对于老师布置的Response Essay,很多留学生都是一脸迷茫的,迷茫到不知道该怎么写,直到Deadline快到了才开始着急。对于Response Essay,虽然大家非常陌生,但Essay万变不离其宗,总体上的格式是差不多的,只有细节上的区别。那么Response Essay该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下Response Essay的写作技巧。
1st Paragraph: frame story which introduces subject vividly
Living in Central Texas where 100 degrees is normal in the middle of summer, I've spent a lot of time at our local water park recently. That means I've also spent a lot of time standing in line at the water slides staring at people's backs, which more often than not are covered with tattoos. I've seen wings, flowers, hearts with names imprinted on them, faces with dates and "in memoriam," and. on the most memorable of all, a picture worthy of a medieval drawing with a large Celtic cross being fought over by a demon and an angel.
2nd Paragraph: transition and introduction of article
As a 50 something college professor, I'm not in a peer group which generally goes out and gets tattoos on the weekends, so I was fascinated by Chris Adrian's article from the New York Times "Under My Skin" which explains his own decision to get a tattoo and describes the experience in detail.
Adrian explains that he decided to get a tattoo after breaking up with his girlfriend. He didn't do it on a drunken binge, but rather in a spirit of self-reform. Vaguely desiring something spiritual, he nevertheless rejects his initial idea of having John Calvin's face on his back since the reference seems too obscure. Would people think he had a bad tattoo of Calvin and Hobbs? he wonders. Noting that he wanted something big and permanent to remind himself to be a person who was more responsible and more selfless, Adrain settles on a large dragon as a sufficiently menacing warning to himself.
After four hours of pain, he leaves the tattoo parlor with his dragon on his back, and a certain amount of uneasiness in his soul. He asks himself: Was such a large dragon really a good idea? Why did he get it on his back where he can't see it? Ambiguity pervades Adrian's conclusions about his experience. While he is not elated with his new permanent body art, he doesn't seem to be quite ready to go out to find a tattoo removal business right away either.
每段都会有一个主题句,这是相信论文的原因之一。 这是我作为我的文章正文轮廓的4个主题句子:
主体第二段:他感兴趣并对我感兴趣,专注于获取纹身可以表达出精神上的承诺。 (我会解释这个想法对我来说是新的,为什么它改变了我对纹身的思考,为什么人们得到他们,然后我将从我自己的生活中添加一个例子,当时我看到一个脸上的纹身与“纪念”以及名称和日期)
Try to return to the ideas in the introduction as well as leaving with a final thought.
Reading Adrian's article about his personal experience with getting a tattoo actually did get under my skin. I found myself wondering, for perhaps the first time, whether there was any circumstance which would make me take that fatal step into the den of the tattoo artist. More importantly, it made me look more sympathetically on the tattooed skin around me. While I am not shaken in my idea that a person ought to look at some samples of the artist's work before giving them your skin to draw on, I do find that I now see tattoos as part of a life story. Moreover, I'm curious about that story. If I get brave enough, the next time I'm in line at the water slide, I may ask the girl in front of me to tell me about her tattooed wings.
以上就是关于Response Essay的写作技巧讲解,大家看完之后想必对Response Essay写作可能比较容易下手了吧!希望可以帮到大家。