Persuasive Essay Outline,就是大纲。很多留学生在写作Essay的时候都没有写大纲的习惯,其实这是非常错误的。Outline对Essay整个写作过程都具有很强的指导作用,所以写Outline是非常有必要的,下面就给大家讲解一下。
如何写好一个Persuasive Essay Outline
Persuasive Essay Outline的Introduction
首先重要的是你需要找一个你能够支持的Topic。比如说,你要写一个关于动物权益(animal rights)文章。我并不是说我们要写那种老掉牙的“人类不应该伤害动物”之类的文章,而是我们要把人权赋予到我最喜欢的动物身上:Dog。
1、写一个Hook句。我们在很多文章中都一再强调,一定要写一个强有力的hook。你的每个introduction 段都应该有一个Hook。比如:
Dogs are actually smarter than human babies, and even more useful and loyal too. In addition, they will never throw a tantrum. If dogs are such good people, don’t they deserve equal rights?
For all dogs who have ever been turned away from a hotel, disallowed access to transit, or rejected from a public park, it is time to stand up for your pet’s rights-and your right too!
3、展现你的Thesis Statement。同其他的essay 一样,在这一步,你清楚的表明你的文章的态度和具体的你所希望你的读者认同的点。和写argumentative essay 一样,你需要清楚的表明你的立场,而不是模糊两可。比如:
The dogs of Toronto deserve the same rights and privileges as granted to our youngest humans, such as the right to visit restaurants, ride buses, walk off-leash, and go to the cinema so long as they are accompanied by a responsible human companion.
Persuasive Essay Outline的Body Paragraphs
Persuasive Essay Outline 的 Conclusion
1、简要的总结Brief summary。你需要再次提醒你的读者,为什么你的话题对他们是重要的。比如:
如何写好一个Persuasive Essay Outline
2、对读者的好处 Benefits to the reader. 解释针对你文章提及的问题做出行动对你的读者来说有什么好处。比如:
如何写好一个Persuasive Essay Outline
3、呼吁行动 A call to action。你希望你的读者做什么?比如:
如何写好一个Persuasive Essay Outline
Persuasive Essay Outline
I. Introduction
a. Hook sentence
b. Define the audience
c. Thesis statement
II. Body paragraph 1
a. Reason #1
i. Supporting fact or example 1
ii. Supporting fact or example 2
III. Body paragraph 2
a. Reason #2
i. Supporting fact or example 1
ii. Supporting fact or example 2
IV. Body paragraph 3
a. Reason #3
i. Supporting fact or example 1
ii. Supporting fact or example 2
V. Conclusion
a. Brief summary of the topic
b. Benefits to the reader
c. Call to action
以上就是关于Persuasive Essay Outline的写作讲解,希望同学们都能花点时间去写Outline,这对写作真的帮助很大。
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