下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Foreign policies of Donald Trump,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了特朗普的外交政策。特朗普的外交政策,实际上是政治现实主义和理想主义的融合,更倾向于孤立主义,美国将在经济和政治层面的重建与现实的地缘战略目标相一致。换句话说,特朗普的外交政策是实主义和自由主义的结合,这也体现了他的现实主义国际政治哲学,即避免过度介入“思想”和“教义”的争论。他采取的一系列外交政策,从美国国家利益的角度出发。
“America first will be the major and overriding theme of my administration”, Donald Trump said in his America First Foreign policy speech. According to his speech, we can summarized Trump's foreign policy as "America First ".
Donald Trump's views on the current state of American politics and the foreign policy of the United States draw more on the realist theories of Andrew Jackson and Alexander Hamilton. But Trump in public speeches made effort to use idealistic language packaging its realist purpose in a number of occasions. Both Hamilton and Jackson's doctrine emphasized the importance of national interests, Donald Trump will do also. Trump's integration of political realism and idealism means that the United States will implement a mixed foreign policy, the US policy will be more inclined to isolationism, the United States will be in the economic (international trade) or political level reconstruction in line with the realist geostrategic objectives. Put another way, his policy is a combination of defensive realism, offensive realism and liberalism.
After taking office, Trump quickly signed an executive order, formally announced that the United States quit the "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement" (TPP), thus clarifying its position on key foreign policy. Exiting the TPP is a symbol, US trade policy will face a major change. In the words of Spice, White House spokesman, the US trade policy will enter a "new stage", Trump intended to build a free and fair trade environment around the world.
Trump's largest diplomatic and strategic adjustment may be that return to isolationism, no longer assume the responsibility of the collective security, especially to maintain the Western military alliance which America has led 70 years after the war . There has been a great change in foreign policy. Instead of pursuing a simple output of "universal value", the foreign policy is considered from the perspective of real national interests. Regional affairs, especially the Middle East, the pursuit of regional stability, rather than recklessly promote Western-style democracy. On the economic front, he pursuits the United States’ "real interest", the national interest first. The United States respects and protects its allies, but it can not be taken for granted and will demand that its allies assume corresponding responsibilities.
"Trump doctrine" is not interfering, but do not give up the world-led. It is a strategic contraction, but not isolationism. And it is the supremacy of the United States, but closer to China and Russia. The United States, China and Russia are competitors, but not enemies, can also be peaceful coexistence, cooperation and win-win situation in many global affairs. White House press secretary Spicer keeps an open attitude to the possibility of a joint US-Russian military operation in Syria. This is a positive attitude, not only to alleviate the ongoing Cold War between the United States and Russia, but also conducive to building a new US-China relations and enhance the status and influence of China and Russia in international affairs, and maintain the big triangle balance to avoid the outbreak of war. In addition, the US strategic contraction does need China and Russia play a more complementary role.
Trump's foreign policy reflects his realist international political philosophy, that is to avoid excessive into the dispute of "idea" and "doctrine". He adopts a foreign policy that put the United States national interests in the first place form the perspective of national interests