape our aesthetic ability, cultivate taste and style, improve wisdom and virtue, get resonance, win trust, more help us to touch the noble and light, appreciate the essence of the beauty of art.


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