下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文-American cultural strategy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的文化战略。美国成为文化超级大国有赖于其超强、高效的信息传播技术,畅通、高速的跨国物流,也得益于其独特、高效的运行机制。而且,正是这种运行机制,使美国的文化战略具有强烈的进攻性和咄咄逼人的态势,为美国文化在全球范围内的广泛传播奠定了基础,并成为确保美国文化战略目标实现的重要保证。
As a cultural superpower, the United States relies on its super-strong and efficient information dissemination technology, smooth and high-speed transnational flow of people and logistics, and its unique and efficient operation mechanism. Moreover, it is this operating mechanism that makes the cultural strategy of the United States have a strong offensive and aggressive posture, which lays the foundation for the wide spread of American culture in the global scope and becomes an important guarantee to ensure the realization of the strategic goal of American culture.
The United States government has long followed the so-called non-activity and non-regulation policy of cultural management. So far, it has not set up a special institution to manage cultural affairs. However, it has developed a sound legal system for the development of the cultural industry, implemented effective intellectual property protection policies, strong cultural support policies and loose cultural industry development policies, and created a favorable environment for the development of American culture.
We will adopt legislation to implement an effective system for protecting intellectual property rights. The United States was the first country to enact cultural legislation and one of the early countries to implement the intellectual property protection system. The United States enacted the first Copyright Act in 1790 and then enacted the Copyright Act of 1976. The anti-piracy and counterfeiting amendment act was passed in 1982. In order to meet the needs of the development of cultural industry in the digital age, the anti-electronic piracy law, the cross-century digital copyright law and the family entertainment and copyright law have been passed successively to strengthen the protection of digital intellectual property rights. In addition to strengthening domestic legislation, the United States has vigorously promoted the internationalization of intellectual property protection. In 1988, the United States passed the Berne convention enforcement act, which provides a high level of copyright protection for member states of the Berne convention. Since 1986, China has made full use of the Uruguay round negotiations of the general agreement on tariffs and trade to promote the establishment of international copyright protection systems and mechanisms related to international trade.
The state foundation for the arts and humanities shall be established to support and administer cultural and artistic undertakings. In 1965, congress passed the first law supporting the arts and culture, and the President signed it into law, the national endowment for the arts and humanities act. In addition, the federal arts and humanities commission was established, consisting of heads of departments of the federal government whose work was related to cultural development. The federal government adopts a "leverage approach" in funding arts and humanities, and requires and encourages states, localities and enterprises to allocate more funds to subsidize and support arts and culture by "matching funds".
We will create a favorable social environment for the development of cultural industries through tax reduction and exemption policies. In 1917, the United States, the federal tax law clearly stipulates, the non-profit organizations, institutions, public television and radio stations shall be exempted from income tax, and amounts deducted funders, nonprofit, to promote the culture, education, science, religion, charity groups exempted from taxation for the purpose of personal donation to the non-profit organizations and enterprises can enjoy preferential policies of tax breaks, and create a favorable social environment for the development of cultural industry.
At present, the United States is the most developed capitalist country with the highest degree of marketization in the world, advocating free market economy. It is in this market economy environment that its cultural industry moves towards industrialization.
The production and sale of cultural products in the United States have formed a mature mode of market operation suitable for the market economy system. For example, the film and television industry, book publishing industry and music record industry in the United States have established a huge and stable sales network worldwide, controlling the sales in many countries and numerous cinemas, publishing institutions and chain stores. Relying on this global sales network, the cultural industry of the United States enjoys a high market share in the world.
The capital sources of American cultural industry are diversified, and its external communication is mainly based on the operation of transnational corporations. In terms of funding sources, the federal government of the United States encourages diversified investment mechanisms and business modes to attract non-cultural enterprises and overseas funds to invest in the cultural industry of the United States. The commercial myth of American cultural industry relies not only on the investment of domestic capital, but also on the activation and promotion of foreign investment. The abundance of capital enables the United States to attract more favorable resources globally and make its cultural industry more competitive.
Therefore, it can be said that the commercial operation of the free market economy has formed a virtuous circle in the cultural industry of the United States, which has helped the United States become a cultural superpower.
The implementation of the cultural strategy of the United States is based on the continuous development and strength of the country's comprehensive strength.
First, the United States is a major exporter of cultural products to the world. From the perspective of global news broadcasting, the news agencies of the United States and the west monopolize 80% to 90% of the news in most parts of the world and have a greater influence on world public opinion. American magazines such as reader's digest, people and time magazine have considerable influence on global politics, professionals and general readers. Music products in the United States also have a subtle impact on the global youth audience. In the global Internet server memory, the United States provides 80% of the general online messages, service information accounts for 94%.
Second, the United States advocates a global strategy to open cultural industries. Since the World War II, the United States has spared no effort to promote trade liberalism, and used this strategy to promote American-led globalization, so as to constantly promote the globalization of American material culture. In the process of implementing the strategy of opening up the cultural industry, successive American governments have tried their best to put pressure on other countries to open up the market of cultural consumption, including the market of publications, audio-visual products, copyright and related services. From 1970 to 2000, the proportion of foreign trade in the GDP of the United States continued to rise, including the copyright trade in cultural industries and services, which exceeded the export of cultural and entertainment equipment as hardware.
The open strategy advocated by the United States in the field of cultural industry is a strategic idea pursued by countries in a dominant and strong cultural position. Its purpose is to expand the cultural influence of the United States and open up a road for the dissemination of American values and political ideas. This open strategy, accompanied by political and economic pressure, makes it more difficult for other vulnerable countries to resist the aggressive attack of the United States in the cultural field, which highlights the offensive nature of the American cultural strategy.
After the World War II, the cultural diplomacy strategy of the United States gradually took shape. The political leaders of the United States attached great importance to the export of ideology and values and regarded them as an important part of the national strategy. During the cold war, the us government realized that "the cold war is a struggle for the mind". "In order to win the cold war, it needs to export ideas in addition to weapons and money" and "American cultural diplomacy". After the cold war, the American government took culture more consciously as a means to influence and guide the future development direction of the world. Since then, no matter the bush administration's "beyond containment strategy", the Clinton administration's "engagement and expansion strategy", or the bush administration's "preemptive strategy", the concept of cultural diplomacy and value export has been strengthened.
The fundamental purpose of American cultural diplomacy strategy is to safeguard the national interests of the United States and ensure its global hegemony. Historically, the United States has always used cultural rights purposefully and systematically as a special tool to realize national interests, and achieved its strategic goals by formulating and implementing cultural strategies. The Clinton administration declared that "defending freedom and promoting democracy around the world is not only a reflection of our deepest values, but is vital to our national interests." To maintain the global hegemony of the United States is the basic goal of American global strategy, and "cultural rule is one of America's global power can't be said often enough in", "when the imitations of the American way gradually all over the world, it play for the United States to exercise the hegemony of indirect and seems to be agreed by both sides to create a more comfortable environment". Obviously, cultural diplomacy strategy is a means to better safeguard the hegemony of the United States.
Aimed at safeguarding world hegemony and output values of American culture to the world diplomatic strategy, has become an integral part of the national overall strategy, and its foreign political strategy combination, ultimate goal is to introducing and popularizing the global "freedom, democracy, human rights," the so-called "universal values", and the corresponding social system arrangement, in other countries to accept and follow these values and the process of institutional arrangements, to realize the global hegemony of America's own interests.