下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Divorce Counseling,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了离婚咨询。主流社会普遍认为离婚是人生中痛苦、压力和困惑的阶段。正在经历离婚的人可能会受到深远的影响,从而导致更严重、更持久的心理健康问题。这使得有必要进行干预。离婚咨询可以为离婚者提供与该领域专家的咨询会议。在简短的会议中,会播放一段视频给与会者,帮助他们度过人生的这段艰难时期。此外,离婚咨询也为这些离异家庭的孩子提供了一个游乐场和安全的环境,为他们提供游戏、音乐和活动。虽然这不是咨询的主要焦点,但它确实增加了离异父母参与的动机。
According to Divorce Care, an organization dedicated to providing counseling sessions for divorced people, divorce is commonly perceived by the mainstream as a painful, stressful and confusing phase of life (Divorce Care, 2017). People who are going through a divorce may be influenced in profound ways that would cause more serious and lasting mental health issues. This makes it necessary for intervention, or at least company. Divorce Care provides its members counseling sessions with the experts in the field. During the short meeting, a video is played to the group of participants, to help guide them through this difficult period of life. It turns out that a support group with a specific focus can be very effective in diverting the attention of the participants into things more constructive to their future lives. What people need the most from these counseling activities may not be expert opinions, but simply some company from people who are suffering from the same experience as they are. A mental preparation from Divorce Care for the potential participants is also found in prominent positions on their webpage. This preparation deals with the nervousness and doubt in people’s mind on whether they should participate or not. The benefits of the meeting are introduced, including the acquiring of helpful information to recover from a divorce, the opportunity to talk to real listeners, and the sense of belonging to a larger crowd. Moreover, Divorce Care also provides the children from these divorced families a playground and safe environment to play in, with games, music, and activities organized for them. Although this is not the main focus of the counseling, it does add to the incentive for divorced parents to participate.
The “Healing” section on the Divorce Care webpage (2017) discusses the process of recover from a divorce more specifically. Several important aspects of healing are addressed, including a support team, daily encouragement, foundation for healing session, personal study, and a bookstore. The major purpose of a support team and daily email encouragement is to reestablish connection with the society. Main married people become rather “institutionalized” to married life, and a sudden change through divorce may completely drive them out of their comfort zone. Therefore, support and prevention against negative feelings are important. The most effective way to do so is by reestablishing previous social connections, and new ones, to fill in the blank created by the divorce. Diversion of attention is another effective measure of divorce intervention. This is done by personal study and reorientation of focus on other aspects of life. While different people may have different ways to relax the mind from pressure, the reading and exercises provided by Divorce Care may be an effect approach for some. Other diversions include the shift of attention on the career, adopting a pet, more investment on the children, etc. Most of the divorced adults should be perfectly capable for finding the most suitable distractions on their own. The highly personalized nature of effective distractions may diminish the need for external intervention, but Divorce Care does provide the right directions by outlining the healing process.
A list of seminar topics is provided by Divorce Care, which gives people a change to look into what a real counseling session may feel like. The seminar begins with the question of “What is happening to me (Divorce Care, 2017)?” This helps the participants to identify the nature of this obstacle in their lives. The next steps require the participants to directly face their anger, depression, and loneliness. This may be a step to mitigate the fact that many people choose to be in denial of the reality as a form of self-protection. Their inability to feel the pain would only drive them further into depression and isolation. Therefore, they need to summon the courage to confront the negative emotions before overcoming them. The next part comes back to the realistic difficulties caused by the divorce, including the financial struggles, caring for the children and the possibility of new relationships. Financial stability and the ability to make the children feel secure (if there are any children) are the fundamental steps before moving on. The fact that participants are sitting alongside a group of people struggling over the same issues may be a reinforcement for their confidence in solving the problems. The discussion of the most prioritized issues in life serves as a reminder for their responsibilities both for themselves and for their kids. This responsibility becomes the major source of motivation for them to recover and reconstruct their lives. Finally, the seminar closes with emotional topics about forgiveness, reconciliation and moving on (Divorce Care, 2017). It is observed that religion may play an active part in this part, where the discussion is integrated with teachings from the Bible to increase its effectiveness. This pattern of group seminar provides insight for both organizations and individuals who are concerned with divorce intervention.
Divorce counseling for adults and for kids are entirely different. It is only until recent years that the psychological effects of divorce on children are examined. There are emerging organizations that specialize on helping children to get through their parents’ divorce. Divorce Care for Kids (DC4K) is one of them. Different from adults, children are more sensitive to divorce in their family, but they are also less communicative about the issue than the adults. The voice of children during a divorce is usually deprived by the adults, who claim that they are too young to even be a part of the discussion. However, they have overlooked the fact that long-term negative emotions and antagonism in the family influence the children even more than the adults. According to the DC4K website, typical emotions demonstrated by children before, during, and after their parents’ divorce may include being “angry, hurt and confused (DC4K, 2017).” Both short-term and long-term support is then needed for children to properly cope with the divorce. Otherwise, a single event of divorce may turn into a traumatizing incident for children and influence their entire lives in a negative way. DC4K thus provides the opportunity for children from divorced families to gather weekly and get the negative emotions out of their system. Interestingly, the facilities of DC4K is specifically designed for children, while there is a “Parent Zone” to provide parenting advices for single parents as well. Compared with Divorce Care, this shift of focus may increase the diverse needs of different types of families with children. While some parents feel more devastated over the divorce, children tend to be hurt much more in other cases. A selection is then necessary for parents to determine the type of counseling organizations to visit.
Before parents enrolled their children into the DC4K programs, an assessment is required to make sure the children truly need help. Unlike Divorce Care, DC4K does not claims to work directly on children and restore positivity in them. Instead, they promise only to establish a better connection and communication path between parents and children. Different from the adulating counseling analyzed above, the style of child counseling is mostly light-hearted and fun, filled with “games, crafts, role playing, discussion times, journaling, and activity books (DC4K, 2017).” These activities aim to create a safe and worry-free environment, where children are able to lower down their defense, make new friends, and connect with their parents. A “DC4K family” is what they call the counseling groups. The concept of DC4K leaders is also applied. This differs from the experts and psychologists used in adult counseling. Instead, the DC4K leader may not be professional counselors, but people who have a profound understanding of the children’s mind activities. For example, one of the DC4K leaders is from a divorced family himself. This experience enables him to better comprehend and connect with the children, and help them open up during the seminars. Through activities including viewing, expressing, listening, playing, connecting, reading, eating, laughing, journaling, singing and sketching, a wider variety of activities are provided for children compared to adults. Although understanding the divorce is an important theme linking all the activities together, this theme is presented in the least depressing way possible.
The specific content of the discussion session is probably the essence of divorce counseling for children. Similarly, a series of questions are proposed by the host. The introductory question is: “What is happening to my family.” This identification again better helps the children to understand the true nature and source of their pain, anger and fear caused by the divorce. It is interesting to see religion play a more dominant role in children counseling, as the discussion related to God occurs much more frequently. Both “God loves children in all kinds of families” and “Growing up and closer to God” are argument and reasoning based on the belief in God. The seminar then deals with the elimination of negative feelings, this is done in three ways. The first way to get rid of negative emotions for children is through self-encouragement and adjustment. Switching from anger and sadness to peace may be a very complicated problem, and it is doubtful whether children nowadays are religious enough to fully accept the God argument. Other more practical methods include more communication with the parents and developing new relationships and finding new company. It is common for a sense of guilt to be generated in the children during their parents’ divorce, and the final way to eliminate negative emotions is by simply installing positive thinking and emotions into them, including the belief that “I am not alone”, “It’s not my fault” and “loving my parents (DC4K, 2017).”
The previous organizations both have an emphasis on religion and belief in God, which can be a major limitation for a more culturally diverse community. For non-religious people, there are also websites that provide self-help programs and instructions to help their children through a divorce. On the website for Kids Health, a section is designed for such purposes specifically. A comprehensive list of articles offers divorced parents step-by-step advice to help minimize the negative impact of divorce on their children (Kids Health, 2017). From breaking the news to the kids, to the adjustment to a new situation of living, this website seems to be a more practical solution to parents who prefer to solve the problem on their own. Indeed, the behaviors of adults is the most influential factor for children. Although being divorced, parents are able to minimize the negative influence on their children to be nearly zero if they handle the problems maturely. The close bond and continuous communication with the children is the key, and parents must also prevent bringing their own feelings into the issues of childcare and visitation. There are organizations who have addressed the psychological needs of children for both of the parents after the divorcing, by offering child access and visitations services within and across counties (Department of Human Services, 2017). This different but more practical approach may prove to be just as effective as counseling.
DC4K. (2017). Help your children heal from the pain of divorce. Retrieved from: https://www.dc4k.org/about
Department of Human Services. (2017). Child Access & Visitation. Retrieved from: https://childsupport.georgia.gov/child-access-visitation
Divorce Care. (2017). A List of Potential Seminar Topics in Divorce Intervention. Retrieved from: https://www.divorcecare.org/about/topics
Divorce Care. (2017). Healing from your divorce is not easy. It’s a long, sometimes painful process. Retrieved from: https://www.divorcecare.org/healing
Divorce Care. (2017). You don’t have to go through it alone. Retrieved from: https://www.divorcecare.org/about
Kids Health. (2017). Helping Your Child Through a Divorce. Retrieved from: http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/help-child-divorce.html
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