下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Discussion of Privacy in the Digital Era,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了数字时代的隐私权。在数字时代,新技术的到来似乎给人类带来了许多便利,但它对隐私权的负面影响已经成为许多人关注的问题。现在,消费者对自己的隐私有了更多的认识。隐私可以影响品牌和财务的价值。而公司不仅是科技公司,而且行业中的各行各业都在竞争,如医疗保健,更注重和保护消费者的隐私,可以获得更多的优势。
The arrival of the new technology in the digital era seems to bring a lot of convenience for the human beings, but the negative impact of it on privacy has become a concern of many people. In this article, it is to probe into how the definition and view of privacy has been changed by new technology based on a discussion of three articles on privacy in the digital era.
In the article entitled Privacy Is a Business Opportunity by David Hoffman, it talks about the added value of privacy, importance of privacy protection, and challenge and also opportunities brought by the digital economy. Now, Consumers have more awareness of their privacy. And privacy can influence brand’s esteem and finical value. And companies not only technology companies, but also industry of all sectors in competition, such as healthcare, which pay more attention to and protect consumer’s privacy can gain more advantage. If not, their brands image and value will be diminished. For example, the harm is done to the brand image of OfficeMax when it is exposed to buy privacy of customers. In addition, new products and services related to privacy also appear to meet the needs and desire of privacy protection of customers. In the ending of the article, it is concluded that companies or individuals make profits by trading privacy will not last for a long time and only those companies which protect and respect customers’ privacy can earn consumers’s trust and prosper in the long run.
In the article entitled People's Deepest, Darkest Google Searches Are Being Used Against Them written by Adrienne Lafrance, it discussed search entries of internet users also leak personal privacy and are used to target consumers. As a result of frequent searching online, data will be collected and formed a portrait of socioeconomical status of one person. This data is bought by data brokers and sold to advertisers or even fraudsters. Although companies like Google issues some ads policies to prevent this and organizations like federal agencies and consumer advocates give stricter scrutiny, it is not very effective in practice as online marketing, advertising, and lead-generation system can always skirt those policies. In fact, online marketing, advertising, lead-generation system, and even companies themselves all contributed to the dangerous sharing and leak of individual data, either free or charged. In addition, digital information and advertising are organized and classified according to socioeconomic status of people, even if some rich people buy service of adlessness. Those combined put consumers at a very dangerous position.
In the article entitled Would You Let Companies Monitor You for Money by Keven Waddell, it discusses the economical benefits of sharing data and people’s attitude towards it, and more choices of personal data sharing in the future. It starts by presenting the newest result of survey on respondents’ attitude towards data: although people worried about the possible data stealing by hackers or criminals, they are willing to trade their data for money. And this idea is extremely popular among young people. But it also depends on what kinds of data are to share. It shows that people’s attitude and relationship with data is evolving. In fact, that is what technology users are doing:they are now trading free service and convenience of technology use with their personal data. And to defend privacy, one has to give up some financial rewards. So it is expected that different model of privacy protection is to be used: higher price of use of technology will have higher level of privacy protection. This is already put into practice in the internet service provided by AT&T in Kansas City. And different layers of pricing will affect how poor people use technologies. It will become harder for them to protect their privacy further.
Analytical Section
Currently, the concept of privacy is more complex and more important in the era of digital economy when it is of economical values and is shared in a larger scale and rapider manner, which leads to increasing awareness of privacy safety of companies and business.
Nowadays, the concept of privacy changes with the development of information technology: privacy acquires economical values and is more difficult to define. It is found that rewarding users with financial incentives can encourage them to share information. During the use of technology, data is used to trade free service, which makes it acquire the economical value (Waddell 3). Even if people realize the importance of data and they want to protect their privacy, they have to pay more money (Waddell 5). Likewise, if the user wants to obtain personalized service, they may provide more personal information. Just as Keven Waddell wrote, the judgment of privacy varies with people and everyone may have different idea on what can be shared (Waddell 4). Thus, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of different people and background when view the term concept related to the technology use. Therefore, the disclosure of personal privacy is not only the responsibility of enterprises but also is a result of personal choice of technology users. Therefore, privacy protection is more challenging as sensitive data is difficult to define, and personal privacy violations are difficult to identify.
Also, the wide use of new technology has made the sharing of personal privacy happen in a larger scale and rapider manner than the past. The Internet has become a part of our lives and in such environment; individual’s privacy is easier to leak. The daily activities of technology users are also being monitored, such as smart phones to use to monitor the location; major shopping websites are monitoring their users’shopping habits; the search engines like Bing, Google and other are monitoring records of their users’ inquiries. Consumers are targeted on a personal level by the combined conspiracy of companies and individuals (Lafrance 6). Those companies get a lot of personal data, and they will use these data to tap the great economical value of those collected data, to promote the development of enterprises or to trade it with others to obtain more economic benefits. And more importantly, the technology is capable to get a portrait of the social picture of its users. According to Lafrance (3), if one individual use internet frequently and increasingly, it means that he or she is going to be classified into categories based on a socioeconomic portrait of him or her and such categories are built over time by advertisers and search engines. The search on the Internet, especially social networks has generated a series of collected data. The characteristics of this sort of data are to be accumulated over time and relevant with each. Information from a single location may not expose users' privacy, but privacy can be valuable if a person's many activities are clustered from separate locations. The information about technology users has been enough to tell something about his personal socioeconomic situation. This feature of data is often what the individual cannot predict and control.
Companies and business of all industries are increasingly aware of the importance of protecting personal privacy data, but the real action of protecting it is in doubt. In the information era, data is not only an asset to individuals, but also economical value to companies. With the rising of consumer’s awareness of privacy issue in the use of technology, the ability and determination of a company to protect their privacy and data will be directly related to their brand value and trust of people towards enterprises(Hoffman pp.2-3). Companies like Google have issued some ads policies to prevent the violation of privacy, it is not very effective in practice as online marketing, advertising, and lead-generation system can always skirt those policies (Lafrance 3). However, how to manage the data, that is, to ensure the effectiveness of data use in practice while protecting personal privacy, is one of the great challenges facing companies in the era of digital information.
Synthesis Section
In these three articles, privacy is defined in a slight different manner with a different focus. Adrienne Lafrance(2015) defines privacy by pointing out an important feature of it: it could be several layers as the selling and buying of it involves search engines, lead aggregators, and the businesses (4). Hoffman (2014) defines it as a possible business opportunity or threat from the relationship between privacy (1). Waddell (2016) defines it from the individual perspective of privacy owners as an economical property and a subjective and vague term (4). And they both agree that the wide use of new technology is a context of larger and rapider personal privacy sharing and change of the nature of privacy. They think that online personal data are much easier to be obtained freely and last longer, which makes it easier to be shared by companies. Then third-party data broker buy and sell it. There is a lot of data breaching and it is needed to be protected. Also, Waddell (2016) points out how data is used in the further: they are bought from consumers as tradable commodity.
When they define privacy, the benefits and drawback of it are also discussed. Hoffman (2014) believes the neutral feature of privacy: it can either bring opportunity to business or challenge, and this depends on how privacy is treated in a business. But Lafrance(2015) think that drawback of privacy is that it is used against and to target the consumers. Waddell (2016) seems to be present a facts about privacy and its economical values and hints the negative impact of paying for privacy on the poor person.
Works Cited
David Hoffman. Privacy Is a Business Opportunity. Harvard business review. APRIL 18, 2014
Adrienne Lafrance. People's Deepest, Darkest Google Searches Are Being Used Against Them. The Atlantic. 2015
Keven Waddell. Would You Let Companies Monitor You for Money. The Atlantic. 2016