下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Who Was More Responsible for the Origins of the Cold War,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了是谁了导致冷战的爆发。回顾冷战起源,美苏国家利益根本相背、意识形态对立是冷战形成的必然因素。英国作用、原子弹作用、个人因素则加速了冷战爆发。冷战的起因不能简单归结为某一两个因素,而是多种因素的产物。
The period of the Cold War has passed a few decades. Looking back on the history, I think Soviet Union was more responsible for the origins of the Cold War. The reasons why I think this party was more to blame are as follow. The devastating losses, Stalin’s leadership style and sudden arms race of Soviet Union sew dragon’s teeth and led to the Cold War.
To begin with, the Soviet Union experienced mass losses during the World War Ⅱ. There existed 20 to 24 million casualties (Class, 1/11/16). About 70000 Soviet villages had been destroyed (Class, 1/11/16). After the war, 25 million people were becoming homeless, among which 4.7 millions homes were destroyed (Class, 1/11/16). In respect of property, $128 billion had been damaged (Class, 1/11/16). Compared with the sacrifices of Soviet, the United States had lost a little. There were only 405000 casualties and there was none village destroyed (Class, 1/11/16). And only 110000 Japanese Americans lost their homes (Class, 1/11/16). What’s more, during the war, there was a delay to the Western Allies in fighting, which made the Soviet Union feel suspicious. Though the Soviet Union won the victory in the end of the World War Ⅱ, it cost a heavy price. So in order to strenthen its own power and prevent the enemy, the Soviet Union chose to begin the Cold War.
Secondly, Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union held the view that he preferred to expand Soviet influence to the whole Earth. He planned that Germany should have compensated for the losses of his union and even paid for the Soviet reconstuction in economy (Roark, 692). Actually, the leader of the United States at that time was President Harry S. Truman, who had the ambition to make American system to become the world system. So as a leader of the Soviet Union, Stalin was very insecure of his nation and at the same time he was farsighted and prudent. He claimed that the agreements signed during the wartime guaranteed him to have the freedom to intervene countries defeated of liberated by the Red Army (Roark, 693). Because at the same period, America could guide the governments of Italy and Japan. Stalin violated the Yalta agreement , and wanted to dominate the Eastern Europe. Like other politicians, in essence, Stalin is a pragmatic person. Perhaps he embraced the idea of the Marx doctrine and the world revolution when he was young, but when he really mastered the regime, he became more and more a typical nationalist. Stalin has ambitious plans for aggression, the pursuit of control and expand its sphere of influence. Stalin is a typical Marx thinkers, "he never gave up the world revolution", therefore, as long as Stalin ruled the Soviet Union, "the cold war is inevitable".
Last but not least, since the World War Ⅱ was over, Soviet Union suddenly had begun to invest a large amount of money, goods and materials to the national defense and military. Marshall said that America could rest for a long time after the war, during which was without the next major conflict ( Johnson, 209). During the wartime, the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Unoin established the wartime alliance. However, after 1945 when Japan surrendered at the end, the wartime alliance had broken down (Roark, 692). In 1945, even early as end of 1942, the United States had already met production of Germany and Japan combined (Class, 1/11/16). When war was over, the United Stated had become the greatest manufacturer of armaments in the world (Class, 1/11/16). It should be said that the arms race from World War II before the end of the United States has already started, with atomic bomb, Stalin under the command of the dead, the development of the atomic bomb, out at all costs. Since then, the Soviet Union and the United States is now embarked on the road of militarism,, is all for military industry vigorously, artificial way, rocket satellites, nuclear weapons, aircraft, missiles, aircraft, spacecraft, space station and so on, which is closely related with the life of ordinary people of light industry, agriculture and service industry etc. side gave way, and gradually decline, military spending increased year by year, the highest reached 1/3 of the total national economy is strong, leading to the living standards of ordinary people perennial stagnation and even retrogression, the rising discontent of the masses. In addition to national contradiction, serious corruption, bureaucratic and political reform failure and so on various reasons intertwined with the powerful Soviet empire collapsed.
All in all, the influences of the Cold War should be divided into two parts. On the one hand, it has an active effect on the aspects of the world. First, the two unions are representing East world and West world respectively. Due to the Cold War, it can keep harmonous in the world for a quite long time. This event has hindered the overall development of the world, but also causing the divisions of German, Korea and other divisions in the Europe. Sometimes it led to a local war, though limited in a small part of area. Secondly, the system of the United States is capitalist system while the system of the Soviet Union was socialist system. And during the Cold War, the two systems both showed the specificality including advantaged and disadvantages. So other countries can learn from the development of these two unions and then chooose the systems which are suitable to them best. It’s the reference value of the Cold War. Thirdly, different countries have different social systems. These systems in the long-term coexistence of different levels from each other to learn from the experience. A lot of countries can learn the lessons from the development of the Unoted States and the Soviet Union. And for internal adjustment and reform, these countries can learn a lot. In the end. It can promote the overall development of the world. Fourthly, the face of the bipolar pattern of confrontation accelarated the composing of developing countries in Asia. The countries of the third world are rising gradually. And they tend to join the non-aligned movement.
On the other hand, there are some negative effects on the world. To begin with, these two big united nations have fought against the world peace for a long period of time, causing tension in the international situation. Secondly, the Western Europe leeched on to America and the Soviet Union mastered the Eastern Europe, which invisibly made the world be dependent on the United States and the Soviet Union . Thirdly, under the threat of nuclear war which may destroy the whole nation by using powerful weapons, people all over the world feel a little bit nervous without knowing if one day an atom will fall down.
1. Roark, James L., et al.The Amrican Promise, Vol. 2: from 1865. ( 6th edition, value edition). Boston and New York: Bedford/st. Martin’s Press, 2015. ISBN-10: 1-4576-8794-1
2. Johnson, Michael P., ed. Reading the American Past, Vol. 2: from 1865. (5th edition, Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 2012. ISBN-10: 0-312-56377-9
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