下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The contradiction of values in American general election,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国大选中的价值观矛盾。美国是公认的以价值观立国的国家,美国政治对内对外都充斥着特殊的价值观色彩。而每一届的美国大选,就是这些价值观矛盾的突出体现。比如民主与自由的价值观矛盾,产生了多数人倾向公平和少数人要求财产自由的矛盾。道德保守主义所维护的所谓盎格鲁-撒克逊白人新教徒的价值观,还与多元主义的价值观矛盾,一定程度上激化了围绕移民问题的争议,这也是美国总统候选人特朗普毫无顾忌的极端排外思想产生的根源。
The United States is recognized as a country with values, American politics is full of special values in both internal and external. But American officials have never formally defined their values. If we summarize the core values of America from three levels of nation, society and individual according to the framework of Chinese socialist core values, we will find that American values are a rich, complicated and relatively fragmented system.
We often hear of democracy, freedom, civil rights, separation of powers, separation of church and state, market economy, rule of law and so on, which are close to national or political values. These values are basically enshrined in the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the "federal Party" and other authoritative documents, in the political history of the United States for more than 200 years of the nation.
The second kind of values mostly originates from the American Christian tradition, which effectively influences American political and social life from the social level, including moral conservatism, work ethic, equality, universalism and so on. To put equality here is because the United States believes in equality and European countries "freedom, equality, fraternity" is not the same, is under God "born equal" and equality of opportunity. At the same time, Americans are encouraging competition, more tolerant of the inequality of results, and thus close to what Weber called "Protestant ethics".
The third kind of value is the individual level, but is not the general sense personal morals or the national character, but has the comprehensive political influence, including with the military honor related patriotism, the pluralism, the pioneering innovation spirit and so on. The formation of these values, with the United States foreign war, multi-ethnic integration, Western colonization and other special historical experience, in the United States internal and external policies reflected in the U.S. policy of hegemony, race relations, science and technology and education policy and so on.
Although the above generalization may not be complete, the connotation of each value and the relationship between them might still be ambiguous and controversial, but such a set of values system, not only includes the different levels of the country, society and individual, but also traces back to the various sources of thought in American history, each is relatively independent, each one is difficult to give up, Together they constitute a set of pluralistic core values system.
America's core values are so complex that they are fraught with contradictions. Scholars who are familiar with American politics basically admit that American values are "more cluttered, illogical and less intelligent" than those of European political ideas such as Marxism. Samuel Huntington even said: "The most exciting and brutal conflict in America stems from the liberal democratic values that they share from head to toe." ”
These contradictory values are projected in the daily life, showing the special political and social contradictions in the United States. The ongoing U.S. election is the highlight of these conflicting values. For example, the contradictions between the values of democracy and freedom, the contradiction between the majority's tendency to be fair and the minority's demand for property freedom, is the difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, which is the sharp disagreement between the extreme-left Saunders and the "Tea Party" Representative Rubio and others. The contradiction between moral conservatism and the values of individual freedom makes homosexuality, abortion and so on in other countries as the issue of ordinary social problems, becomes the core issue of American political game, and also explains the ideological basis of extreme conservatism of the Republican main presidential candidate Cruz and others. The values of the so-called Anglo-Saxon Protestants, defended by moral conservatism, are also contradictory to the values of pluralism, which in some ways inflame the controversy surrounding immigration, which is the root cause of the idea of extreme xenophobia, the US presidential candidate, who has no scruples.
These values contradict every general election, but this election is more strident. In general, these contradictions do not worry Americans. In fact, it is precisely the contradictions, games and imbalances of American values that constitute the ideological force that drives the evolution of American politics. These "disorganized goals and values" encompass different ideological tendencies and political orientations, including elitism and populism, individualism and corporatism, encouragement of inclusion and assistance, and support for force and war. Americans can find answers to a whole bunch of American creeds on different issues, different situations and different stages. When social setbacks and defects, the contradictions and rebound in values will become the driving force of reform.
To this extent, let's take a look at the significance of Trump and Hillary's duel. The contradiction between Hillary and Trump is not a contradiction between values, but a contradiction between values and values. Hillary Clinton is trying to represent America's Orthodox values. In all aspects of the values of the ruler, she tried to perform correctly. Trump is opposed to the correct values, he used a rude way to meet the Americans in the current doubts and disappointment. From primaries to battles, from party to Non-party, Trump is out of tune with all the candidates because he is out of tune with the various values that America is perceived to be right. Perhaps he and his supporters are not opposed to the American creed itself, but are fully opposed to the manifestations of these creeds in current American politics. So Trump's appearance, represents the United States a "ritual collapse of the music of the Bad" era. In the next two months of the election battle, although it can not be said that Trump more mistakes will be successful, but we can say that the more correct Hillary Clinton will be the more failure.