
本篇paper代写- Comparison and Contrast of Chinese Traditional Theatres and American Theatres讨论了中国传统戏剧与美国戏剧。中国传统戏剧与美国戏剧的理论形态不同。中国传统剧院的主要具体理论形式是京剧,它结合了杂技、舞蹈、哑剧和音乐。而美国戏剧的理论形式是戏剧和歌剧。在戏剧中,对话和独白比歌曲更受欢迎,而音乐在歌剧中占主导地位由此可见,中国传统戏剧与美国戏剧的理论形态确实存在着很大的差异,在舞台上以不同的方式呈现给观众。本篇paper代写51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Chinese Traditional Theatres,American Theatres,paper代写,代写,essay代写


It is known to us that more and more people will choose to appreciate theatres in their spare time with the gradual improvement of living standards nowadays. Some people have even regarded watching theatres as one effective way to improve their cultural literacy and aesthetic level. However, most people do not know whether they should choose Chinese traditional theatre or an American theatre and what the differences between Chinese traditional theatres and American theatres are. Therefore this paper will compare and contrast the Chinese traditional theatres and American theatres from three aspects: theoretical form, the plotting techniques as well as authorship and social status. It is hoped that this paper can give some useful suggestions as for whether they would like to choose a Chinese traditional theatre or an American theatre.

Comparison and Contrast of Chinese Traditional Theatres and American Theatres

Firstly, the theoretical form of Chinese traditional theatres and American theatres is different from one another. To put it more specifically, the main specific theoretical form of Chinese traditional theatres is Beijing Opera which combines acrobatics, dance, mime and music (both instrumental and vocal) (Robert Cohen and Donovan Sherman. 2017). Beijing Opera’s being considered as the major theoretical form in China can be justified from the fact that it is deemed as one of the cultural treasures of China. Moreover, Chinese traditional theatres share some common characteristics and these common characteristics of Chinese traditional theatres primarily include the below ones: they are seldom spoken and they tend to be chanted, danced, mimed and sung; they are more sensual and visual than intellectual or literacy because they are seldom read; they are highly stylized because their formalized techniques are passed on from previous generations; they are deeply traditional in that the concepts and scripts that were existent three or four hundred years ago will still be existent in modern times with minimal changes made (Robert Cohen and Donovan Sherman. 2017). While the theoretical forms of American theatres are plays and operas. Dialogue and monologue through speech is quite popular instead of song in the plays while music plays a dominant part in the operas (Colin Macjerras. 2017). So a fair knowledge can be obtained that the theoretical forms of Chinese traditional theatres and American theatres is really different from one another and they are presented to the audience in different ways on the stage.

Moreover, the difference in the plotting techniques between Chinese traditional theatres and American theatres can be easily detected. Detailed speaking, Chinese traditional theatres are loosely plotted and it seems to lay emphasis on storytelling a lot. But American theatres are with different plotting techniques and their escalating incidents, plots reversals and climaxes are absent (Robert Cohen and Donovan Sherman. 2017). Or maybe it can be put in another way that Chinese traditional theatres are actor-centered but not author-centered while American theatres are more author- and composer-centered than in China. Based on this, it can be easily understood that why the actors of the theaters in China can be remembered while performers in the U.S. tend to be forgotten by.

Last but not the least, the authorship and social status of Chinese traditional theatres and American theatres are different from one another and the status of theatre in China is far lower than that in the U.S (Colin Macjerras. 2017). In China, Chinese traditional theatres are placed in a status that is so low that they can not be counted as literature at all. At the same time, the educated elite do not attend Chinese traditional theatres as much as those in the U.S. But in America, American theatres are definitely literature and they include some of the best literature of all. Sizhuang, Li, a Chinese exchange student in Mullen, has written in the article about his experience toward theatres in both China and the U.S. that the theater play in his school in China is not a main stuff while it is the most important thing for a certain period when one is concerned in the theatre in the U.S. (Sizhuang, Li. 2014). The personal experience of Sizhuang, Li can well suggest that the lower status of theatre in China than that in the U.S.

Personally speaking, I have ever watched a musical theatre called Company in the U.S. as is one theatre of Broadway. In that musical theatre, Robert, as a thirty-five-year-old single man, has three girlfriends named Marta, Kathy and April respectively and he has five good friends who have all been married. This musical theatre focuses on Robert’s observation toward the married life of those five couples one by one without any climax, which fits in well with the plotting technique of the American theatre mentioned in the above. At its end, it has a song called “Being Alive” as given me the sense that it is good to live.


From all the above, a reasonable conclusion can be drawn that Chinese traditional theatres and American theatres differ from one another concerning their theoretical form, their plotting techniques as well as their authorship and social status. There is no doubt that there will be some other aspects that Chinese traditional theatres and American theatres will be different from one another, which calls for people to discover on their own.

Works Cited

Colin Macjerras. Chinese and Western Drama Traditions: a Comparative perspective. Griffiths University. 2017. Online available from:;jsessionid=83696F22F6EA7B3BCC3CCB2E7429CB25?sequence=1.

Robert Cohen and Donovan Sherman. Theatre: Brief Version. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2017. Chapter 7: Theatre Traditions: East and West. 205-213.

Sizhuang, Li. Difference between Chinese and American Theatre. December 2, 2014. Online available from:


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