下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- American deaf culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的聋人文化。美国聋人文化是在主流文化的背景下,在滋养和孕育其衍生的聋界领地与组织中不断产生和发展起来的;是在与主流社会被忽视和寻求自身平等权利与尊严的抗争中形成的具有向心力的社会群体;也由于聋人具有共同的视觉身体特征,美国手语承载了聋人丰富的艺术表达。聋人文化的兴起反过来也影响和推动着美国的主流文化更加朝着民主、平等和尊重的方向发展。
In his primitive culture, the British cultural scientist e. b. Taylor defined "culture" as a complex whole, including knowledge, belief, art, morality, law, customs and the abilities and habits acquired by anyone as a member of society. As a minority group, deaf people are not only consulted, developed and communicated in sign language during the group development, but also the customs, taboos and values Shared by deaf people are gradually confirmed and further developed into deaf culture. For deaf culture, there have been considerable research and achievements in Britain, America and the European continent, but domestic research is relatively insufficient.
Since most deaf people come from hearing families, and most families also have other hearing children, deaf people are in a scattered state of life. As boarding schools and clubs are relatively gathering places for deaf people, it is also an important environment for deaf people to form close ties and nurture deaf culture.
Boarding school for the deaf is an important place for the majority of deaf people to acquire a common language and culture. In deaf schools, deaf people can communicate with each other freely and deeply with the help of sign language, establish the most intimate interpersonal relationship, form loyalty to boarding schools and members of the community, develop identity of deaf people, and obtain a sense of security and belonging.
As many boarding schools for the deaf were founded and run by hearers, sign language was once banned in boarding schools, which made deaf people who recognized the core status of the territory seek for the region that truly belongs to the deaf instead of relying on a single boarding school. When the school life was over, the club became the main place for deaf people to deepen their cultural adaptation and further socialization.
At the deaf club, the deaf have a sense of home and enjoy being the host; Members can also seek information about the world, community, employment and friends. Participate in various sports and recreational activities, such as dancing, lottery drawing, banquets, cultural gatherings, beauty contests, speeches, anniversary celebrations, watching subtitled movies, etc. The club is also an important venue for young deaf people to gain access to deaf culture and values, learn American sign language, and tell jokes, stories and histories of the deaf community.
Deaf people's pursuit of territorial autonomy has prompted them to constantly strive for the establishment of a deaf world utopia. The famous gallaudet university has been playing the role of a symbolic symbol since its establishment. It has long been regarded as the "mecca" of the deaf community. Deaf people from all over the world have made pilgrimages to this place to appreciate the true pride of the deaf.
The DPN protest movement at galloway university has attracted the world's attention. The DPN movement has gone far beyond the rights it has won for the deaf, by electing the first President of the gallaudet university, or by the American deaf community to wrest back control of the gallaudet university from the deaf. What's more, the movement promoted the self-consciousness and strength of the deaf. As Dr. Arun sussman proposed, "if deaf people are not considered good enough to run this university, what is the point of running a deaf university? For the first time, the movement has attracted the attention of people from all over the world to the deaf and their rights.
Deaf people have their own unique ways of artistic expression, and deaf art has unique advantages in transmitting deaf culture. On the one hand, deaf people have keen visual advantage, which enables them to imitate and create more exquisite and realistic visual images. Deaf people, on the other hand, have a unique visual language, American sign language. Deaf art includes visual arts, performing arts and literature.
The 18th century is the beginning of the history of modern deaf education, and deaf artists have played an important role in inheriting this history. Through paintings, sculptures and other art forms, the deaf students, who had been educated in lepe, displayed the historical achievements of the "father of the deaf". Since then, deaf artists have continuously presented deaf culture to the world through various art forms.
Deaf artists Miller and Morris Broderson exhibited their works in gallaudet university and major American museums. Miller's paintings mainly reflected the criticism of the deaf world against the oppression of the deaf world. Broderson, however, was based on themes of religion and travel, incorporating hand gestures and letters into his paintings to remind the world that images could reflect not only sight but also sound.
In 1989, nine American deaf artists gathered before the first international congress of deaf culture to make a declaration to present a visual/graphic art form of the deaf - De 'via. De 'via means "the use of orthodox artistic elements to express the inner cultural or physical experience of the deaf" and means special attention to the face and the opponent.
Deaf drama is also an important expression of deaf culture, which not only has a natural audience in the deaf community; It is also a rare treat for the listener to be able to watch the excellent performances of the deaf and experience the rich visual life of the deaf.
The early American plays for the deaf may have originated in boarding schools in the mid-19th century. In the play, deaf students are able to perform and use American sign language without being restricted by their English language abilities.
Early works include my third eye, which shows the deaf experience and culture in American sign language.
There are four kinds of dramatic performances in the deaf world. One is adapted from hearing plays and performed in American sign language. The second category is deaf drama, which is the sign language stories in deaf culture. The original plays of the deaf usually show the issues of communication between the deaf and the hearers, the central role of schools in the cultural identity of the deaf, the oppressive attitude of the deaf school hearers, the dignity of the deaf, and the beauty of sign language. The third category is the integration of the first two types of plays with a cross-cultural nature, such as the famous love psychological drama children of the gods. There are four types of deaf plays that are adapted from hearing plays, like "gesture to me, Alice."
Deaf people have a variety of literary and artistic forms, in addition to drama, biography, but also sign language stories, fables, poetry, anecdotes, sign language humor and so on.
American sign language (asl) has a rich literary tradition, in which deaf people who tell stories and stories in sign language play an important role in strengthening the connection between deaf people, inheriting history and accumulating wisdom. In classic of the deaf sign language story there are two types of stories circulated widely, one is "success stories", described the growth on listening protagonist in a person's family environment, and had never met any of the deaf, later met a deaf, teach him the deaf sign language, guidance is in the way of the deaf, and eventually into the world of the deaf and forget the past successful experience. The other is the legend of origins. In the United States and other countries, there are stories about how the deaf education pioneer lepe became attached to two deaf sisters and founded the first deaf school. This also explains why lepe is called the "father of the deaf". In the United States, another legend of its origins describes how Thomas gaylord met Alice Cogswell, a deaf girl, and established America's first deafness school. Both lepage and gaylord are humble listeners, both seeking a calling in life; Before they met the deaf, they knew nothing about the deaf community and their unfair exclusion from education. They learn sign language, from the signs into the deaf, and then help the deaf open the door to education, to spiritual communication with each other. Both stories convey the happy ending from individual to society, from silence to communication. A successful storyteller must be able to control verbal and non-verbal communication, respond to the audience's response in a timely manner, and have the ability to observe and perceive the development trend of the deaf community, so as to properly reflect the material captured in the selected story.
The sign language humor of deaf people is rooted in culture, so it contains a lot of cultural information. In terms of content, it mostly involves catharsis of emotional repression and self-irony, thus arousing the sense of belonging and identification of the deaf community. As reflected in the following humor, there were three people on the train -- Russian, Cuban and a deaf person. The Russian is drinking the vodka. Halfway through, he throws it out of the window. The deaf man looks at him in surprise and asks, "why throw away half of the bottle?" The Russian replied, "our country produces vodka." At this point, a Cuban smoking a good cigarette suddenly pops it out of the window. Again the deaf man asks in surprise "why throw away the half-smoked cigarette?" "Our country produces a lot of cigarettes," the cubans replied. The deaf man nodded his head with interest. After a while, a hearer came along and the deaf man grabbed him and threw him out of the window. The russians and cubans were shocked.
To sum up, American deaf culture has been constantly generated and developed under the background of mainstream culture in the territories and organizations of deaf people that nourish and breed it. It is a social group with centripetal force formed in the struggle against the neglect of the mainstream society and the pursuit of their own equal rights and dignity. Because deaf people share the same visual and physical characteristics, American sign language (asl), their own language, is rich in artistic expression. In turn, the rise of deaf culture has influenced and promoted the development of mainstream culture in the United States towards democracy, equality and respect.
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