下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Causes and Effects of Child Labor,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了童工的问题。如今,童工的现象仍然存在于很多发展中国家,许多儿童在工作过程中遭受了很多苦难。童工的历史可以追溯到工业革命时期,当时世界上有很多儿童参与了劳动工作。童工的主要原因之一是贫困和人口过剩,这两者是相互关联的。生活在贫困中的家庭往往有更多的孩子,他们别无选择,只能让孩子去工作。
Child labor still exists in various developing countries and many children have suffered a lot during their process of working. The history of child labor can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution while 150 million children around the world are involved in labor even today (Sailee Kale. 2011). It is of great urgency to know clearly about the causes and effects of child labor so as to get those children rid of endless sufferings from it. This essay analyses the detailed causes and effects of child labor, hoping that it can give some insightful suggestions as for how to decrease the percentage of child labor.
One of the main causes of child labor is poverty and overpopulation and these two go hand in hand with each other (Sailee Kale. 2011). Families that live in poverty tend to have more children and they have no choice but to send children to work due to low income gained by a certain member within the family. Too many children can bring financial burden to the whole household so that parents are forced to make their children laborers in order to help get extra income. The second cause for child labor is the lack of education of parents of those child laborers (Sailee Kale. 2011). When parents are ignorant and illiterate, they won’t understand how manual labor may cause both harmful mental and physical trauma toward their children so that they may directly engage their children in labor without second thoughts. What’s worse, parents’ being uneducated will accordingly let their children uneducated because they do not understand the importance of education toward children’s lives.
The first effect of child labor is a series of mental and physical problems toward the children (Lana Osment. 2014). Mental problems primarily include some psychological trauma of those children due to severe form of exploitation and constant ill-treatment and threats they receive. And the physical problems can be embodied via the health problems of those children due to long hours of working under intolerable and hazardous conditions. At the same time, child laborers are prone to malnourishment because the employers do not take care of them at all. Secondly, child labor will exert negative impact on the welfare of a nation. Illiteracy will increase out of children’s receiving no education, which will hamper the overall economic growth and human development. Also, lack of education means that children may be hard to be employed when they grow up, resulting in high unemployment rate. It is obvious that child labor is not conducive to both children and the nation, which indicates that child labor should be eliminated to the utmost.
To sum up, there are several causes that can be used to account for the incidence of child labor and many detrimental effects will be led to. So a fair knowledge can be obtained that people should spare no efforts to reduce the percentage of child labor through taking advantage of those causes of child labor. Only in this way can child labor be controlled and can those children be saved from being hurt by child labor in the end.
Works Cited
Lana Osment. 2014. Child labor: the effect on child, causes and remedies to the revolving menace. Online available from: http://lup.lub.lu.se/luur/download?func=downloadFile&recordOId=4275652&fileOId=4275654.
Sailee Kale. December 25, 2011. Causes and Effects of Child Labor. Online available from: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/causes-and-effects-of-child-labor.html.