本篇paper代写- Consumerist values讨论了消费主义价值观。消费主义价值观源自于资本主义消费社会,是一种渗透在当代社会制度、政策和生活时尚之中的价值哲学,其影响力非任何学院派的价值哲学所可比拟。消费主义价值观危胁着人类社会的健康发展,因而亟待我们去探究产生消费主义价值观错误价值取向的社会根源。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
The values of consumerism are derived from the capitalist consumption society. "it is a value philosophy that permeates the contemporary social system, policies and life styles, and its influence is not comparable to that of any academic value philosophy. Therefore, it is urgent for us to clarify the distorted value connotation of consumerism values, explore the social system root of the wrong value orientation of consumerism values, and find the fundamental method to solve the problem.
The political function of consumerist values is to exert the influence of capitalist ideology and safeguard the interests of capitalist system and the bourgeoisie. The political crisis of covering up class contradictions internally; External guarantee of the production and reproduction of the global capitalist economic system. The economic orientation of the consumerist values follows the capital logic of the capital society and serves the desire for unlimited capital appreciation. It is subordinate to economism, which "holds that all human behaviors are, in the final analysis, economic behaviors, and that economic development is the sole source of personal happiness and social welfare." It is a kind of spendthrift consumption values, and the fundamental characteristic of this consumption value is the deviation from people's basic needs and use values. The social value orientation of consumerism values is strongly permeated with self-interest and selfishness, and advocates the value principle of putting personal interests first. Personal requirements and desires are in a high position, but everyone's sense of social responsibility is deeply dispelled. The social value orientation of consumerist values not only harms the intra-generational fairness of the current generation, but also damages the inter-generational fairness by neglecting the future generations. The natural ecological attitude of consumerist values deviates completely from the fundamental survival interests of human beings. The values of consumerism ignore the limitation of the earth's resources and ecological purification capacity, and constantly promote the economic system to take from the nature, "overdraw" and discard. It seems that consumption is an internal affair of human beings that has nothing to do with nature. Human beings do not need to consider the factors of nature, but only need to use science and technology, so as to satisfy their infinite consumption desire. Ellen? Du ning pointed out that modern "consumption" essentially means "destroy or destroy, waste or abuse, use and exhaust. The life value orientation of consumerism values takes material consumption as the only measure of life value and the fundamental purpose of life. "it is believed that only the abundance of material life and the satisfaction of perceptual desire are important and valuable, and only the material wealth possessed and enjoyed by people is the symbol of life significance and value.
"Contemporary human beings are faced with various crises, among which the crisis of values is one of the most fundamental. Consumerist values are threatening the healthy development of human society. Therefore, it is urgent for us to explore the social root of the wrong value orientation of the values of consumerism.
The analysis of capitalist system root of consumerist values originates from the important enlightenment of Engels' thought of institutional attribution of natural ecological problems. Engels inspired people to study problems and not to discuss them in isolation. As he pointed out, the contradiction between man and nature under capitalism is rooted in the conflict between man and man and between man and society under capitalism. Therefore, when we probe into the root of the problem of consumerist values, we also explore the social system root of the wrong value orientation of consumerist values from the defects of capitalist private ownership system, bourgeois class characteristics, capitalist production purpose and other aspects under the capitalist system.
The defects of capitalist private ownership system are the root of the wrong value orientation of consumerist values. The capitalist system is a system of private ownership, manifested in the private possession of productive capital and means of production. When social division of labor is closely combined with private ownership, interests of different groups of people, people and society will be divided and opposed, thus creating a destructive force of alienation. Private interests were encouraged to be pursued. The main classes of the society represented the rights and interests of only a few people, and the common interests were covered. "The main characteristic of capitalism is that it is a self-expanding value system in which the accumulation of economic surplus value is necessarily carried out on an ever-larger scale because it is rooted in the forces imposed by predatory development and the laws of competition." The malady of capitalist society is that "capitalism differs from other social systems in that it is obstinately obsessed with the desire to accumulate capital".
Bourgeois greed and venality are the class root of the wrong value orientation of consumerism. Engels pointed out that the bourgeoisie is characterized by greed and venality. The greed of the bourgeoisie and the pursuit of hedonic life make them constantly pursue high profits and the maximization of surplus value. In the prevailing social atmosphere of seeking the maximization of individual or standard interests and fierce competition, a large number of property owners, in order to obtain the immediate most direct, recent and maximum profits, are restricted by blind, short-sighted vision of all kinds of short-sighted behavior prevailing in the capitalist society. The bourgeoisie is so greedy for wealth: "I have never seen a class so depraved, so self-interested, so irredeemable, so corrupt, so impotent as the English bourgeoisie. By this I mean, first of all, the bourgeoisie in its narrow sense, especially the free bourgeoisie who opposed the corn laws. In the eyes of the bourgeoisie, there is nothing in the world, not even for the sake of money, and they are no exception, for they live to make money, and they know of no other happiness than to make a quick fortune, and of no other pains but the loss of money.
The production purpose of capitalism is to maximize profit, which is the logical root of the wrong value orientation of consumerist values. In a capitalist society, as in all previous societies, capital rules. In the pre-capitalist period, the purpose of human production is mainly to obtain the use value, while in the capitalist period, the "logic of capital hegemony" is followed. The purpose of production is no longer mainly for the use value, but for the pursuit of value and profit maximization. Engels pointed out that "what a capitalist can care about, which governs production and exchange, is only the most direct beneficial effect of his actions... The only incentive is to sell at a profit. Under the conditions of capitalism, the capital logic with super discourse hegemony rules everything, and the desire for the accumulation of capital value is endless, which means that capitalist production needs consumerism values as the value orientation to complete the trend of unlimited expansion of its desires.
Consumerism continues the life span of capitalism and promotes the continuous spread of capitalist economic system to the world. However, in the face of the limitation of natural ecological carrying capacity, it will eventually become unsustainable. Engels' thought on institutional attribution of natural ecological problems enlightens us that the important way to solve this problem is the complete transformation of the entire capitalist system including the economic foundation and the superstructure.
Consumerist values serve the capitalist system and undertake the mission of extending the life of capitalism. In the 1930s, the economic crisis broke out in the capitalist world, and the whole capitalism was faced with a severe economic crisis of overproduction, a political crisis of class conflict and a crisis of legitimacy. Capitalist countries have chosen Keynes's theory of effective demand shortage and stimulating consumption as the model to solve the crisis. One of the key links is to use the spreading of consumerism values to stimulate consumption and guide the expansion of consumption demand, so as to promote the continuous renewal and expansion of social reproduction. In this way, economic cycle and sustainability can be promoted. At the same time, it effectively alleviated the economic crisis of overproduction in the capital society and the political crisis of irreconcilable class contradictions, and "continued and prospered" the capitalist society.
Consumerism effectively alleviates the internal crisis of capitalism and promotes the global expansion of the capitalist economic system. It is also the process of transferring the crisis to the ecological field and constantly expanding the scope of the capitalist crisis. However, regardless of the limitation of the carrying capacity of external natural ecology, the persistent pursuit of sustainable capital circulation in the internal operation of the economy and the acquisition of excess profits will eventually collapse due to the lack of material support of natural ecology. As Engels pointed out capitalism "external economy", "when the Spanish planting farmers in Cuba fan burn hillside forests, think that wood ash as to get the highest profit enough fertilizer with a coffee tree generation, why would they care about the future of tropical rain wash it will be no fertile soil and leaving bare rock cover?" Such problems as "ecological imperialism", "ecological colonialism" and "ecological refugees" are emerging. With the accelerated development of capitalist production and the continuous expansion of the world market relying on political, economic and military strength, the demand for resources intensified, and at the same time, human society began to wantonly plunder the world's natural resources across time and space. In order to maintain a sound ecological environment, western developed capitalist countries often ignore the overall and long-term interests of human beings and constantly transfer ecological problems and responsibilities to developing and underdeveloped countries, which often become dirty industrial transfer sites, pollutant transport sites and toxic waste dumps. The means used are often: taking advantage of the economic difficulties of developing countries eager for foreign exchange, taking advantage of the third world countries environmental protection legislation is not sound, and taking advantage of the reality of the urgent desire for industrialization of developing countries. This leads to the internationalization of ecological environment problems, and is bound to cause the continuous accumulation of external uneconomic, accelerating the rapid deterioration of the global ecological environment.
Engels's two ideas of "promotion" and "reconciliation" as well as the idea of building a reasonable society give an important enlightenment to transcend the shackles of the capitalist system with consumerist values. In a society that has really achieved two "promotions" and two "reconciliations", that is, to "elevate" people from animals and to "elevate" people from social relations; In a society where "the reconciliation between human beings and nature and between human beings themselves" has been achieved, human beings have completely changed the capitalist values and become "free men" with the ethical concepts, moral consciousness and codes of conduct of a communist society, and live in harmony with each other. Such a society has got rid of the deep-rooted capitalist concept of private ownership, private ownership system and alienated labor, realized the social possession of means of production, and also realized the value of marxist communism.