下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Changes in the way of education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了教育方式的转变。中国正在完成从素质教育到应试教育的转变,现在的课堂正在以培养学生的综合能力为主进行英语教学,这就要求英语老师改变过时的教学方法,提高课堂效率。英语课堂是一个交互式的语言活动。学生和教师之间的交互的主要部分是语言交互。我们应该关注学生参与的内容,鼓励参与,增加课堂互动。
1 Background背景
1.1 Research background As education in China is changing from exam-oriented education to quality education, to cultivate students’ comprehensive ability of using language gradually becomes the purpose of English teaching. This requires English teachers to change the outdated teaching methods to improve the efficiency in the classroom. According to the National English Curriculum, teachers’ objectives, teaching processes, assessment procedures as well as the development of teaching resources should all reflect the principle of learner-centered approach. Classroom teaching should become the process during which students are guided by the teachers. Actually, English classroom is an interactive language activity. In recent years, many researches have proved interaction is the key of language class. The interaction between students and teachers is the main part of the class interaction. And asking questions in class is an important means of communication between teachers and students. Many scholars and researchers have made thorough researches and proved questioning is crucial to the way teachers manage the class, engage students with content, encourage participation and increase classroom interaction. Effective questioning can be used as a bridge between teachers and students. It is helpful to build up the relationship between them. Nowadays in China, questioning strategies have been widely used, especially in English classes.
1.1.1 What is questioning?
In the Longman Dictionary of the English Language, the definition of a question is the command or interrogative expression used to elicit information or a response, or to test knowledge. Wragg (1984) gives his definition in Classroom Teaching Skills: “In classroom settings, questioning is defined as any behavior which can initiate verbal response.” So questioning in the classroom is acted as a tool to impart knowledge, and serves as a crucial source of input as well.
1.1.2 Classroom interaction Allwright (1984) regards teaching in the classroom as an interactive process. Actually, any classroom activities contain the interaction of language, even the form-focused instruction. Learners could regard it as a way to input language. Classroom interaction promotes the acquisition of second language in two ways: (1) learners’ exposure to the second language; (2) learners’ attempt to use the second language (Ellis, 1990). And questioning is a good way for teachers to interact with students. So if we want to investigate the questioning strategies, first of all, we should understand the relationship between interaction and language acquisition. In Krashen’s (1985) “input hypothesis” theory, the understanding of input language is the basic way to acquire language. Only when learners get the comprehensible input, can they acquire the target language. So the most important method of language teaching is to input more comprehensible knowledge to learners. As the main part of teachers’ utterance, classroom questioning provides an important source for comprehensible language input. Long (1983) confirms the importance of comprehensible language input in language acquisition. Meanwhile, he particularly emphasizes the promotion of meaningful negotiation. He holds the opinion that two-way communication is more advantageous than one-way communication for language acquisition. In two-way communication, when one side could not understand the other side, he has the chance to inform the other side. When the two sides negotiate the meaning and modify the interaction, the comprehensible language input is increased. In Swain’s (1985) “output hypothesis”, he states that on the basis of comprehensible input, learners should get the chance to output their language to reach the goal of communication. If learners’ output is accurate, coherent and appropriate during the meaningful negotiation, it will help learners enrich the essential grammar knowledge. Besides, language output provides chances for learners to check whether their hypothesis on the target language is true or false. Moreover, when understanding the information, usually learners need not to analyze the sentence structures of the input language. However, output compels learners to pay attention to the language forms when expressing the meaning. Based on the above theories, questioning achieves the teaching goals through the process of input, interaction and output, and thus helps learners acquire second language more easily and quickly.
1.2 Purpose of study Language teaching has a particular feature, which is language is not only the teaching method, but also the teaching content. So it demands more on language teachers. Besides grasping the target language skillfully, they should also realize how to teach language through using language, and how to make students grasp the language through using it. In most western countries, most second language teachers are the native speakers of the target language with pedagogic or applied linguistic master's degree. While in China, most Chinese students learn English in English classes, and most teachers are Chinese people. Though they have obtained the pedagogic or applied linguistic bachelor's degree, master's degree, or even doctor's degree, they are just high-level foreign language learners. Gao Yihong (1999) makes an investigation into domestic English teachers who have attended the national even international academic conferences, and the result shows that only 18.5 percent of them have learned applied linguistic systematically, half of them have certain understanding of applied linguistic, and one-third of them know little about applied linguistic. Also, the result of Dai Weidong's (2001) questionnaire indicates that the quality and professional skills of English teachers in our country are not optimistic. In general, because of different views of language and education, and different cultural background, there are some differences between Chinese teachers and foreign teachers when adopting questioning strategies in English classes. The purpose of this paper is to perfect English teaching in China through the comparison and analysis between the English teachers of China and English-speaking countries. Literature Review Large amounts of researches have been made on questioning at home and abroad. This section is a brief literature review focus on the previous studies of the significance of classroom questioning and some major questioning strategies.
2.1.3 Significance of classroom questioning Because the employment of questioning by teachers and students in classes is closely related to the accomplishment of educational goals, questioning is considered to be an important method of learning and instruction. Large numbers of educational researchers find broad educational benefits which can be gained by using the effective questioning. The points of foreign researchers’ agreement include;
(1) Questioning can develop higher level thinking (Sander, 1966);
(2) Questioning can help motivate students (Hunkins, 1972);
(3) Questioning can improve learning from text (Weaver, 1978);
(4) Questioning can aid in planning lessons (Hill, 1979);
(5) Questioning can help verify the learning process (Hyman, 1979). Besides foreign researchers, domestic scholars have also made thorough investigations into teaching process and have found certain benefits of questioning. Liu Lili and Liu Shuiqing (2009) summarize the functions of questioning from their teaching experience as follows:
(1) Questioning helps motivate students’ learning interest and provide psychological needs.
(2) Questioning, which is dynamic interaction, can strengthen students' memory of the important language.
(3) Questioning helps teachers prepare for the lessons more earnestly.
(4) Questioning helps improve the interaction of teaching and live up the class.
2.1.4 Previous researches on questioning strategies As questioning benefits so much in teaching and learning, teachers should adopt the questioning strategies effectively. However, this has always been a big problem for teachers. Based on previous theories, many experts make numerous researches into questioning strategies, and most of them are focused on question classification, wait time, distribution of students who answer the questions, and feedback.