
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了甲壳虫乐队的专辑《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》。《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》是甲壳虫乐队发行于1967年的第八张专辑。这张专辑获得了商业和艺术上的巨大成功,在摇滚乐和流行音乐的历史上有很大的影响,并且文化冲击也是巨大的。

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,the Beatles,英国代写,英国论文代写,essay代写


Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band is the 8th album of the Beatles, a British pop band in the 1960s and 70s. The album was a huge success that had great influences in the history of rock and pop music. It is often thought of as a rock masterpiece, the first concept album, and the cultural impact was enormous. This articles aims at learning more about the album and the impacts that Beatles delivered through the album to its audiences and the music world.

About the Album

In year 1967, the Beatles released their 8th studio album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which became a great hit and received huge success both in commercial world and among music critics. Having 5.1 million copies sales and winning countless awards such as the Best British Album, 100 Greatest Albums of All Time, and Grammy Awards, the album established the historical progress of rock n roll and set evolution for progressive rock (Caufield, 2014).

The album had two sides and in total 13 songs recorded. The songs are listed as below:

1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

2. With a Little Help from My Friends

3. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

4. Getting Better 

5. Fixing a Hole 

6. She's Leaving Home

7. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!

8. Within You Without You

9. When I'm Sixty-Four    

10. Lovely Rita   

11. Good Morning Good Morning 

12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 

13. A Day in the Life

The Beatles had arranged the order of the songs to present to its audiences the special experience of the album by taking care of the record (Riley, 1987). As they recorded the album in the studio, Abbey Road Studio Two, using 4 track equipments with the technique of reduced mixing. This album is considered by many to be the first concept album in history as the music has convinced most of the listeners (Riley, 1987).

The album is based on Paul McCartney’s idea about a military band which is fictional and gave them alter ego to express their experiment and creativity in rock music. Not only did it take more than 700 hours to record before the release, the cover design was also a first in that time (Inglis, 2001). The cover design of the album was lavish which costs over 1500 pounds, with its inner sleeves part of the overall design (Inglis, 2001). Winning the best album cover of Grammy 1967, the album is considered to be one of the most celebrated in Beatle’s history, as it was listed by BBC as the top 20 of British’s greatest art master-piece.

Critical Analysis


The artist, Beatles, chose to record this album with a goal to produce the best album of their professional career. They spent more than 700 hours and more than 25,000 pounds on Sgt. Pepper, using crossfades blends to make the live performance impression (Julien, 2008). Critics say that the Beatles were able to reinvent rock music by bringing a hint of British and introduce themselves as the members of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, an altered ego (Inglis, 2001). All the people surrounding the group on the album cover were in military uniforms and holding brass instruments in a band, encouraging audiences to discover the Beatle’s music identity contained in the album. It shows that the Beatles were trying a new form of self-exploration as well as the formation of a solid studio album.

As one of the most famous band in the world during and after the 60s, the Beatles established their success as recording artists through the rock and roll album. The post 1960s history, including the production of Sgt. Pepper, functions as a ‘pseudo-marketing’ of the Beatles, as they benefit from all sources of storytelling. Ultimately, this forms a way of entrepreneurship and began to mobile resources, extending their impact in popular music and culture (Tessler, 2010).

Being the first rock band to be taken seriously by the Western music industry, the Beatles’ breakup was a major cultural dilemma in the course of the consolidated Beatles history for the band members went their own ways (Bernard, 2003). Despite of such distancing from the previous image of one united Beatles, the symbol of ‘the Beatles’ is still culturally relevant to popular music in a historical framework  (Tessler, 2010). Both during and after the formation of the band, the Beatles was able to deliver great impacts on pop music, even popular culture. Such impacts was formed in the 1960s but brought to a higher level in the 70s and ever since. Through the study of Beatles, not only the storytellers gain prominent interest from this course, but it also benefits Beatles in an indirect way (Tessler, 2010).


The album is considered by many to be an experiment album, or a concept album, both from the arrangement of the songs, lyrics, and even the album design. MacFarlane (2008) noted that Sgt. Pepper is regarded widely by critics as the first concept album with overall theme and unification on all tracks. It used common patterns, harmonic melodies, and detailed album design to present to its audiences an apparent image of the cohesiveness (MacFarlane, 2008). The Beatles recorded this album to maximize their impact on the music and provided the right direction for the audiences to enjoy the work. This is the same for other Beatles’ albums, as songs in any other sequence will decrease the impact and lessen the entirety (Riley, 1987). Riley (1987) further states that earlier preparation and sequence lead the great album like Sgt Pepper with a self-conscious music all through the album.

Bernard (2003) finds that Allan Moore’s study established the impression of Beatle’s impacts on pop music. This album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, was more like a pop album that contained a single work than a collection of individual songs. Moore delivered key points in the book by expressing his judgment on the legacy of the album, which was that the Beatles failed to gain legitimacy from the album as they first intended to (Bernard, 2003). Bernard (2003) believes that some critics did a good job in analyzing the album and music, but also pointed out problems in approach, as they all applied the Schenkerian analytic Practice which is used for rock music. He points out that some critics went beyond music itself to provide detailed insider’s information for readers to learn more about the creation of Beatle’s music and contributed the musicological facts (Bernard, 2003).


In their album ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’, the Beatles emphasized the medium of pop music, convinced the audiences of concepts they created, and lead their way into recording artists (Riley, 1987). Therefore the genre is rock music leaning to pop, even postmodern. The Beatle brought British zeal in to the physicality of Elvis’s rock music and expressed them in flair verbal which created its unique genre. By comparing them with other superstars at the time such as Elvis Presley and the Rolling Stones, Riley (1987) showed that the Beatles created their distinct style and sound and made their success without questioning rock n’ roll’s concerns. He also finds that the Band made its way through hard work, and they had simple intentions which were to look at the world in a new way (Riley, 1987).


Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was an album that shows how Beatles invented distinctive music by combining rock and pop. The album is a major example of their efforts and creativity. By consolidation the recording progress and the concept of studio album, the band put great effort on the album and reminds the audiences the history of music. The verbal of its lyrics, sequence of songs and album design were spectacular which display the illusion of the ‘Pepper fantasy’ to listeners, penetrating them with dreamy effects. The Beatles were able to create a great impact on pop music to its audiences, even decades after the dismissing of the band.


Bernard, J. (2003). The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Music Theory Spectrum, 25, pp. 375-382.

Caulfield, K. (2014). Queen's 'Greatest Hits' Becomes First Album to Sell 6 Million in U.K. Billboard.

Julien, O. (2008). A lucky man who made the grade': Sgt. Pepper and the rise of a phonographic tradition in twentieth-century popular music. Sgt. Pepper and the Beatles: It Was Forty Years Ago Today. Ashgate.

MacFarlane, T. (2008). Sgt. Pepper's quest for extended form. Sgt. Pepper and the Beatles: It Was Forty Years Ago Today. Ashgate.

Riley, T. (1987, 10). For the Beatles: Notes on Their Achievement. Popular Music, 6, pp. 257-271. Retrieved from

Tessler, H. (2010). The role and significance of storytelling in the creation of the ‘post-Sixties’ Beatles, 1970-1980. Popular Music History, pp. 169-189.



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