下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The influence of the Brexit,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国脱欧的影响。英国的脱欧决定给世界带来了很大的影响,首当其冲的就是英国。由于全球化的必然趋势,英国脱欧最直接的影响就是金融市场。而英国脱欧之后,没有了欧盟成员国贸易的便利,出口可能会面临更多的限制,这可能会影响到国家的经济结构。
The repercussions of the UK’s EU referendum are deemed to be far reaching. As McCarty points out that change is the constant theme of the high-tech consumer society we are now living in. Global-scale issues are the ones that can impact all nations regardless of political boundaries and Brexit, the referendum result of Britain’s possible withdrawal from the European Union, is certainly one-of-a-kind. In order to understand what this irreversible decision means for Britain and the world and how will it manifest on multiple levels simultaneously, this paper takes both the historical and global perspectives. By analyzing the potential connection between historical legacies and the current affair, this paper aims to reinsert the impacts of Brexit into historical and global contexts, find out a sensible way to understand this unthinkable sudden change to the United Kingdom, the European Union and the world as a whole.
Radical ideas such as individual liberty are the characteristics of the Age of Enlightenment and Revolutionary. The intellectual movement was referred to as the Age of Reasons which managed to challenge the bedrock of Western civilization in the 18th century. It was then that the Europeans started attributing their superiority to the Greek heritage of temporal, scientific, and rationalistic thought (Marks 45).Thanks to the efforts of European and American philosophers in championing those ideas, the notion of modern liberalism took deep root in the Western culture. Bureaucracy in the European Union is denounced as the threat to the central pillar of the liberal morality, therefore those hold negative opinions and constantly complain about the largest coalition in Europe find the last straw to break free. In addition to that, what else the revolutionary age brings is the European sense of superiors. Revolutions successfully enhanced the consciousness in European minds not only the higher status of Europeans, but also the idea that Europeans were dynamic, forward looking, progressive, and free compared to the rest of the world that appeared to be lagging far behind (Marks 46). That is the period that has been referred to as “the rise of the West”. In fact, Europe has a long history of various alliance and separation. Back to the revolutionary age, Europe has experienced a series of war and peace when different nations signed treaties for their own temporary interests. These singular relationships among European countries are far from extinct and have transformed into a modern-day version. Therefore, Britain’s withdrawal from the group is therefore not a complete surprise from a historical perspective.
Apart from the ideological and cultural aspects of history, it is also significant to evaluate the far reaching influences of the colonial and imperial past of the UK and the European continent on today’s geopolitical map and multiple conflicts. Colonial expansion and imperial glory were an indispensable part of the Britain history, during which economic self-interest together with an insatiable desire for greater productivity and profit mixed with issues of identity, ideology, and political power (Davis 90).As a prime example of that period, British success reflected the fact that Europe’s closer contact with other cultures had a dramatic effect on the development of Western society and culture (McCarty 6).The primary legacy of imperial and colonial period is the Industrial Revolution, which can help explain the myth of Eurocentrism and the reason why the sense of superiority deeply rooted in the heart of British Empire at that time. Most decisive economic and industrial breakthroughs started nowhere else but on the Britain Island (Marks 56). These historical glories certain fuel the confidence of British people and have a long-lasting influence on the relationships between the Island and the European Continent. Moreover, one distinctive characteristics of that period of imperial expansion is that the Western Europeans had littleuneasiness about slaughtering and torturing one another, or even about exterminating civilians (Davis 90).Much of those conflicts can be attributed to the racial superiority. As Gordon indicated in her article, the English stands at the top of the calibrated ranking of Americans of different ancestries, while Poles at the bottom. Similar research categorizes different European nations according to the percentage of perceived superior race. Such classifications can certainly affect the perceptions of people from ‘superior regions’. That is probably the reason why the European Union fights hard in balancing the power within itself and why British advocates for leaving the union finally win the vote.
The final result of the British historical EU referendum is surprising and thought-provoking at the same time. Repercussions on multiple aspects are predictable thanks to the inevitable trend of globalization. One of the most direct impacts of Brexit is the suffering of the financial market. According to Soros, Brexit has the power to unleash a financial markets crisis comparable to the global financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 (Callanan). Without the convenience of trading with EU members, UK may face more restrictions in exporting goods to its continental counterparts which might affect the nation’s economy structure. To make things worse, the procedure to negotiate the new trade relationship with EU will be time-consuming for both parties and hence the opportunity cost for such a decision could be accumulate along with the interminable talks and conferences. Additionally to the impact on economy, the nation’s unity is under sever challenge. Because the majority of Scottish and Northern Ireland population are in favor of staying in the EU community (Wheeler and Hunt). Kimmelman argues that “societies are splitting even as they share more common goods and attributes than ever before”. Considering the current situation of Great Britain, splitting of notions could possibly be the first step of splitting of nation. The worrying state of UK is certainly not limited to the two concerns above, immigration, tourism, and commercial activities will all experience a sea-change moment in the following months or years.
In conclusion, it is not easy to break with the past when evaluating the present. Brexit may be a sudden event, but there are certain things we should be aware of which remain constant. Marks once said: Our understandings of the past inform our definitions of who we are in the present and have real implications and applicability for actions taken by us to shape the future (49).In order to understand the ongoing global processes today, there is a need to understand the historical continuities embedded in patterns of change (McCarty 287).People around the world have different cultures, values and their unique ways of understanding which is testified by historical traditions and lived experiences. What we can learn from the Brexit is that each cultural has its own understandings and truths and in the context of globalization, we need broader acceptance to face the new challenges every day.
Works Cited
Callanan, Neil. “Soros Says Brexit Has ‘Unleashed’ a Financial-Markets Crisis.” Bloomberg. Bloomberg, 30 June 2016. Web. 3 July 2016.
Davis, David. “How Africans Became Integral to New World History.” Philip McCarty, ed. Integrated Perspectives in Global Studies. San Diego: Cognella, (2012). Print.
Gordon, Linda. “Who’s White?” The New York Times. The New York Times, 28 March 2010. Web. 3 July 2016.
Kimmelman, Michael. “D.I.Y. Culture: the Very Forces of Globalism That were Expected to Overrun Local Identities are Helping to Shield Them.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 14 April 2010. Web. 3 July 2016.
Marks, Robert. “The Rise of the West.”Philip McCarty, ed. Integrated Perspectives in Global Studies. San Diego: Cognella, (2012). Print.
McCarty, Philip C. “Globalizing Legal History.” Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 22 (2014): 283-291. Web. 3 July 2016.
McCarty, Philip C. “Communicating Global Perspectives.” Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective 105 (2014): 27-37. Web. 3 July 2016.
Wheeler, Brian and Alex Hunt. “The UK’s EU Referendum: All You Need to Know.” BBC. BBC, 24 June 2016. Web. 3 July 2016.
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