下面为大家整理一篇优秀的英国essay代写范文- Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了网购的利与弊。近几年来,网购的发展速度非常快,时至今日,网购已经成为了人们生活的一部分。其实网购也是有利有弊的,网购给人们最大的好处就是便利,省时省力。但一旦遇到比较大型的购物节的话,网购的网站可能会服务器奔溃。还有,网购也会在一定程度上泄露我们的隐私。
The survey conducted by Deloitte, which is on the topic of holiday consuming, shows us what the situation of people’s shopping in holiday is. As American have a positive attitude towards their domestic economy, however, people spend less than past few years on holiday. From the result, we can find that people prefer to have a non-gift holiday. For those who are going to buy something on holiday, online shopping becomes a better choice rather than going to physical store, since it brings convenience that we don’t have to get out to the store to choose the gift that you want. But for a part of them, they don’t plan to give up the habits of going to the outlets, and they would rather combine two kinds of stores to select their gifts. In addition, people are inclined to try some new stores like online store and local store. As the population of online shopping, policies that encourage logistics to develop continue to rise. Meanwhile, people are changing their tools to manage their shopping. More and more people choose to use mobile phone to pay for what they want instead of sitting in front of their tablet or laptop. People use their phone to check the price, look for detailed information and read other customers’ reviews. People mainly choose clothing and gift-card as their holiday gift. Even though people probably worry about their information security, they seem to forgive the data was taken advantage by the retailer or others.
Stand as a consumer, I can learn lots of thing from the survey. Firstly we can get the knowledge of what people choose when they consider buying something and the reason why they do it. People are less willing to buy gift on holiday, and they tend to buy something on the Internet. We can further predict that physical store is getting deserted, since people take them too crowded. On the other hand, the shipping is getting faster, making it more convenient and rapidly for products to be sent to customers’ houses. But in my opinion, it is not that there is a jam only in physical store. We may be stuck on the Internet also. Obviously we can discover this situation on the on-sale days like black Friday. We will be stuck when we are browsing their website, and we will fail in paying money online. On the other hand, it will be slower than other days because there are too much goods for logistics companies to send.
Another thing that we can learn is that people seem not to be aware to the danger of giving out their private data. We know that there will be records when we are looking for what we want. These records will be collected by the online retailers and they will give you many advertisements when we are surfing the Internet. On the other hand, the information that we print before we place our order will have the possibility to be sold to others, which will lead to being attacked by junk short messages or junk emails. Therefore we should raise our awareness of protecting our private information.