
英国essay论文精选范文:“La Parure”,这篇论文讨论了莫泊桑的短篇小说《项链》。《项链》讲述的是一个小职员的妻子玛蒂尔德为了参加一次舞会,向她的朋友借了一串项链,来炫耀自己的魅力。不料,在回家的途中项链不慎丢失,她只得四处借钱买了一串新项链还给朋友。当玛蒂尔德辛苦了十年还清所有债务时,却得知所借的项链居然是不值钱的假项链。出乎意料又耐人寻味的结局让我们对女主人公玛蒂尔德的内心世界充满了浓厚的兴趣,戏剧性地揭示出人在命运面前是无能为力的,这也是莫泊桑悲观主义思想的集中体现。

La Parure,《项链》,英国论文辅导,代写英国Essay,英国论文代写

17th century United Kingdom the bourgeois revolution in Europe set off the revolution and established the first French Empire of Napoleon would eventually be France bourgeoisie onto the stage of history. In particular the Franco-Prussian War broke out in 1870, France the bourgeoisie began to dominate, France began the transition from primitive accumulation of capitalist imperialism. Urbanization brings not only advanced production methods and technology, has an impact on the old system, the old ideas, concept is changing people's lives. The necklace is created in this period. At that time France government corruption, moral decay of society, the erosion of high society life and venality morality affects all sections of society, vanity, hedonism, became the prevailing ethos. Different classes of people are trying to rank among the upper classes, and dream of a noble life, to change their position. Mathilde as a product of this era, these rotten ideas vanity has gone deep into the depths of her soul.

In Mathilde's view, women no distinction of class, wealth, birth, a woman's beauty, charm and allure is that they sound the upper door knocking bricks. She is beautiful, charismatic, her lack of opportunity is access to the upper class. When the real-life "bad off, the walls of the House dark cloth, furniture old, humble" dream "elegant and luxurious life" when you have a huge gap, Mathilde is the pain and suffering. Mathilde's "dream", we have a glimpse into the horizon. She "dream those quiet of Hall, there decorative with East of curtain, points with high of bronze lamp, also has two a wear shorts of servant, lying in large of Chair in, was heater of heat baking have NAP son; she dream those spacious of living room, there display with ancient type gorgeous of wall clothing, furnishings with delicate of wood, and rare of antique; she dream those gorgeous of fragrant of small compartment, in there, five o'clock in the afternoon of when, she with most close of boyfriend chat, Or with those men, generally women adore the most willing to get to know the chat. "" She dream those fine of dinner, generation wrote master papers sparkling of silver; dream thought those hanging in wall Shang of wall clothing, above embroidered with costume of characters, wonderland like of garden, singular of poultry bird; dream to Sheng in precious of disc disc in of dining; dream to side eat with pink of bass or grouse of wings, side with charming of smile listening to guest commune. "She wants to be a woman admired, pursuit by men. So when her husband took the Ministry party invitations for her when she knows that opportunity came, she may try to get to turn our dreams into reality, men scramble to meet women, become the target of jealousy and envy.

Mathilde in the heart, opened the ball as high society the key, so she had to own the most perfect and the glamorous side of display. She is not only beautiful dresses, and also a representative and symbolic necklaces, so Mathilda to her wealthy girlfriend folaisi wife borrowed a diamond necklace, but also opens the door to destiny. Mathilde enjoy to dance at the ball, reveling in the praise of men's and women's envy, these are all she wants and needs, she and others, because she is a beautiful girl, just not high born ordinary, inaccessible upper society. The ball and let her dreary life shine, she succeeds, her vanity to get the greatest satisfaction. Upper-class luxury to Mathilde temptation, as well as a strong sense of vanity, led her life tragedy inevitable.

Novels are centered around the necklace, and Mathilde lost necklace is the central event of the whole story, is the turning point of her life. Mathilde in the necklace is missing after a series of acts and actions caused us to re-examine this vain, advocating luxurious life of France girl.

In the move, asking nothing case, Mathilda did not tell his friend necklace was lost, but choose to buy exactly the same diamond necklaces to reimburse Mrs folaisi. Feisty personality and a strong sense of pride makes her prefer to carry huge amounts of debt, also not in front of the rich lose their dignity. Mathilde "heroic" decision "to repay this terrible debt." "She fired the maid, moved the residence, rented a small loft live. She knew the thick heavy manual labour and unpleasant chores in the kitchen. She wash cups and dishes, the oily basin along the upper and bottom PACKING her delicate fingers. Her shirts with SOAP, wash cloth, drying on the line.

Every morning, she above mentioned garbage from the street, then down the water mentioned above, took to the floor and stopped breathing. She dressed like a poor woman, arm baskets, fruit shop, grocery store, butcher's shop, price, ridiculed the scold, son of a copper one child to save her hard money. " Finally a decade later, Mathilde repaid the debt, she also became a "poor stout woman of endurance. Random hold, skew wore skirts, bare red hands, talking loud atmosphere, with large buckets of water to scrub the floor ". If a decade ago, Mathilde knows ten years later he was this way, I think she will lose the courage to live, she will be in pain, confusion and even death. But 10 years later, Mathilde bravely survived, strong enough to bear the burdens of life. She became a real hard-working women. Once-beautiful, charming, charming her doing this little family; luxurious life she once upon a dream, now a coppers coppers to, wait for a copper plate broke off only half an, to understand the hardships of life and easy.

Ten years of hard work, she has learned to diligent thrift, learned to work hard, becomes down-to-Earth and peace of mind. She is no longer a dream, don't have the time or energy for impossible dreams and contradiction of real life out of grief. She became a true and brave, strong and resilient, in a real and ordinary life found the value of life and happiness. So when she met in the Park is still young, still beautiful to think Lady when she did not hesitate, not because you become old and ugly and inferior to leave, but happy and confident with the friend. Without grief and shame, some just relaxed. "To speak to her, please? Of course going to, since the debt has been paid off, she can tell her everything, why can it not do? She then walked past. "How much resilience and frankly, how much peace of mind. Thanks to the necklace because this debt for ten long years, Mathilde was calm and peace of mind, she has become a real and clear. Lovely, brave, strong and resilient Mathilde images at ease.

"How strange life is, just how fickle, tiny thing can ruin you, can help you! "Guy de Maupassant wrote at the end of the novel. If there are no missing necklace incident, Mathilda may forever be immersed in the dream and the reality of the huge gap in the pain and suffering; may be a man of high society for the advancement of intimate girlfriend, become another puppet; perhaps kind of dissatisfaction with Mr Lo's quarrels for the rest, and so on. Life is like a play, drama is like life, who can say that the missing necklace for Mathilde to this matter, is not a blessing, a blessing in disguise. The hardships of life without making Mathilde decadence, poverty life makes her to enrich the spiritual world, she found the value of life and happiness. Ten years of hard work to make Mathilde ignoring life trials, she becomes confident and optimistic, strong. Perhaps this is tragedy and comedy of life.



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