下面为大家整理的一篇优秀assignment范文- Youdao Mobile Phone Dictionary,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了有道手机词典。“我”已经使用有道手机词典很长时间了,它在“我”遇到生词的时候帮了很大的忙。客观来说,有道手机词典既有优点又有缺点。优点是它涵盖了广泛的词语,包括那些最近形成的词。而缺点,就是必须要连接网络才能使用,遇到网络信号不好的时候可能就无法使用了。
I have used a mobile phone dictionary called Youdao for quite a long time. It has helped me a lot when I try to find the meanings of new words that I come across while reading. To be objective, I would say that it has both advantages and shortcomings.
One of the advantage of Youdao is that it covers a broad range of words including those formed rather recently. Before using Youdao, I had another mobile dictionary that has a much smaller number of words included. This brought me many troubles and inconvenience.
Luckily, I have discovered this dictionary. What’s more, I can find definitions of the words from different dictionaries through Youdao with network connections. Sometimes I would like to read some English-to-English explanations of the words I am looking up. It is really helpful.
However, it also has negative features, one of which is that network connection is a bit too important in using it. For example, if I want to look up a word rather new, it is much likely that I fail to find its meaning if the network is blocked or the network signal is weak. It is quite possible that network is not accessible from time to time, which will give rise to inconvenience.
Another shortcoming I notice is that Youdao fails to provide a complete set of explanations of words, that is to say, it is not quite professional. If I want to know the general usage of a word, I may have to turn to another dictionary.
All in all, I think Youdao is a convenient mobile dictionary especially when we have access to networks because it includes a great number of words, though it fails to provide complete explanations of words.
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