下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Accounting aesthetics,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了会计的美学。随着会计工作不断深入化,有学者提出了会计美学的概念,即将会计工作与企业管理工作相结合,使企业在充分了解自身现有的基础上,全面发展,体现会计存在的真正价值感。会计美学也是对审美意识和美感经验的理论提升和系统凝练。
In ancient times, "accounting" was defined as "the calculation of piecemeal calculation, and the sum total calculation of accounting", which was a preliminary understanding of accounting by the ancient people. Accounting at that time should be called "Mr. Ledger". All they needed to do was to record every transaction and make final calculation of income and expenditure. This was the most basic accounting work. When the data accumulated to a certain extent, people began to try to classify and record the complicated and dazzling data. This is the second stage of the development of accounting, in which large amounts of data collected in the past are modified and embellished to make the data more clear, to make the data information beneficiaries more clearly and to make the data users more familiar with it.
Through the accounting work, the current financial status and operating results of the accounting object are effectively expressed, and to make the enterprise stronger and bigger, the planning must be made according to the current operating financial status. As a result, the importance of the accounting work, accounting is no longer a simple data record, classify, modifications to the summary of information, but is associated with the management of the enterprise, effectively combines the enterprise management and accounting, the accounting work is reflected in the enterprise development blueprint, this is the third stage in the development of accounting. After the preparation and development of the previous two stages, the data information in accounting work is continuously refined, and the collection and recording work is more organized. With the deepening of accounting work, there comes the third stage -- "accounting aesthetics", which combines accounting work with enterprise management work, enabling enterprises to fully develop on the basis of fully understanding their own existing, reflecting the real "beauty" soul and real sense of value of accounting existence.
"Beauty" gives people a pleasant and comfortable feeling. Although people define beauty differently, they always feel the most beautiful for what suits them and brings convenience to them. The preference for "beauty" mentioned before is also derived from the feature of "fit", such as people's self-knowledge of water, temperature and temperature. In terms of the preference of suitability, accounting gives information users a maximum sense of beauty, such as accounting's requirement of information quality that substance is more important than form and timeliness. Instead of making accounting products in accordance with the existing laws and regulations, they are customized to give users a sense of comfort and make them feel the "beauty".
The beneficiaries of the use of accounting information are required to have a certain sense of beauty in the face of accounting information, and can have a pleasant feeling when reading. While accountants in the accounting practice must also produces aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic experience, accounting aesthetics is the aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic experience of ascension in theory and system concise, accountants and accounting information users are paying attention to the practical value and scientific mission at the same time, should be studied from the Angle of aesthetics, the rule of accounting aesthetics, explore the real accounting radiances, balance, symmetry, order, JieGouMei, contracted beauty, unified beauty and harmonious beauty, building the system of accounting aesthetics theory system.
Accounting is essentially the most watched beauty beauty lies in the "balance", "dynamic" and "skill", connecting the three and perfect, so a perfect accounting statements is complete, but only part of the accounting work, as a modern accounting personnel, to the accounting work done with aesthetic effect, you must take to express the content of the accounting information accurately and closely combining the basis of the existing enterprise, truly reflect timely and accurate accounting object existing financial operating conditions at the same time also can effectively use accounting information to promote benefit the further development of the enterprise.
If the public were to define accounting as a profession, most would probably attribute it to a technical activity requiring caution and patience. However, if we have a deep understanding of accounting, we will find that accounting is a technical activity and requires the art of creating beauty. As an excellent accountant, I should uphold good scientific spirit and maintain a sense of beauty around me. This is also shown in the continuous development and progress of accounting. Chinese accounting has gradually merged with international accounting. As an accountant, we should keep up with the pace of The Times, make efforts to make progress, keep learning, and manage our wealth well for the development of the enterprise.
The "four fears" in accounting work is also the emphasis of planning and composition in the construction of an excellent accounting work. To complete a good accounting work, it is necessary to achieve the overall "balance" beauty, "dynamic" beauty, "skill" beauty and "truth" beauty. "Rigid" accounting comes down to well-formed accounting work that is not suitable for further use. A "lying" accounting work, like a distorted work of art, loses its original value. Any work, whether abstract or realistic, is itself a reflection of reality. "decoration" and "innovation" are not fake, just for the sake of better presentation in front of the audience, which is also the true connotation of accounting aesthetics. "Imbalance" and "play risks" show that the accounting works lack the balance of beauty and real beauty. It can be seen that important accounting works in accounting need to have the beauty of "balance", "dynamic", "skill" and "truth" at the same time, before they can show their aesthetic effects.
Accounting, contains not only accounting personnel and accounting statements and other related works, but also contains the ornamental, qualifier of accounting work, how to build a stable among aesthetic structure, first of all have to do the effective communication between accountants and the accounting information user, let the accounting staff to understand what consumers really need is information, at the same time, the accounting information user time to understand the status of the existing real reflected, making information transparent, timely, and specialisation. In this way, there will not be repeated and disordered invalid redundant information in the accounting process, making the overall accounting appear concise and clear. To discuss the theory and practical significance of beauty in accounting, the humanistic care of accountants is of vital importance, the accountants with high quality will have a good traction effect on the accounting work itself, and the accountants' aesthetic ideas will be directly reflected in the accounting works.
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