下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Western marxism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西方马克思主义。西方马克思主义思潮的出现是对20世纪初以来发生的一系列重大社会历史事件的批判和反思。20世纪30—60年代末,是西方马克思主义繁荣发展时期,而法西斯主义的出现,使西方马克思主义的发展获得了新的动力,大家也从马克思的手稿中吸取精神养料,对马克思主义作以人道主义的解释。
Western marxism is not only one of the western social thoughts with international influence in the 20th century, but also an unorthodox marxism with non-marxism tendency. Its development has gone through three stages of formation, prosperity and transformation, and has formed many schools. It has contributed to the study of marxist philosophy, social history theory, historical dialectics, ideology and alienation.
The concept of "western marxism" first appeared in the supplement material of kirsch's 1930 edition of marxism and philosophy. Put forward at the beginning of the 20th century is the background of the marxist camp debate on western revolutionary road, cole use of "western marxism" to represent the Russian marxism with the new tendency of marxism.
1955, mellau ponti in the second chapter "the adventures of dialectics", "western marxism", this paper discusses the "western marxism" and Leninism, and called the lukacs "western marxism", the founder of the lukacs's "history and class consciousness" referred to as the "bible" of western marxism. He attributed western marxists influenced by this work and inclined to understand marxism from the perspective of humanism and social theory to this trend of thought.
1976, perry Anderson in the western marxism to explore, expand the scope of the use of "western marxism", the main themes and concerns of the transfer from the theory to the analysis of "western marxism", thought theory theme of western marxism has moved from the traditional focus on economic focus on philosophy, and will have a common academic tradition theory of marxist scholars will be included in the "western marxism".
Chinese scholars use the concept of "western marxism" is more [xu chongwen in 1982 in the journal of "western marxism", meaning "after the first world war, the victory of the October revolution and the background of western revolution have failed, produced in the western capitalist countries, both against the second international new kantianism, and against the communist international 'mechanical materialism; In the analysis of modern capitalism and the prospect of socialism, in the revolutionary strategy and strategy and other issues, put forward different views from Leninism. In philosophy, it puts forward different from Engels and Lenin, marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism, which was set forth, rediscover Marx's original design, main show is "left" ideology ".
At present, the concept of "western marxism" is still developing and enriching, and there are many controversies, but its existence as an ideological trend is an indisputable fact.
The emergence of western marxism is a critique and reflection on a series of important social and historical events since the beginning of the 20th century. In the course of more than 90 years of development, western marxism has experienced three periods, and there have been many schools of thought with different tendency and emphasis on different issues in different times.
From the 1920s to the end of the 1930s, western marxism was formed. After the first world war, the proletarian revolution succeeded in Russia, but failed successively in many countries in western and central Europe, which were more advanced than Russia. Lukacs, cole, gramsci marxists to rethink influenced western workers' movement of marxist theory of the second international, reflection, Leninism and stalinism formed different from Hegel's doctrine of marxism Leninism. They suggest should be restored marxism and dialectic relations, restore the marxist philosophy of consciousness, in the west to take, including economic, cultural and political revolution, overall strategy revolution. However, western marxism at this time is only an unorthodox marxist view within the international communist movement, and has not become an independent social thought.
The period from the 1930s to the end of the 1960s was a period of prosperity and development of western marxism. In the 1930s, the publication of Marx's economic -- philosophical manuscript of 1844 and the emergence of fascism gave new impetus to the development of western marxism. Marcuse et al. drew spiritual nourishment from Marx's manuscripts and interpreted marxism humanitarianism. For the proletariat has not been a significant development, but the fascism of the phenomenon, Reich's mass psychology of fascism, Bloch's legacy of this age, the hawk hammel "dictatorship", frome "escape from freedom" and so on a large number of works carried on the thorough analysis. After the 1950 s, the drawback of the Soviet socialist system becoming obvious, the rapid development of the western developed capitalist countries a lot of social problems, have brought the western marxist new confusion and thinking. Marcuse's Soviet marxism, Sartre "and critique of dialectical reason frome the marxist concept on people are against the Soviet union socialist mode and made a special analysis of the phenomenon of stalinism. Based on the reality of the development of capitalist society, western marxists believe that the basic contradiction of capitalist society still exists, but it is no longer an economic crisis, but mainly a human spiritual crisis. They reflect on the spirit of enlightenment, instrumental rationality, science and technology, mass culture, and are committed to the criticism of developed industrial civilization. Construct the philosophical foundation of critical theory and explain, supplement and reconstruct marxism with various western social thoughts. In the past three decades and more, western marxism has gradually evolved into a social ideological trend that combines unorthodox marxism with non-marxism with international influence. The main schools are: Frankfurt school, existentialist marxism, freudian marxism, structuralist marxism, new positivist marxism, etc. Among them, the Frankfurt school has the longest duration and the biggest influence.
After 1970s, it was the turning stage of western marxism. Increasingly acute contradictions between human and nature, the negative effect of science and technology is becoming more and more prominent, so a new generation of the western marxist social effect of science and technology revolution, and ecology problems as its research subject. Western marxism appeared diversified development, the Frankfurt school, existentialism, Freud's doctrine of marxism and marxism structuralist marxism divided, and the analysis of marxism, ecology marxism, post-modern marxism, etc. In the course of study, they transition from unorthodox marxism to non-marxism. This period are the common points of western marxism theory of marxism one or more of the main features of chronic rejection, these features include the historical materialism, as a social power and the method of dialectics, as the main characteristic of class of human society and the mode of production. Instead of trying to revise and supplement marxism, they abandoned it completely.
Western marxism various schools did not form a unified ideology, can only say that put forward from different angles and think about some common problems, and formed some theoretical hot spot in the development of western marxism.
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