下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The impact of technology on mankind,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了科技对人类的影响。如今,现代科技极大地方便了我们的生活,影响和改变着我们的生活和思维方式。人类作为追求新事物和尝试新生活的主体,与生俱来的求知欲和好奇心使得人们对生活中的科技发展愈加关注。科技也在不断影响着人们的未来发展状态。然而,当科技的发展超出人类智慧的驾驭范围和使用能力范围之外,可能会对人类产生巨大的影响,甚至会危害到人类的生存。
Nowadays, modern technology has greatly facilitated our life, influencing and changing our way of life and thinking. As the subject of pursuing new things and trying new life, human beings are naturally curious and curious, which makes people pay more attention to the development of science and technology in life. Technology is also influencing people's future development.
For thousands of years, especially for the last few hundred years, philosophers and scientists have been pursuing a certain knowledge, attempting to replace falsehood with truth and opinion with knowledge. This often results from two aspects: on the one hand, it leads to a shift in the focus of philosophy and scientific research, which inevitably leads to a shift in the focus of people's attention. On the other hand, it will lead to the change and innovation of research methods in cognition and practice. The result is a deepening of human understanding that leads to technological progress.
After the Renaissance and enlightenment, the rational thinking of modern science has been established. The vigorous development of modern science shows that some early philosophers and scientists are constantly challenged in the process of acquiring certain knowledge. In view of the rapid development of science and technology and the diversified development of culture, this paper attempts to analyze the dynamic development of human beings in the future and explore the interaction between science, society and human beings in the future.
About "human extinction", "the end of the world" to talk about has always been a hot topic, and widely circulated from 2012 mayan doomsday prediction, disaster films to emerge in endlessly, this topic has become a growing focus on content, also reflected people deep anxiety and panic. Recently, Oxford University institute for human future a team composed of mathematician and philosopher and scientist, said a growing body of evidence suggests that human dependence on high-tech to bring their own disaster, which is the fastest in the next century. Human future research institute at Oxford University, Nick bostrom said in an interview with the network "of human science and technology and human use the wisdom of these capabilities is a big game, I worry that the former may well ahead of the latter." Bostrom, according to the practical experience and scientific research shows that in a century of the future, an asteroid striking the earth, such as volcanic eruptions, nuclear disaster is not enough to threaten the survival of mankind, the biggest threat to the human from scientific and technological innovation "uncertainties". He explained that human knowledge of the latest technology is not perfect, and that it is the "unknown factors" that humans do not have that are most likely to lead to human extinction.
New technologies, such as synthetic biology, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, in modern science and technology, are likely to one day become enemies of human beings and bring destruction to people. Most scholars believe that reliance on high technology is highly likely to bring about extinction for human beings. The reasons are as follows:
On the one hand, the use of science and technology human wisdom always unable to keep up with the rapid development of science and technology ability, human after discovering and established the system of Newton's classical mechanics had a period of reasonable utilization, but after entering fields such as quantum mechanics, the human is unable to carry on the reasonable use. As things stand, the practical applications of cutting-edge technologies such as synthetic biology, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence are just the tip of the iceberg of their true capabilities. In synthetic biology, for example, synthetic biology, initially by Hobom b. in 1980 put forward the expression of gene recombination technology, with the development of molecular systems biology, 2000 e. Kool, again at the annual meeting of the American chemical 2003 international defined as systems biology based on genetic engineering and artificial biological systems engineering method, from the gene, artificial molecular bases of DNA synthetic biology research, gene regulatory network and signal transduction pathway to artificial design and synthesis of the cells, similar to modern integrated construction engineering, Engineering principle and method was applied to biological technology such as genetic engineering and cell engineering, synthetic biology, computational biology and chemical biology biotechnology methods together constitute a system. However, many people only see the benefits of this practice but have not found behind the hidden trouble, or even see behind the hidden danger, such as ethical controversy, but still move on in the name of science.
On the other hand, the scientific and technological level of human beings is constantly developing. However, the development of scientific and technological level does not take into account the abilities and wisdom of the users. Science and technology will continue to develop beyond the control and use of human intelligence. In the end, human beings cannot control science and technology and cannot cope with the problems brought by science and technology. There is a kind of situation is beyond human wisdom, wisdom of science and technology after synthetic biology combined with artificial intelligence, based on the powerful computation ability and there is no limit to the ethics of execution, the human is very difficult to compete with artificial intelligence, especially in human excessively relies on high-tech products, after entering the digital life, this gradually increased, it is hard to imagine that one day the world network collapse at the same time, the electronic product had broken down exactly what disaster, in the long-term dependence on electronic products and lost the ability of some basic life today, this problem has not been received enough attention.
Although this view is hard to disagree with, there are always some reasons for it. For example, some scholars believe that human can always manage science and technology, people will notice and effective measures to avoid these problems, artificial intelligence is not better than, the brain function, and so on. Other academics counter this view by arguing that the people in charge of technology development do not care whether users can manage it. As people who develop technology, it is difficult to limit their behavior except for having a basic moral ethic that limits their ability to use technology to create disasters. The case of poisoned roommates in a university dormitory in Shanghai is a good example of this problem. Some scholars even more doubt some scientific workers can be foreseen that science and technology can bring disaster to human beings, as well as the extreme doubt after the discovery of these hazards can terminate a science and technology research. For them, the development of technology means the achievement of their life. Imagine life would be better without an atomic bomb. Is the atom bomb necessary to us?
Compared with the daunting high-tech, maybe the natural landscape and vegetation will be more relaxing and pleasant, and the birds and flowers and fresh water will make people feel closer. For they are the companions of man, the eternal home of man.
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