下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Free spiritual life,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了自由的精神生活。精神生活是人在精神层面确证、实现进而享受自身存在本质的生命活动。历史唯物主义超越了超验主义与自然主义的知性理解,在实践观点的基础上赋予精神生活以内在超越和社会历史的规定性。在历史唯物主义看来,现时代的精神生活已陷入物化与个体化的困境之中。历史唯物主义把精神生活的自由问题从先验的形而上学问题下降和回归为人的现实存在问题,它对精神生活的辩证理解及其对精神生活现代性状况的批判,为人类走出精神生活的物化与个体化困境,从而使自由的精神生活成为现实,提供了新的超越性的思想方向和光明前景。
Spiritual life is a life activity in which people confirm, realize and enjoy the essence of existence. Historical materialism transcends the understanding of transcendentalism and naturalism and gives spiritual life the stipulation of transcendence and social history on the basis of practical viewpoint. In the view of historical materialism, the spiritual life of the present era has fallen into the dilemma of materialization and individuation. Historical materialism is the spiritual life of freedom from the transcendental metaphysics problems and return to the reality of human existence question, it is the dialectical understanding of the spiritual life and the spiritual life condition of modernity criticism, is out of the human spirit materialized and individualized predicament of life, so that the free spirit of life to become a reality, provides a new thinking direction of transcendence and bright prospects.
Nowadays, with the progress of science and technology and the development of social productivity, people's material living standard has been generally improved, but the problems of spiritual life have not been solved, but become more and more serious. Understanding and grasping The Times of spiritual life, reflecting and examining the modernity of spiritual life, thinking and clarifying the path and direction of spiritual life have become the important themes of modern and contemporary philosophy. However, among the numerous critical theories of modernity on the condition of spiritual life, what unique understanding does Marx's historical materialism give to spiritual life? Historical materialism holds the unique perspective of spiritual life, and has what ideological value for us to reflect and transcend the materialization and individualization dilemma of spiritual life in the present era? These questions are undoubtedly worth pondering.
Spiritual life as a problem is not an abrupt occurrence in the present era. It should be said that man's spiritual life has existed as a problem since the day that man came into being. The split between human spirit and nature makes human existence not only limited to the natural needs of physical nature, but also gives birth to new spiritual needs. As a transcendence to natural physical life, spiritual life is gradually differentiated and independent from the initial adhesion and original unity with natural physical life. When life becomes an object of conscious understanding and reflection, a conscious spiritual life comes into being. People's consciousness to the spiritual consciousness of life, make the spiritual life as a way of transcendental expression of life, have to reflect and face the problem. How human beings settle the spirit of independence from nature, free from the restriction of external natural necessity, free from turbulence, and obtain their eternal freedom and calm habitat, has become a fundamental issue inherent in human life.
The thought tradition of western transcendentalism pushes the spiritual life into the transcendental spiritual field. It presupposes the separation of body and soul and the opposition between material life and spiritual life, and extracts the spiritual life from human existence and life, Enders the spiritual life with the independent and supreme status. Here, the affirmation of spiritual life is realized by the negation of physical life, and the emphasis on the nobility of spiritual life is based on the contempt and disdain for the natural material life. On the one hand, this transcendentalist understanding of life makes people's spiritual life extricate from the unity of physical life, and reveals the independence and nobility of spiritual life. On the other hand, it makes people's spiritual life lose the realistic foundation of natural perceptual life, and inevitably falls into a state of abstraction. In the spiritual life tradition of transcendentalism, perhaps only in pure reason can one escape from the limit of time; Only in the idea of eternity can one enter the realm of eternal life. In this way, it inevitably leads life to an abstract situation, and dissimilates individual life into the pursuit of abstract universality, and the pursuit of reason turns into the admiration and return to divinity, and the alienation and departure from human nature. The spiritual life of transcendentalism eventually evolved into a religious life that lost the subject's self-consciousness.
Naturalism, as a rebellion against religious worldview and immanent idealism, holds that the so-called transcendental things are just some false ideas, and the soul and spirit should belong to the material category in essence, which is just the derivative of natural matter. People as a natural evolution of things, and the basis of its existence, according to the can find the answer from the natural human existence and life also should follow the laws of nature, according to the logic of natural, all without exception depend on the nature of the given conditions, also get it from natural nutrition and the essence of itself. "As the realm of nature expands, the mind will inevitably be drawn into its sphere. Not only has the existence of the experience of the mind been more and more clearly shown to depend on the conditions of nature, but there is an attempt to swallow its essence and eventually bring it fully into an enlarged naturalist framework." Modern naturalism makes use of the achievements of natural science to understand the world and human activities from the viewpoint of mechanical evolution, so as to turn human life into the spontaneous action of natural materials without their own characteristics. "Naturalism denies all the independence of the spiritual life, believing that the latter is only a subsidiary part of the natural realm, and can only depend on perceptual existence, or on the component or supplement of perceptual existence." It can be said that naturalism expresses the objective basis of human's spiritual life and its dependence on nature through the criticism of religious theology and immanent idealism. On the other hand, it turns people's spiritual life into a life pieced together according to the mechanical requirements of the natural order, and spiritual life into an extension of material life. When naturalism ascribes all human life to nature, it is the same as canceling the spiritual life of human beings and reducing the spiritual life to the process of nature. Thus it can be seen that the realistic way of life provided by naturalism deprives life of the possibility of free transcendence and the nobility of meaning. It tries to emancipate human existence from the abstraction of transcendentalism at the same time it pulls human existence and its spiritual life towards the horizon of blind submission to nature. But if man's life is arranged entirely in accordance with nature, and the interaction between natural things becomes an inevitable law governing man's spiritual life, how will man's freedom, dignity, status and value be reflected? What is the meaning of human life? This is an unavoidable problem for naturalism.
In the view of Marx's historical materialism, neither transcendentalism nor naturalism can achieve a thorough understanding of the essence of spiritual life. Historical materialism surpasses the abstract intellectual viewpoint. It does not reduce human nature to the material aspect of natural sensibility like naturalism, nor does it base the lofty nature of human nature on the spiritual interface of abstract purity like transcendentalism, but achieves the dialectical synthesis of the two. In historical materialism point of view, the spiritual life is neither pure "imagine the subject's activities", nor is simply to its environment "reflect the object or intuitive", but "the development of material production and material exchanges between people, at the same time to change your reality a product of the change of his own thinking and thinking". Spiritual life, as a unique life style, is based on human practice. In Marx's view, practice, as the way of human being, determines human existence and the internal integrity of life. Material life and spiritual life belong to the inevitable part of human life as well as the inner part of the whole human nature. Historical materialism holds that spiritual life is based on material life and generally restricted by material life, which cannot be completely separated from and separated from material life. The fundamental nature and level of a social spiritual life are always defined and restricted by material life on the whole, and are always based on certain material living conditions and objective social relationship structure. At the same time, it should be noted that the spiritual life is not completely compatible with the material life. As a transcendence of material life, spiritual life is not only based on material life, but also in turn to understand, reflect, regulate and guide material life. The decisive role of material life on spiritual life is conditional and supportive. Compared with material life, spiritual life has certain independence and follows the internal logic of its own development. Transcendence is the inner nature of man's spiritual life. In practice, on the basis of the human spirit through self denial and achieve self-transcendence, was gradually established in the spirit of the richer and more specific content, standing up is more noble meaning of life, so that the life of the mind from unilateral to comprehensive, from junior to senior, from single to rich, from poverty to enrich, realize continuous increase of their state. From the point of view of practice, spiritual life is in the process of continuous development and has the stipulation of social history. No matter in form or content, the spiritual life of different times always bears the imprint of The Times. The spiritual life of a certain age is always restricted and restricted by the social and historical conditions of this age, showing specific characteristics of stages. People's ideas, spiritual outlook and cultural interest all take the specific social and historical conditions as the premise of their existence, on this basis to grow and develop, and accept its constraints, so as to show and reflect the special spiritual conditions belonging to this era. The spiritual life of a particular era, as the spiritual expression of its special development stage, should reflect, represent and meet the requirements and interests of this era, and also be restricted by the limitations of the era. Spiritual life also has historical inheritance. A nation's spiritual life will form its own cultural tradition in the long process of historical development. This tradition will keep its continuity in the generation of change, and is retained in the later generations of memory, word and action, after the posterity of filter, filtration and sedimentation, become a "living" in the past, the present and the future of the explicit or implicit, transformation and even become a nation's "national character". The human spirit is undergoing a historical process from abstraction to concreteness, from one-sidedness to comprehensiveness, from simplicity to richness, from immaturity to maturity. This process is also a process in which the spirit constantly enriches itself and realizes civilization. In the view of historical materialism, human spirit is bound to acquire the nature of freedom and self-consciousness with the development of practical activities.
Historical materialism understands people's consciousness activities and spiritual life from the process of real life. In Marx's view, consciousness is essentially a conscious existence, a reflection of people's real life process. The analysis and criticism of spiritual life based on historical materialism is based on the overall investigation of modern society. Modern society is in the stage of human independence based on material dependence. At this stage, modern people got rid of the natural state of people being attached to the region and the hierarchical order of people being attached to each other, and became independent individuals in the real sense. But "dependence on things" also implies "destruction to things". Under the domination of capital logic, the spiritual life of modern people inevitably falls into the dilemma of materialization and individuation. The concept of "materialization" indicates that modern people are lost in the secular material world in their dependence and pursuit of things, and it is difficult for them to return to themselves and take care of their spiritual internal needs. The spiritual world of modern people has been occupied by commercialized "things", and the pursuit, possession and enjoyment of things have become the primary purpose of life. As a result, spiritual life became more and more secular, and the sacred glory of morality and faith became less and less, and their original divine light was turned to the world of things closely related to daily life. The modern world is a secularized world based on material dependence, which makes the spiritual life of modern people with the original noble and metaphysical nature has been ruthlessly erased. "Individualization" means that after modern society obtains and stands up the independence of individuals by relying on things, it shapes isolated monad individuals. After losing the shelter of the traditional community, individuals enter the world of strangers and have to face an uncertain world independently. Modern people oppose the subjective self to the other, establish the freedom and liberation on the external material basis, extract the subjective construction from the relationship between people, or indirectly rely on the intermediary of things to express the relationship between people, which forms the illusion of individual subjective freedom. Thus, due to the excessive dependence of the individual on the external object, the subject of the self shows materialized characteristics, and the external object's strangulation on the individual plays a role in a subtle way. The materialization of human makes each individual become more and more abstract and fungible in the eyes of others, and the unique value of individual existence is dissolved. Because modern people only look at others from the perspective of instrumental rationality and formal rationality, and their materialized thinking dissolves each other's subjectivity, making each individual a passive consumer lacking rational reflection spirit and unique value pursuit. The direct consequences of materialization and individualization of modern society on spiritual life are the dissolution of inner transcendence, the loss of social publicity and the decline of overall freedom.
The dissolution of inner transcendence in spiritual life reflects that the spiritual life of modern people is being eroded by the industrialization of culture and the marketization of mass culture. Cultural industry is the product of the infiltration of capital logic from the economic field to the cultural field. It realizes the integration of different cultural fields, cultural elements and cultural patterns with modern technology as the media, and mass culture is the "commodity" produced by it. The biggest impact of the industrialization and marketization of culture on spiritual life lies in that: the meaning problem is reduced to a problem of interests, the cultural problem turns into a problem of consumption, and the ultimate existence gives way to the instantaneous existence. In this context, it is difficult for us to understand "significance" beyond the "exchange value" of the market and grasp "permanence" beyond "utility". Nihilism, as Nietzsche put it, "arrived" together with utilitarianism and hedonism of mass culture. As heidegger put it, "the dethroning of the supra sensibility also eliminates the pure sensibility". "Sensibility" or "supersensibility" have lost the important role of giving life sense of meaning to the spiritual life of modern people. The loss of sense of meaning makes people unable to extricate themselves from the pressure of survival and the status quo of life. The "annoyance", "fear" and "anxiety" revealed by existentialism have become the real living experience of modern people. The loss of meaning also means that "spare time" cannot be transformed into "free time". According to arendt, this "extra time" is still biological, not "time to freely pursue the world and its culture" but a vital link that markets produce for their own needs as a complement to mechanized labor. This situation also makes the efforts to restore the transcendental dimension of spiritual life in the hope of aesthetic liberation and cultural liberation declare "bankruptcy".