下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Smoking is harmful to health,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了吸烟的危害。总所周知,吸烟的危害非常大。首先,你的牙齿会变黄,然后皮肤也会变得非常干燥。最严重的是,吸烟对肺的伤害非常大,会有肺癌和肺气肿的风险。吸烟的危害是如此之大,所以人们必须要正视这个问题,努力去戒烟。
In China, smokers told their kids:“Smoking is a matter of wasting life doing something that you don't enjoy”. It is a really good sentence, but smokers are just still smoking after they say this famous sentence. Everyone knows that smoke is bad for their health, but let me point out some important ideas that you don’t know. After this, I think you will really quit smoking. In this article, it is to discuss why smoke is bad for you.
First, smoking is bad for your teeth. The main reason for saying so is that smoking can turn your teeth yellow. When you smoke, you not only breath the smoke into your lung, but also into your lungs. Tobacco tar is brown, and that’s why it can make your teeth turn yellow. If you just start smoking, you definitely don’t want smoke cigarettes which have too much tobacco tar, because in your mind you think it is not good for your health and it is too strong for you. But if you are an old smoker, you really want a cigarette which has a large amount of tobacco tar inside of it, because the gentle one can’t satisfy you. If you just keep smoking, I bet your teeth will turn yellow. In addition, smoking is bad for your teeth as your tooth will decay easily. It is because that after smoking, the tobacco tar will linger on your teeth, and your tartar can’t get off easily.
Second, smoking is bad for your skin. I think not too many people know the influence of cigarettes on your skin, but it really does. It can makes your skin get dry. During the smoke, smoke that you breath out of your lungs will stop on face. Thus, your face’s blood circulation will turn slow. That’s why your skin will be dry easily.
Another fact explaining why it is bad for your skin is that smoke causes wrinkles. When your face’s blood circulation turned slow, your skin won’t be shiny and greasy.
At last, smoking is bad for your lungs which is known by everyone. First, smoking increase risk of lung cancer, as tobacco poison can dissolves in water or food easily, which make it destroy your DNA and result in gene mutation and chromosome modification. The second reason why smoking is bad for your lung is emphysema. First, it is necessary to know what is emphysema. “Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are familiar types of COPD.” This means a disabling disease of lungs. You will find itreally hard to breath when you get this problem.
Based on these three facts, you really should stop smoking, When you want smoke, try to think about how bad cigarette is.