下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Popular music affects who we are,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了流行音乐的影响。在政治方面,流行音乐在唤醒个人对诸多问题的意识中起着举足轻重的作用,因为流行音乐常常以其节奏的抒情诗突出和表达,具有非常强烈的情感。以一种更普遍、更有说服力的方式,影响不同社会背景观众的内心想法。流行音乐甚至有助于人们超越种族界限。像最初的说唱音乐只是被认为是一种传统的非洲娱乐形式。但后来白人也开始接受和喜爱这种音乐,最后,它成为了美国流行文化最著名的标志之一。
“Is the epidemic of a certain noble,and that the flu should also be a very noble?” The world renowned ironist George Bernard Shaw cynically and humorously questioned the value of so-called popularity. Just as all that glitters is not gold, all that prevails, it appears that, is not popularity. However, no matter how sarcastic comments on popular culture are, popular culture does “reborn and rebel” at the very beginning moment when they are created, so quickly to acquire their independent significance and purpose. In a ubiquitous yet unnoticeable way, popular culture starts to shape their creators—us. To some extent, popular culture, as if a mirror, tells us more than what we think and how we look, but most importantly how we should adjust ourselves, willingly or not, to the outside—the right behavior, the right dressing, the right mind, and outlook. In that sense, popular culture has already become an integral part of our life and society. Therefore, in consideration of impacts of popular culture upon us, this essay specifically focuses on how popular music—a fundamental element of popular culture—affects us, or says, in what ways popular music change the pattern we think towards the political idea, culture across races and regions, and social outlook.
Regarding politics, popular music indeed plays a pivotal role in awakening individual’s awareness on so many issues, for popular music, often highlighted and characterized by its rhythmical lyrics, has the high potential to express strong emotions. In a more pervasive and persuasive way, not only can it affect audiences from a diversity of social backgrounds but also their inside ideas. For instance, Michael Jackson’s song, they don’t care about us, is created to fight against the backdrop of racism in America. From my part, as a student of Chinese origin, it is tough to have a direct impression or feeling of how racism ravaged in America at the time of the 90s. However, via this song, the social phenomenon was kept as a living fossil. “Everybody/ hate me/ kick me/ don’t you black or white me/ all I wanna say is that they don't care about us.” When reading the lyrics, I do believe everyone of my age, wherever he or she comes from, can directly feel the darkest painful hours once in the world. Michael Jackson himself once commented: “the song, in fact, is about the pain of prejudice and hate and is a way to draw attention to social and political problems. I am the voice of the accused and the attacked. I am the voice of everyone. It is about the injustices to young people and how the system can wrongfully accuse them.” A song, sometimes not get sung for audiences or the singer, but for the change of the whole system or society. That is the power of popular music we have a witness and a feel for many years, and we know something to get changed due to unprecedented awareness lifted by the influence of some popular music.
In China, popular song, especially rock music in the 80s and 90s also affected the political sense of the vast majority of Chinese youngsters at that time. As famous as Michael, Cui Jian, who is the symbol of rock music in China, “enlightened” the first generation who has just attempted to break down the old ideological chain through popular rock music due to his lyrics abounded in a kaleidoscope of political metaphors. Since then, independent thinking, doubts, and critical ideas grow, fed by new kind of music and people’s political outlook gradually becomes more and more liberal. Nowadays the gate that has locked for so long finally opens to the outside.
Such kind of popular song, as a reminder of something politically or historically momentous, actually has already transcended the boundary of “popularity,” since the essence of the song of this kind singing the most urgent problems and calling for noble ideas has turned the “popularity” into “immortality.” As to the impact it brought us, they could be long-lasting and make us reflect upon what a benevolent political system should be like and how we can achieve that, as tearing down the bad old one.
Regarding culture, here specifically referring to culture across races and regions, popular music changes the way we think of what we embrace with open arms and ultimately redefine the taste of fashion culture. Popular music is a vehicle to express culture and spread strong influence to its audiences. As to culture across races, there is rather a concrete example. African American’s hip pop music has become one of the most significant popular culture elements in America. However, at first rap music was originated from African Americans, who were thought of this type of music as a traditional African entertainment form. With the growing fashion of rap music, the white also began to accept and love this kind of music, and finally, it becomes one of the most famous symbols of American popular culture in the world. In a sense, popular music does help people look beyond the boundary of races, which, to some extent, is a desirable thing, for it is a way to fight against racism and prejudice and enhance mutual understanding among diverse races. Popular music, as if magic glue, mixes us together and also our different racial, social or national backgrounds. Therefore, a new collective identity that overshadows stereotypical narrow-minded self-sense is gradually forged and established. In a word, popular music makes us more universal and less isolated.
Popular music also serves as a medium to spread fashion. Of course, it is not necessary to call this phenomenon “cultural invasion.” However, it is worth to be noted. South Korea is famous for producing hit popular music, which exerts a tremendous impact on Chinese popular music industry and the taste of Chinese audiences. Korea popular is feathered by its suggestive lyrics and attractive dancing style. Under such kind of influence for almost decades, young people in China believes “that” is the real essence of fashion and they would like to pay for “that kind of popular culture” in concerts. That sort of demand or desire quickly begins to impact on Chinese own popular music that is already on the way to imitate Korean style. To sum up, popular music can be international and mainly flows from countries with advanced popular culture to those with less. In the process of flowing and spreading, the strong influence will shape the taste and idea of local audiences and finally change the pattern of their popular culture industry, which sufficiently proves such a fact: our changes are what we hear and what we watch. People create music and in return, music, to some degree, may recreate people.
Popular music also leads to new social outlook and significant changes of outlook, which means besides political and cultural functions, another primary role of popular music is about changing the way we look at the world and the outlook we choose to depend on. Obviously, Compared with classic music, popular music is more likely to be secular. In Lana Del Rey’s song National Anthem, she sings out a kind of unstoppable trend of a lifestyle of luxurious extravagance. “Tell me I'm your National Anthem. Money is the reason we exist. I’m your National Anthem, wining and dining, drinking and driving.” More than that, the once hit Korea popular GANGNAMSTYLE, actually depicts the super-rich playboy’s lifestyle. This popular song gained enormous popularity in China. As matter of fact, materialism and hedonism give birth to those songs praising money worship (or otherwise in a sarcastic way), yet in return, they reinforce the stereotypes of the rich or the upper classes. The young generation, surrounded by such popular music, is easy to overindulge into entertainment and unhealthy consumption. The young generation gradually forgets traditional values, especially for Chinese, such as being hardworking and thrifty. Even though we cannot blame too much on popular music or popular culture, the impact of it upon us shape our identity more or less in an oblivious manner. What’s more, as to outlook changes, popular music gives a voice for the young to express their feeling and to defy the tradition. Popular music gives them power and a new way to code their self-sense or their social expectation into the lyrics and rhyme. Via popular music, the younger generation seems to be more open, more liberal, and more self-centered than the previous generation. Needless to say, popular music is the catalyst to change the values we choose to live. When traditional values collapsed or could not adapt to the new era anymore, popular music or, widely defined, popular culture leads the way to seize that vacuum space and build new identity again. However, it is necessary to point out that in that process, due to downsides of popular culture, something missing or going wrong is quite common to be seen. Therefore, we need to keep alarmed and vigilant on the whole process.
To conclude, popular music is a record of the political or social phenomenon, and it often awakens up people’s awareness and pushes people to change for good. It also has a cultural impact on us, making us know each other’s culture and embrace each other. The popular music builds us as one people by a universal concept and a more common idea. Thanks to popular music, we somewhat stick to each other and share the most beautiful part of humankind. The last, popular music also affects people social behavior and held outlook. On the one hand, listening to the song, audiences begin to imagine the lifestyle in the song or at least think that is what we seek for, which causes the collapse of traditional values. On the other hand, popular music rebuilds the value in a pervasive way; we may call that “destruction before construction.” However, in the process, we need to be sober on what kind of development is right for us.