下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The Media economy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了传媒经济。传媒经济是新世纪的一个朝阳产业,是新经济的重要构成部分,蕴含着无穷的影响力和巨大的经济潜力,越来越引起人们的关注和重视。影响力经济是传媒经济的本质,而新技术则是传媒经济的重要特点。如今中国的传媒经济发展存在的最大问题就是区域发展不平衡。
The media economy is a sunrise industry in the new century, is an important part of the new economy, which contains infinite influence and enormous economic potentiality, which arouses people's attention and attention more and more. The following is a dictionary sample network for everyone to recommend the media economics papers, welcome to browse.
Nowadays, the research of media economy in our country is in the starting stage. According to Prof. Zhou's viewpoint/media economy is not an economic discipline, the author thinks that the paradigm and approach of media economic research is an important problem to be solved first, and the discussion of a subject must put it in the appropriate academic discourse frame to make sense. The research points out: Media industry economics and media management should be the two main paradigms of media economy research, and choosing media products as the starting point is the best way.
The economics of media industry is dominated by economics, which is supported by the theory of Industrial economics and system economics, supplemented by communication. The media industry economics can use the basic theory of general industry economics, but also has its peculiar law, because the media industry that provides the information product has the particularity with other industries. The research object of media industry economics is the whole media industry and its related industrial policy and overall economy. In particular, the traditional economics is not able to accurately describe the media economy and in-depth study. Because there is a very important diminishing marginal utility in traditional economics, but it does not apply to the media economy, such as the consumption of information products does not conform to this rule, it can be used repeatedly and marginal utility is often incremental.
Moreover, the media industry Economics research object is the media economy system, but the media economic system's composition is by the dissemination process as the carrier accompanying some economic process or the economic increment activity. So we can only use System economics theory to study it. Old theory in System science (information theory, System theory and cybernetics) and new three theories (catastrophe theory, Synergy theory and dissipative structure) can all be used in the research of media economy. It can be subdivided into several branches, such as newspaper economics, television economics, broadcasting Economics, Network economics and so on. At present, the research of these disciplines is still in the initial stage.
The economics of media management It takes the management as the leading, takes the management and the microeconomics as the theory support, and supplemented with the communication, the research object is the media entity and the consumer. Management economics is a branch of applied economics and a bridge between economic theory and enterprise management decision. The economics of media management is the economic basis of the research of media operation and management, and is often included in the media management. Because of the very high frequency of the use of the term economic management, many people mistakenly think that economics and management are similar. In fact, economics and management are two subjects of great distinction. They have a great difference on the basic tendency of the subject and the definition of the relationship between the subjects. The theory of economics is systematic, scientific and unified, and the contingency, artistry and diversity of management are strong.
To understand the difference between the two subjects can help each other to learn from each other and to perfect each other, and also contribute to the study of interdisciplinary or marginal disciplines. Now, many journalism schools in our country are offering this course, but the name is multifarious, some is called the media management, some call the media manages, the author thinks that the medium management is more appropriate, and this course is suitable for the undergraduate course in journalism, and the media industry economics should be established as the postgraduate program. Media management is in fact a replica of enterprise management, in the west, the media is the enterprise, can directly transplant business management This set of more mature theory. Of course, in China is not the same, the enterprise management of the Chinese media must face more complex problems.
Dissemination of political economy it takes the communication as the leading, fuses the news dissemination, the cultural critique, the political economy and so on the multi-disciplinary theory, the research object is the media system, the cultural influence and the government policy and so on. The subject has more ideological attributes, less economic elements, and more criticism and revision of the previous two disciplines. There are two concepts to clarify, the media economy in the two words include three meanings: as a product of the media, as a corporate media and as the industry's media. and products, enterprises and industries are economic problems, so the media economy is essentially an economic problem. If the media as a product, enterprise and industry, journalism and communication to solve the ideological problem of the media, and economics to solve the media economic problems, the two clear division of labor.
Therefore, media economics is not a interdisciplinary. It is said that media economics is an interdisciplinary subject, in fact it confuses the media and the dissemination of these two different concepts, the economic attributes of the media to understand the spread, so that the media economics as a communication economics. To sum up, economics-oriented media economics research category is in fact limited to the media industry economics and Media management economics two subjects.
The dissemination of political economy, from the strict meaning, it can not be regarded as the media economics, it is only a corrector of the research of media economics. Here, let's go back to Zhou's point of view. Media economy is not an economic discipline, he understands the media economy is in fact a communication-oriented political economy. Although Zhou is an early scholar of media economy in China, we believe that no matter who founded the so-called media economic discipline, no matter what perspective and method The researcher is willing to engage in the research, it does not affect the economic phenomenon of the media by using the theories and methods of mainstream economics. At this point, we can make a further deduction and perfection of the division of Hangmin and Robert Picate, and confine the research paradigm of media economics to the two disciplines of media industry economics and media management, such as the table bold part.
After defining the paradigm of media economic research, we must also choose the way to study. So, how to choose the best way to promote the economic research and development of the media? At present, our country's media economics research direction is multifarious, the main basically has the following several:
Committed to the construction of the subject system of media economics, such as Wukuyu's TV media economics, Jin Yu's newspaper economics, and so on, the media economy series, media Management and Management Series (a total of 2) are the most huge. Although these systematic studies are slightly rougher, their pioneering nature is commendable.
This paper puts forward the concepts of media competitiveness and media influence by introducing new economic theories such as attention economy and competitive economy into the research of media economy. These studies often from the foreign classic cases, there is a great reference and inspiration.
Through the quantitative description of the media industry, the paper tries to make a judgment on the trend of the media industry. In recent years, hundreds of kinds of media market empirical research reports were published. The quantitative analysis of the Huang people, Tsinghua University Tripao, CCTV Zhang Haichao, etc., provides a strong data support for the research of media industry in China.
The introduction and research of transnational media and foreign media economy. Mainly on foreign media economic case study and foreign media economics monograph translation. These studies have fully explained that China's media economic research is still in the spring and Autumn Period: on the one hand, different academic majors, different disciplines background of the researchers have turned to this new field, on the other hand, most of the economists training is obviously insufficient, so it is not difficult to understand the theoretical deficiencies such as Picard. From the point of view of discipline construction and development, besides the paradigm of study, we must solve the research path, that is, the route problem.
At present, our country to the media product is the commodity, the media industry is the industry, the media is the enterprise has gradually formed the consensus, but for the news commodity attribute understanding is not consistent. The news is undoubtedly the most important medium product, it is the spirit product, also is the material product, is both the information product, also serves the product. But is it a commodity? If not, then how do you run it? Zhou this reasoning: in socialist countries, news is not a commodity, which is determined by the nature of proletarian journalism.
From the angle of economics, the use value of any kind of news is to satisfy-produce. The class of journalism is not for others. Marxist commodity theory tells us that the value of any commodity produced by a commodity producer is produced for others, and that it is only for the goods. That is to say, in order to meet the needs of producers of labor products are not goods. Thus, he deduced that news programs can not be directly profitable, it can only be other programs operating the basis, premise and guarantee, can only be operated indirectly.
According to this argument how to explain the CCTV news God six live to earn more than 500 million of the ads? How to explain the BBC and CNN's TV news program? The discussion of the same subject must be placed within the framework of the same discipline to make sense. Zhou the news reports as a communication and the news programs as information products, essentially reasoning the same thing within the two paradigms of journalism and economics. In the past, when we said that the news is a commodity, it will immediately think of its ideological attributes, in fact, it is only one aspect of it, through advertising replacement and the purchase between the media is the realization of the value of news goods is another important aspect.
News as a product, both spiritual products and material products, it has two attributes: one is political attributes (or ideological attributes), and the other is commercial attributes. If CCTV buys the BBC's television News (information products), it can use its picture (including part of the sound) as a news material to reflect its commodity attributes, and then use our view to recreate the dubbing and embody its ideological attributes. The media economy research mainly discusses its commodity attribute and the Operation law, certainly also must consider other attribute to its influence. Therefore, from an economic point of view, we can clearly say that the news is a commodity, but at the same time we have to point out that it is a special commodity. This kind of particularity is the ideology attribute of news media product, it will not conceal its commodity attribute, but can affect its commercial operation. As a product of information media products and other traditional industries are very different from the products, for example, the impact of new technologies on media products is increasingly significant.
When it comes to new media products, it is closely connected with many new economic concepts: information economy, network economy, fictitious economy, knowledge economy and so on. Mobile TV, for example, has completed its technical preparation as early as 1 years ago, but has been slow to invest in large-scale commercial operations. Why? The fundamental problem lies in our understanding of the economic attributes of this new media product and its market operation law is not enough, what kind of information products can mobile TV provide to consumers? What kind of service products do users need? Without studying these basic problems, we can not find its operation law and profit model well.
At the same time, we also see that the approach of the end of the settlement will make the media economy research appear to be a quick success, gaudy, can not really solve the media economic operation of the actual problems, nor conducive to the media economy of the discipline construction. In the paradigm of the study of media economics, through the rational analysis of the attributes and functions of media products, the study of the whole product value chain, such as product investment, research and development, production, circulation and derivative product development, can lead us to research on media capital, media industry, media market, media management, media system and new media economy, and finally form the whole subject system of media economics. This is the best way to study media economy. However, it is not difficult to understand why some scholars and even senior scholars will make erroneous judgments and discourses because of the lack of economic theory, the improper use of paradigms and the inappropriate route selection. To sum up, the urgent task of media economics research is to use its paradigm to study the most basic problems in the media economy, and it is also the most urgent problem to be solved. Of course, the best approach does not mean the only way, we do not reject other approaches, the diversification of research will promote the development of media economics and prosperity.