下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The development of seaside resorts,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了海滨度假地的发展。世界范围内最早的海滨度假地出现在18世纪上半叶的英国海滨城镇,随后扩展到法国、比利时、西班牙、德国和美洲大陆。这被称为传统海滨度假地,是定制化海滨旅游的开端。欧洲传统海滨度假地的兴起最初都与皇家贵族的示范性消费有关,海滨度假长期以来一直是权贵上层阶级的专利。直到19世纪后半期到20世纪初,欧洲和北美的海滨度假地出现了权贵消费向大众消费的转型,普通大众越来越多地介入到海滨度假活动中。相应地,欧洲海滨度假地也真正进入到大发展时期。
Worldwide, the development of coastal resorts can be roughly divided into three periods, namely, the development period of traditional coastal resorts represented by coastal towns on the European continent, the rapid urbanization period of coastal resorts, and the development period of comprehensive resorts emerging in the past half century. Among them, the British traditional seaside resorts have the longest history of development. Brighton, scybarra, toby and other famous resorts have long been the center of the world's seaside resort activities, leading the trend of the world's seaside leisure culture.
Since the 1970s and 1980s, the traditional public seaside resorts represented by the United Kingdom have been generally faced with the crisis of recession, which is unprecedented in scope and depth. Why the recession? How can recession be contained and resort revival promoted? These problems become the focus of destination government and academia. Many scholars have written articles to explain this phenomenon, forming a great discussion on the decline of traditional coastal resorts. In general, the existing researches are mainly based on two theoretical frameworks: one is the life cycle model of tourist destinations, and the other is the transformation theory. On the basis of literature research, this paper attempts to reproduce the development course of traditional coastal resorts and the important theoretical achievements of their decline research.
The earliest seaside resorts in the world appeared in English coastal towns in the first half of the 18th century, and then expanded to France, Belgium, Spain, Germany and the American continent. This is known as the traditional seaside resort, and some scholars call it the beginning of customized seaside tourism.
The rise of traditional European coastal resorts is initially related to the exemplary consumption of the royal aristocracy. Coastal resorts have long been the patent of the upper class. From the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the coastal resorts in Europe and North America experienced a transformation from power consumption to mass consumption, and the general public was increasingly involved in coastal resort activities. Accordingly, European seaside resorts have really entered a period of great development.
This transformation is mainly promoted by the invention and popularization of railway transportation technology, which greatly improves the access of coastal resorts around industrial centers. For example, Lancashire and Yorkshire became destinations for London residents in large Numbers, and alicante in Spain became a new seaside resort around Madrid. In addition, the struggle of the working class for equal social status is also an important factor.
In the first half of the 20th century, the development of European coastal resorts led to the development of coastal resorts on other continents. With the further improvement of transportation conditions, the international seaside vacation activities are becoming increasingly prosperous. People in northern and Western Europe began to group holidays along the shores of the Mediterranean, while tourists from North America flocked to Florida and the Caribbean. The rapid development of coastal resorts in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean is due to: first, the development of air transport technology and the reduction of travel costs; Second, consumption in Mediterranean countries is lower than in northern and Western Europe; Third, northern Europe and North America have high latitudes, and some western European countries have low light hours due to fog, while the Mediterranean and Caribbean have low latitudes and enjoy abundant sunshine all year round. There is a strong general demand for light, so the Mediterranean and Caribbean coasts are ideal seaside resorts.
During this period, although the international coastal resort tourism has achieved great development, due to the intensified competition among coastal resorts, countries generally imposed strict restrictions on the movement of personnel. In general, therefore, the British and north American coastal resorts are still dominated by domestic tourists. From the 1950s to the mid-1970s, British coastal resorts ushered in a golden age of development driven by strong government support and private capital investment. In 1968, 75% of the holiday consumption activities in the UK were concentrated in the local coastal resorts, and the domestic coastal holiday activities flourished.
Since the late 1970s, there has been a general decline in the number of British seaside resorts, many of which are facing declining visitor Numbers, above-average unemployment and underinvestment. Since the mid-1990s, the annual number of seaside holiday tourists in England has been about 18 million, with an average annual income of 2.9 billion pounds, compared with 32 million in 1973 and 51. 800 million pounds of tourism revenue compared to the level of a substantial decline. Many seaside resorts topped the list of areas in Britain in 1993 that needed help because of high unemployment. In terms of investment, shaw and Williams analyzed the monitoring data of tourism investment in England by the tourism promotion agency from 1988 to 1989 and found that the investment focus shifted from traditional seaside resorts to urban theme parks or other tourist attractions. During this period, there was almost no major investment in the coastal resorts, and the reception facilities were seriously aging. According to cooper's research, existing hotels in British seaside resorts are dominated by low-grade hotels such as 1-star or 2-star hotels, which suffer from low occupancy rates and off-season.
Indeed, the decline of Britain's seaside resorts has been accompanied by structural changes in demand and supply. Statistics show that although the number of long-term visitors decreased from 3 million in 1993 to 2.5 million in 1999, the number of short-term visitors staying for 1-3 nights in the same period increased from 4.8 million to 8.8 million. Day-triers are becoming more and more important in the tourist structure of small and medium-sized resorts. The change of demand structure brought about by the greatly shortened stay time of tourists has an important impact on the adjustment of the reception facilities structure of resorts. Take the seaside town of skaibora in Yorkshire, where the number of beds fell from 78,000 in 1978 to 51,000 in 1992.
The widespread decline of British seaside resorts has aroused widespread concern in academic circles. Many scholars have studied the causes of the decline. The classical tourism destination life cycle model provides a simple and practical analysis framework. According to this model, British coastal resorts have apparently entered a stagnating recession stage, which is caused by the weakening of the uniqueness of vacation products and the lack of market competitiveness.
The applicability and effectiveness of life cycle model have been questioned by many scholars for a long time. The main reason is that it is difficult to judge the turning point of different stages. Since the 1990s, scholars have gradually abandoned the research path of simply applying life cycle model and focused on the internal and external driving factors behind the evolution of tourism destinations. The complexity of tourism destination evolution lies in that the internal and external dynamic systems of each tourism destination are different, and the time length of each stage and the path of life cycle are different. Therefore, the life cycle model cannot be mechanically applied to the evolution of all tourism destinations. This is a major advance in the study of life cycle theory.
In the framework of tourism destination life cycle model, the reason of resort decline is the weakening of uniqueness and market competitiveness. For resorts to recover, their appeal must undergo fundamental changes. This analytical paradigm starts more from within the resort system, attributing the decline to a decline in competitiveness as tourism products become less attractive. The key to recovery is attracting investment and developing new products. This is the theoretical background for the implementation of tourism development action plan in coastal resorts in southern England. Driven by the local government, a number of new tourism products have been created in the coastal resorts. For example, a large comprehensive project including conference, exhibition and leisure facilities was built in toquay in 1987, followed by Hollywood evening party, large bowling alley and ski slope in 1988. Scybera developed conference tourism facilities, manhead and weymouth organized event Tours, and so on.
The implementation of the TDAP plan has updated the traditional British coastal resort products, but the comprehensive implementation effect has not produced the significant recovery effect expected by the life cycle theory. As Mr Agarwal puts it: TDAP's implementation "looks disappointing, especially in terms of stopping the local economic downturn". In recent years, scholars have gradually realized that the decline of British seaside resorts is not as simple as described by life cycle theory, but there is a deeper external environmental motivation. In this case, the theory of transformation in the socio-economic field is used to analyze the decline of British seaside resorts.
The theory of transformation first appeared in the field of industrial production and was only recently applied to the service industry to explain some structural changes in the service sector and the resulting impact on social economy. Generally speaking, the transformation theory has two explanatory functions. One is to depict the profound transformation from the ford system to the tailor-made products in the social and economic field of western countries since the 1970s, that is, the transformation from standardized and large-scale customized production to differentiated and personalized flexible production. The other is to explain the new requirements of this reform on the form of production organization, including spatial reorganization, production scale and labor force reorganization. Once the production activities can not meet the requirements of changes proposed by futailor-made, economic activities are likely to decline.
There is also the phenomenon of transformation in the field of tourism. Tourists pay more attention to personalized tourism products and authentic tourism experience. This change in demand has led to the transition of tourism production mode from ford system to houfu tailor-made system. The mass market is gradually differentiated and provides new market opportunities for small and more flexible tourism enterprises. This is called "new tourism".
Transformation theory provides a new theoretical perspective for studying the decline of British seaside resorts. Different from the life cycle theory, the transformation theory focuses on finding the reasons for the decline of resorts from the perspective of the change of the external environment of coastal resorts. The external environment change of resort revealed by transformation theory includes two aspects. One is the process related to production, including capital accumulation seeking expansion, change of production process and flexible production. Second, consumption-related processes, including changes in tourists' needs, motivations and expectations, improvement of tourists' utilization rate of new technologies, and extension of leisure time. These external factors help to better explain three trends in the evolution of British seaside resorts. First, a large number of holiday guests flow from home to abroad. Data show that from 1980 to 1992, the number of people visiting British seaside resorts fell by 58 million days, while the number of outbound tourists soared to 21 million days. Second, Britain's domestic tourist hotspots have moved inland from the coast. Third, the number of short-distance holidaymakers has increased sharply, with more tourists preferring cities, villages and heritage sites, and the seaside tourism boom cooling off.
Through a comprehensive analysis of the changes of the external environment of resorts, the theory of transformation holds that the increasingly fierce external competition environment of resorts is an important reason for the decline of resorts. This theoretical perspective is helpful to broaden the life cycle theory which lays too much emphasis on the narrowness of the internal factors of resorts and to explore the whole picture of the evolution of resorts from the perspective of macroscopicity and dynamics. All in all, the decline of resorts is the result of the interaction between internal and external complex factors.
In terms of policy measures to cope with the decline of resorts, the transformation theory greatly enriches the product diversification strategy proposed by the life cycle theory, and puts forward a measure system that includes two core strategies and eight related strategies. Therefore, the transformation theory has a stronger guiding significance for the study of the decline of coastal resorts.