
英国essay论文精选范文:“Forgetfulness is good for health”,这篇论文讨论了遗忘对健康的影响。人人都希望自己有个良好的记忆,能把少而壮、壮而老所经历的一切事情全部记住、存储,而没有谁愿意遗忘,因为遗忘使人对已获得的见闻、学习过的知识和实践经验都回忆不起来。乍看起来,遗忘是有害无益的事,殊不知细加分析,遗忘不但有利于正常记忆,而且在保持身心健康方面也有极其重要的作用。

遗忘有利于健康,Forget and health,留学Essay代写,英国论文代写网,英国论文代写

Forgetting can reduce the burden on the brain, reducing brain cell depletion rate. Human brain cells under normal circumstances, about 100 000 or so a day about death. However, if subject to strong external stimuli, the brain's daily death of nerve cells than the normal circumstances to increase several times.

If this situation continues, the brain will be difficult to bear. In our lives, we encounter this situation, due to certain things or accidents caused by the patient, people often work to transfer the line of sight, distraction, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the suffering of patients to early recovery of health . This is consciously or unconsciously using the function of forgetting, for the health of the brain services.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a middle-aged man named Hua Zi suffering from amnesia, toward the take and Xi forget, evening to take and forget; in the way forget, in the room is forgot to sit; Ask God to ask Bu, are not good, and later was the Confucian scholars to cure Lu. He is not only not grateful, but rage, even "Cao Ge by Confucian scholars." I am afraid of the future of death, I am afraid of the future, I am afraid of the death of the past few decades, It is an allegory, but that the forgotten will make the brain to rest, to prevent nerve cells (nerve cells), to prevent the loss of nerve cells, Of the wear and tear, for the sick person has an extremely important protective effect.

People in the work, life, learning, every day to contact a variety of complex things, learning a lot of new knowledge, leaving the impression that the joy of anger sad panic fear of "seven emotions" ready. In these many impressions, some are pleasant memories, some are useless trivial information and annoying annoyance and useless impression, both affect the human brain to consolidate the necessary information, but also tied the active thinking, affecting the Learning efficiency, more importantly, damage to people's physical and mental health.

Einstein said: "I often make my mind easy, all the energy to focus on the problem I want to study." He also said: "in the reading of books to find themselves can lead to the depths of things , To throw away everything else, that is, to throw away all the heavy burden of the mind. "Can be seen," forgotten "is a very positive role in the physiological process, especially for those who make people difficult to flatten the troubles, It gradually fade away, often to maintain their calm state of mind, which is conducive to physical and mental health and promote work and learning efficiency.



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