下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- An Appreciation of Van Gogh’s The Starry Night,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了梵高的《星月夜》。《星月夜》是荷兰后印象派画家文森特·梵高于法国圣雷米的一家精神病院里创作的一幅著名油画,也是梵高的代表作之一。这幅画中呈现两种线条风格,一是弯曲的长线,二是破碎的短线。二者交互运用,使画面呈现出眩目的奇幻景象。而在构图上,骚动的天空与平静的村落则形成了鲜明的对比。
Van Gogh is a post-impressionist painter. In this article, it is to discuss the Starry Night’s form with visual art terminology, its history and context, my reason for choosing it and my future plan of studying visual art.
The form Van Gogh’s The Starry Night is marked by the use of bright and strong colors and different forms of lines. There are pine and cypress and the church which stretch into the night sky in the curly lines. Thus, the painting is full of uneasy feeling. But at the bottom, the village is painted with straight and stubby lines to show a quiet image. The overall and main tone of the painting is the dark blue and black, to highlight the coldness and depression. The bright yellow stars and the main colors of dark and blue have a strong contrast. This makes the stars appear to be so close in front, but they are also out of reach. At the same time this yellow also expresses the painter's expectation at heart. The whole village seems to be shrouded in calm colors, but the night sky, such as whirling bright yellow stars make people feel that the village is about to break out in general.
In addition, there is history and context of The Starry Night, leading to its close relationship to society. Landscapes were a popular subject in the late-nineteenth-century art when there was dissatisfaction with the modern city (moma.org, 2016). The subject of this painting is a small village. The use of dark blue and black as main colors produce strong color contrast with the bright yellow stars. This contrast is the expression of the conflict between the ideal world and the reality. This painting depicts Van Gogh's illusion of the night sky, which is an emotional expression of the artist's throbbing heart. The painting was completed by Van Gogh in June 1889 at the San Remy sanatorium (moma.org, 2016). At that time he was in unstable spirits. When he was in his spirit, he was drawing a lot of painting. In the Starry Night, there is the use of point-like brush strokes and the lines of different directions to express fear of the night. It can be traced to the time when Van Gogh moved to Paris, and had contact with the works of the Impressionists and Neo-Impressionists, and the Pointillist compositions of Georges Seurat (moma.org, 2016).
I choose this particular work of art as it is an expression of the spirits of Van Gogh. In the dealing with forms and color of The Starry Night, there is the use of exaggerated and simplified approach. He no longer stressed the light, but enhanced the value of color, the use of color to achieve the harmony of the screen. But the color characteristics of his images are fundamentally different from those of the impressionists. He used distorted shapes and lines to express the world in his own eyes. Van Gogh's pursuit of self-expression is his own artistic essence. Every stroke, every line, and every piece of color is the expression of his own feelings. All forms are under the control of the fierce spirit, leaving me not only to enjoy the beauty of his painting, but also a spiritual exclamation.
In the future, my plan for the learning of and engagement with visual art included a frequent visiting of art fairs, galleries and museums to appreciate the art in person in addition to taking a class in a specific art media of non-credit or for credit. This year, I plan to visit The Metropolitan Museum in New York, and National Taiwan Museum, After the visiting, I will write down my feeling of visits and appreciation of art works.
Reference List
moma.org. (2016).MoMA | Vincent van Gogh. The Starry Night. 1889