下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Solar energy in Spain,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西班牙的太阳能发电。西班牙公司在集热太阳能方面处于世界领先地位,其原因是当全世界因1970年代能源危机而引发的对此类技术的热情过去很久以后,西班牙政府仍然在阳关充足而炎热的南部地区保留了此类技术的研发设施。研究中心和西班牙集热太阳能公司建造的研究和试点设施提供了研发先进技术所需的设备。很多太阳能集热专家相信,尽管槽式系统是一种已被证明的技术,未来的CSP系统最终将聚焦于更新的塔式技术。
Spanish companies have benefited from government support for renewable energy. They can build the curved mirrors needed for solar photovoltaic power stations and solar thermal power plants. Because Spanish companies have trained local technologists earlier, they have become international experts in a number of areas: the operation of solar power plants, turbine manufacturing, solar panel production, and solar thermal engineering.
Today, these companies are expanding in emerging markets in China, India, the Middle East, South America and Africa, and they are still providing energy solutions in Europe and North America. As prices have fallen, renewable energy has come close to the cost of conventional sources, and Spain's renewable energy experts are poised to develop stable markets.
Spanish companies are in the world's leading role in solar heat collection. This technique centralizes the heat of the sun and uses it to convert water into steam, turning the steam turbine. In addition, what is particularly significant for energy utilities is that the energy generated by this method can be stored in the form of heat and continues to generate electricity after the sun has dropped out of the horizon.
So far, most commercial projects have parabolic slots, and curved mirrors lined up in rows, meandering for miles, concentrating sunlight into the focus tube. In addition to building such systems in Spain, Spanish companies are delighted to have a huge success in many other countries: the Sevilla company Abengoa is building a 280-megawatt power station in Arizona, State. The power station stores energy in the form of molten salts. In addition, Abengoa signed a contract with two California power stations. At the same time, the Acciona company, located in Pamplona, built a thermal solar power station in Nevada State, which began operations in 2007. And Kösener in Barcelona, which recently won a contract to build a new power plant in South Africa. Kösener also holds contracts for the construction of a 200 MW system in India, as well as project contracts in the United States and Morocco.
One reason Spain is leading the heat-gathering solar industry is that the Spanish Government retains its research and development facilities in the sunny, hot south, after a long time since the world's enthusiasm for such technologies has been sparked by the 1970 energy crisis. Research and pilot facilities built by the research centre and the Spanish solar collector provide the equipment needed to develop advanced technology. Many solar collector experts believe that, although slot systems are a proven technology, future CSP systems will eventually focus on newer tower technologies.
In the tower system, a solar reflective device reflects sunlight on the top of the towers and shines brightly. Because sunlight is concentrated at one point, rather than in a few miles of piping, the tower system can achieve much higher temperature and efficiency than the trough system. The Mirror of the tower system is flat and not curved, so the manufacturing process is simpler. The company representative said it also meant that the construction cost of the tower system was lower than the trough system on the same scale.
So far, only two companies in the world have built commercial-scale tower systems, all two of them in southern Spain, Abengoa and Kösener. Abengoa built the top two commercial systems, PS10 and PS20. In 2012, Kösener's gemasolar system began operating. The Kösener company's 19.9-megawatt tower system is the first commercial-scale tower system to use molten salt as a storage form. Salt can absorb excess heat during the day and slowly release the heat in the evening hours.
Although Kösener has already used molten salt in some of its own trough systems, there are still some challenges to applying molten salt to tower-type receiver. The salt needs to be pumped to the top of the tower, something that has never been done before. So Kösener helped pump manufacturers design a new pump that can withstand high temperatures and corrosive salts.
The focus of the tower system needs to undergo a hundreds of degree of dramatic temperature change within one day. Kösener's president, Jorge Sendagorta, explains that the company's experience in aviation engineering is critical because satellites in space are also in a hundreds of-degree temperature range.
Kösener is now scaling up the success of the Gemasolar system, with a 1 to twice-fold increase in design scale, and a 40% reduction in costs.
The Abengoa company's experience has won the bid for two South African power stations, one for the trough and the other for the tower. The 50 MW tower system uses a new technology called overheated steam. The technology uses the water at a temperature of 500 degrees Celsius, 100 degrees Celsius higher than the current technology. Jose Dominguez Abascal, chief technology officer at Abengoa, says South Africa's Tower power plant is 25% more efficient than the company's in Spain. Superheated steam can also be used as a storage medium. Because it is similar to molten salt, superheated steam can store heat in the evening.
Dominguez-Avascar says Abengoa is now studying the use of heat: Compressed gas is sent to the top of the tower, replacing steam is heated. These high-pressure high-temperature gases can propel the turbines. Such systems can be used in conjunction with natural gas power stations. Natural gas power stations depend likewise on gas turbines. Natural gas can be used when solar power is low, both of which will consume 30% of natural gas from conventional natural gas power stations, while operating costs are roughly equivalent. Abengoa Inc. recently unveiled a pilot plant in Seville that relies on heating compressed gas, and the company hopes to build a commercial-scale power plant in a few short years.
The use of solar panels has grown rapidly in recent years: The world's PV installation has increased 75%, from 2010's 40 Vata 2011 years to nearly 70 gigawatts.
Many large renewable energy companies in Spain are involved in the construction of photovoltaic panels. Abengoa recently signed a contract to build 200 MW of electricity in Southern California. Acciona Company has signed a contract to build PV farms in South Africa. Valencia's Siliken company will build a 100 MW plant in Durango, Mexico. The isofot6n company, headquartered in Malaga, has signed a contract to build more than 300 megawatts of PV power plants in the United States over the next three years.
So the isofot6n company has already produced solar photovoltaic panels in Ohio. Carlos Navarre, president of PV component manufacturing at Siliken, said that while a sudden drop in the price of PV panels had shut down many international companies, the overall decline in prices was a good sign, as it opened up a whole new market. As PV has grown in Europe and North America, emerging economies in South America, Africa and Asia can now consider using PV panels in urban centres as an energy supplement, rather than relying on PV panels in rural areas where the grid is extremely expensive.
The cost of solar power is much lower, so for some countries, "PV is already cheaper than fossil fuels," explains Isofot6n, the company's Ceoangel Luis Serrano. Spanish companies foresee the coming opportunities in Brazil, Chile, India and the Middle East.
Serrano added that China will also be an important market. China installed 3 GW PV in 2011 and hopes to double the number in 2012. ISOFOT6N has established a joint venture with a Chinese company and reached an agreement with infrastructure companies on the ground solar system.
While many of the big new projects now provide energy for urban centres, when isofot6n and Atersa were founded more than 30 years ago, the two companies worked for rural power projects. Ceovirgilio Navarre, Atersa company in Valentia, said that although rural power accounted for only atersa of $number's existing operations, ATERSA had established decades of expertise to provide invaluable knowledge, It can be used in applications including solar water pumps for Africa.
Spain's solar companies are investing in the development of solar cell efficiency improvements. ISOFOT6N company has produced a 18.7% efficiency solar cell, the company hopes to achieve efficiencies of 20% to 21%. Increased efficiency can result in a significant reduction in the required material and overall cost. ISOFOT6N Company's researchers also focused on high―concentration PV research and development. This is a technique that can track the operation of the sun and operate at high temperatures for direct light. The technology has been applied to Mojave Desert in northern Chile and California State, and is also visible in some parts of Spain and Italy. Last year, the isofot6n company decided to move its technology from the laboratory to the stage of mass production. The company now has some small-scale HCPV installations in Spain, China and Morocco, and will soon install a system in Abu Dhabi to build a larger HCPV electric field in northern Chile.
Siliken company recently opened a new pilot manufacturing centre near the headquarters of Valencia. The center is equivalent to the company's manufacturing Research and development center, and researchers can evaluate manufacturing processes before they scale.
The Siliken company's first small-scale production line allows for limited production of new back-contact-click Solar cells. In addition to Siliken, only one company in the world has developed a metal grille that does not require metal grids ―― traditional batteries that are placed on the front of the solar panel and will affect efficiency. In the laboratory, the efficiency of the new solar panels reached 24 2%. Engineers at the Siliken company also assessed the reduction in silicon thickness and the amount of silver used, and the technology for removing lead from the manufacturing process.
ISOFOT6N Company's Serrano predicts that in the future, solar modules will be installed on rooftops and embedded in buildings. Japan's Fudao tragedy has allowed people to reconsider nuclear power, and all 54 of them have been shut down awaiting assessment, with only a few of them finally reopened. Japan's national and regional governments are encouraging renewable energy, and Japan's PV market is growing fast.
The Onyx Solar company outside Madrid has developed a PV scheme that can embed building materials. These materials also provide thermal insulation and protection against damaging ultraviolet rays and are tailored to each customer's needs.
In the vicinity of Madrizueca, such an energy-generating skylight hangs diagonally above the bustling San ant6n market. In addition to its installation operations in Spain, Onyx has completed projects in China, Italy, France and the United States, with more than 300 projects currently in the design phase. Recently, Turner Construction Co., Ltd. chose Onyx as the largest PV sunroof in the United States, which will be loaded in Novartis's headquarters in New Jersey.
In the field of solar energy, Spanish companies maintain a leading position and continue to develop creative technologies and innovations that will keep the market ahead in the future.