Britain is a unitary state with constitutional monarchy. The parliament is a bicameral system whereby the prime minister and the cabinet minister are elected by a party with a majority in the House of Commons. The top leadership of the central government is the prime minister and cabinet members. The British Government is divided into two levels of the central government and local government, divided into England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and the four regions of Greater London, the area under the jurisdiction of the county and county. In the United Kingdom, the fiscal system is divided between the central and the local levels. Local governments are subordinate to the central government. The central government has the right to regulate and supervise local governments, but the local governments are also relatively independent. They have the right to tax and debt in their respective jurisdictions to provide public services to residents.
The British Parliament is responsible for government accounting work is the Public Accounting Committee. Founded in 1998, it is one of the results of the UK's "resource accounting and budgeting" reforms, with the primary responsibility being to ensure that departments use their financial resources for their intended use and to ensure greater financial efficiency. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the functions of the Commission, the Commission is represented by a senior member of the Opposition and the Comptroller General of the Comptroller is accountable directly to the Committee.
The UK Treasury is responsible for the administration of government accounting across the country and is responsible for the management of central government assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and current flows. It is central to central government finance, budgeting and accounting. The Ministry of Finance is directly responsible to the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Ministry of Finance in charge of government accounting is the Government Financial Management Division, consists of three offices: Treasury Accounting Office, the Government Financial Reporting Service and the Department of Financial Management Change. Among them, the Government Financial Reporting Service, Financial Management Reform in government accounting management work to assume a lot of responsibilities. Financial Reporting Advisory Committee, is the Ministry of Finance set up under the relatively independent institutions, was established in 1996, the British implementation of the "resource accounting and budget" one of the results of reform. The role of the committee is to ensure that the resource statements reported by the departments are in line with the requirements of generally accepted accounting practice in the UK and to advise the Ministry of Finance on the application of the Financial Reporting Standards and Standards in the Resource Accounting Manual. Suggest. The Committee is chaired by an independent member, which includes representatives from the Audit Commission, the Audit Committee, the Accounting Standards Board, industry and academia, with the aim of ensuring the independence of the Committee. Each year, the Ministry of Finance submits to the Congress a report on the Committee's activities, accounting policy development, and major changes in its work. The report is accompanied by the Committee's comments.
Audit is responsible for the audit of the Ministry of Finance and central departments of the financial report of the body, is the Congress of the monitoring body, also known as the Congress of the "watchdog." The basic functions of the Audit Commission are to audit the central government departments and the central budget for local transfer of funds, submit to the parliamentary use of government resources and the proposed independent audit opinion, and urged all departments to improve the financial management and efficiency of the use of funds. The Comptroller General's Auditor General is a member of the House of Commons, appointed directly by the Queen. Auditors are generally accountants, economists, project experts and so on. The UK Audit Office currently has about 800 staff members, with the exception of the Audit Commission and the rest of the staff scattered throughout the country. Audit is not responsible for the audit of the sector's financial statements, but by the Congress under the Public Accounts Committee. The audit of local financial reporting by local authorities is not carried out by the Audit Commission, but by the local audit department. The Audit Committee of England, the Audit Office of Wales, the Audit Office of Scotland and the Audit Office of Northern Ireland are responsible for auditing the financial reports of the various departments in the region.
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting is the UK's sole authority for the development of government accounting standards and vocational training in the local public sector, and is the only institution in the UK to develop guidelines and organize training for the public sector. The organization is an unofficial organization, financed entirely independently and without any government funding. The main responsibility is to develop local public sector accounting standards, the organization of local government accounting personnel qualification certification and follow-up education and training. The association elected by the members of the Council, the Council does not have a government designated representative. Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountants in the UK public sector is very influential, organized a large number of specifically for the public sector of the government accounting vocational training, most of the British public sector financial director, usually certified by the Association of "Chartered Public Finance and Accountant ".
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