下面为大家整理一篇优秀的英国essay代写范文- The private prison,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了私营监狱。由于美国罪犯越来越多,美国的公立监狱日渐陷入资金不足、管理混乱的尴尬局面,虐待囚犯和监狱暴力事件时有发生。为此,美国政府不得不将监狱逐步私营化,以求解救整个监狱行业。而私营监狱的商业模式高度依赖高监禁率,囚犯刑期越长,他们获得的利润就越大。
Private prisons tend to increase the duration of imprisonment of inmates so as to maintain the occupancy rate of their facilities through which profit will be ensured. As companies with shareholders and a profit motive, those correction institutions do more than correct behavior, they also serve the principal purpose of profit-making and one of the primary methods is to extend the length of prisons’ stay (Snyder).
By doing so, the occupancy rate will be secured even if the criminal population within the institution remain the same over a period of time. Prison industry has become big business in the U.S. Statistics show that private prisons grew by roughly 1,600 percent between 1990 and 2009.
The most important drive behind this worrying growth is undoubtedly the possibility of profit generating of such facilities. Incarcerating more inmates and forcing them to stay longer as a source of slave labor is extraordinarily profitable (Snyder). Maltreatments of inmates are therefore not limited to physical or mental aspects, but also the labor exploitation.
According to Pelaez, the private contracting of work arrangement of inmates has fostered incentives for private facilities to lock more people for longer period. They rely on this income. Many important players of U.S. corporate society such as AT&T, Target Stores, and Boeing have taken advantage of the economic boom generated by prison labor (Snyder).
Corporate stockholders who profit from this trade lobby for longer sentences so as to expand the prison workforce (Pelaez). That could be a probable explanation for why crime rate goes down while jail population goes up. A disturbing case reported by human rights organizations is where a prisoner who stole a car and two bicycles received three separate 25-year sentences (Pelaez).
Other non-violent crimes such as drug possession will also receive long prison sentences for the sake of greater profit potential for investors in the prison industry according to the report. Profit-driven private facilities will make every effort to import inmate with long sentences. Some private prison companies in Texas used to signed contact with other states offering the service of “rent-a-cell” services in the Corrections Corporation of America prisons and their cooperation with local sheriffs on building new facilities was financially supported by investors from Merrill-Lynch, Shearson-Lehman, American Express and Allstate (Pelaez).
Prisoners therefore are no longer those who in need of correction, education or help but turn to become the chips for investors and private prison companies to profit from. Private prison companies admit that their business model rely indispensably on high rates of incarceration, the longer the sentence, the more profitable the incarceration of a prisoner can be (Global Research News).
Therefore, it is undoubtedly true that no matter through lobbying stricter sentences or importing the worst criminals, the longer the period of incarceration the more space for profit.
Works Cited
Global Research News.“Privatization of the US Prison System.”Global Research. 12 April 2014. Web. 4 July, 2016.
Pelaez, Vicky. “The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?” Global Research. 31 March 2014. Web. 4 July, 2016.
Snyder, Michael. “Private Prisons: The More Americans They Put Behind Bars the More Money They Make.” The Economic Collapse. 11 March 2013. Web. 4 July, 2016.