下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The trap of race and memory,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《种族与记忆的陷阱》。在《种族与记忆的陷阱》中,作者从种族的二元对立角度出发,关注种族冲突、族群统治以及种族抗争的问题。作者也讨论了西班牙语族裔与英语族裔在20世纪早期同为新墨西哥州早期移民的情况下,相互之间的冲突、调和等关系问题,通过聚焦新墨西哥州的西语族裔的兴起,研究了20世纪美国的族群差异特征及其文化社会背景。
In the context of the trap of race and memory, Montgomery C. Focuses on ethnic conflicts, ethnic domination and racial strife, from the point of view of ethnic two-dollar opposition. In this paper, the author analyses The Montgomery's argumentation, and focuses on the conflict and harmony between the Hispanic and English ethnic groups in the early 20th century with New Mexico State immigrants; by focusing on the rise of New Mexico State Hispanic, this paper explores the characteristics of American ethnic differences and their cultural and social backgrounds in the 20th century. In order to provide reference for the current national culture and American Studies.
The populace's understanding of race is usually associated with color, and the meaning and meaning of race are usually far beyond the skin color itself, and its extension can have a broad scope. For example, the concept of race is often closely linked to a particular ethnic culture, including behavior, attitudes and personalities in daily life. In general, ethnicity means a union of ethnic groups with the same background. The background of this Union is based on a common history, national and geographical distribution. Throughout history, ethnicity has profoundly influenced every aspect of individual life, even social structure and cultural content. Therefore, the concept of race has always been a hot topic in academia, and it is also one of the core themes of national studies and even American cultural studies.
In the context of the trap of race and memory, Montgomery C. Focuses on ethnic conflicts, ethnic domination and racial strife, from the point of view of ethnic two-dollar opposition. For example, the author discussed the relationship between Spanish and English-speaking communities in the early 20th century with the New Mexico State of early settlers, and, by focusing on the rise of New Mexico State Hispanics, studied the characteristics of American ethnic differences and their cultural and social backgrounds in the 20th century. The authors point out at the outset that the rise of Hispanics suggests that racial adaptation substantially strengthens the dominant racial barriers and further enumerates a number of examples to prove their point.
In general, the author's argument is based on a large number of facts, with high reliability and effectiveness. At the beginning of the article, the author points out that the aim is to study the national differences of the 20th century, in which the revival of Hispanics is the main case of support for the whole study. Firstly, the author describes the historical background of New Mexico State by comparing New Mexico State with Texas and California State, and secondly, the author gives a comprehensive description of the western and British ethnic groups in the region, and gives a clear description of the historical site. Next, the authors point out, both Anglo-Hispanic and Hispanics are trying to reconstruct the ethnic image of Hispanics, trying to shape it into a cultured white race, so that New Mexico State can become a "progressive" American region. In fact, the Anglo-American hope is not the rise of the west, but to see the rise of the West's self-interest ―― the eventual Anglo-American desire, with the rise of the west to strengthen their own ethnic dominance.
In the argument, the author uses a number of convincing examples. First of all, the author's argument and perspective based on the two-yuan conflict methodology, using detailed examples to demonstrate that the time of racial reconciliation is a failure, and this further hindered the Western ethnic group's real progress and development. The author explores in detail the details of the rise of the Hispanic community, arguing that the real key to the rise of the Hispanic community is whether the Anglo-American community can benefit. In contrast, modern Hispanics have rarely questioned the dominance of Anglo-Americans and the racial injustice that their communities have suffered, all of which have been elaborated by the authors.
The author first explained the background of the research and the relevant situation, and focused on the opposing viewpoints in the racial research. Subsequently, the author briefly describes the New Mexico State City, the Anglo-Hispanic and Hispanic attempts to reform the historical scene and how the reform attempt to promote the rise of New Mexico's Hispanic community. In essence, the rise of Hispanics did not solve the problem of racial injustice, but actually strengthened Anglo-American rule.
Next, the author further discusses the issue of racial adaptation. First, the author insists that race is the focus of the study, so in the discussion, the author highlights racial strife rather than race adaptation. Secondly, the author raises the question of whether the national adaptation "can be truly successful", and illustrate the reasons why "race adaptation" can not be really successful: the influence of adaptation and mediation will only stay within the scope of nationalists, and the improvement of the status of Hispanics, fundamentally speaking, requires the constant struggle of the people.
After an analysis of the common historical background of Anglo-Hispanic descent, the authors point out that the Anglo-American community was dominant in 19th century after consultation with the Spanish elite of California State and Texas. The reconciliation between Anglo-Hispanic and Hispanics is based on common interests, and both sides want to take full advantage of the power of the working class. However, the New Mexico State is different: Ostensibly, the influence of Hispanics in New Mexico State peaked in the early 20th century, and seems to dominate the party politics of the time, but that is not the case. For historical and practical reasons, New Mexico State has begun to emerge from the rise of the Anglo-American community, forcing Hispanics to seek common interests and compromise with the British.
In this context, the revival of the West has been vividly described. The authors first contrasted the different renaissance paths between California State and New Mexico State in western communities. New Mexico State Hispanics try to preserve their Spanish traditions, such as language habits, Catholic traditions, etc. In fact, the tradition of Spanish heritage is not a national imagination, but a real national symbol and symbol, but also the real existence of customs and activities. Therefore, it is not enough to maintain the heritage of the language alone, and the national Renaissance also includes traditional art, festivals and real religious activities. In particular, the author points out and discusses the meaning and connotation evolution of the word Mexican in the revival of national culture, and points out the essence of the revival of the West, especially the complex motives of British descent in the revival of the West. The authors point out that in fact, the western Renaissance has a common goal with the Anglo-American community, that is, to reconstruct the image of the ethnic identity of the west, and at the same time, there are very different motives, such as conflict and division of national interests, but these differences are masked by superficial phenomena, or in the same form.
Finally, the author points out the significance of the research on the revival of the West. In the final effect, the revival of the West has not shaken Anglo-American dominance or brought tangible benefits to Hispanics. However, the study of the revival movement of the West has enriched the concept of "nationality" to some extent, so that it no longer merely refers to the surface structure of the color difference, but extends outward.
Taking New Mexico State as an example, the author explores the problem of ethnic conflict and adaptation between Anglo-Hispanic and Hispanics in the early 20th century. In the course of the argument, the author uses a wealth of illustrations to illustrate the argument, not only from the positive to the topic of the study, but also from the side of the other views on the revival of the West. For example, some scholars believe that the rise of the West is just one of many American social events, and has not had a big impact on the American mainstream ideology and the ideological conflict of the early 20th century. In response to a similar view, the authors further consolidated the main arguments to make their conclusions more credible. The main problem is that the author, although using a large number of examples to confirm its point of view, but the case is usually a single, one-sided, this "partial set" can fully confirm the argument is unknown. In addition, although the author focused on the racial issues of New Mexico State, but still cited the case of California State and Texas to carry out comparative analysis, which is to a certain extent dilute the theme, affecting the representative of New Mexico State argument. In the final analysis of the significance of the study of New Mexico's ethnic issues, the authors stress that the study of similar racial reconciliation issues has been a new inspiration and help to cultural studies and American studies, in the context of the main theoretical issues of nationalism in the 21st century.