英国essay论文精选范文:“The Rainbow”,这篇论文讨论了劳伦斯的小说《虹》。《虹》描述了布兰文一家三代精神发展的历史,他们的探索从整体上反映了现代人的困惑、苦闷、挣扎和憧憬,表达了人们打碎枷锁、实现新生的强烈愿望。每一代人都试图突破周围狭隘的生活,以求将自身的存在投入更广阔、更自由的生存环境中;他们的努力,在不同意义上都将这种探索向前推进了一个阶段。这其中有成功的喜悦,也有失败的痛苦。
In the novel Rainbow, Lawrence uses many biblical images, and Lawrence follows the religious connotations of these images. However, in the ideal mode of gender relations and love and marriage, Lawrence and the Bible hold different views. By analyzing the "Rainbow" in terms of biblical meaning, readers can gain a better understanding of Lawrence's philosophical thinking on religious, social and life issues.
Lawrence is one of the most talented and controversial figures in the history of 20th century English literature. He studied extensively, not only created a lot of novels, poetry and prose, and is a famous literary critic. In this novel, Lawrence begins to revise his prejudice against women and try to figure out an ideal pattern of love and marriage.
The interpretation of the relationship between men and women first from the "Bible." Genesis gives readers an understanding of God's, men's, and women's undeniable hierarchical relationships, but Lawrence suggests that men and women should be equal and harmonious. Through the "Rainbow" in the pursuit of happiness for three generations, he tried to return to the happiness of the modern Eden to find exports. "Rainbow" is not only the subject of the book from the Bible, Lawrence also borrowed a lot of images in the Bible, such as rainbow, flood, etc., in the modern society under the premise of these traditional religious symbols have been given special significance. In this paper, by contrasting the texts of the Bible and the Rainbow, the author will outline the Genesis of Lawrence's mind.
At the beginning of the creation of the heavens and the earth God first had men, and then the ribs of men became women. This is the biblical story of the origins of man, and the backbone of the patriarchal social system, because women are only men's accessories. But in Lawrence's view, only in a harmonious interaction with each other, men and women can eventually become complete. He argues that men and women are not complete and that they have both male and female characteristics, and that sex is the only medium in which they achieve and acquire gender identity. Lawrence provides readers with a new perspective on the relationship between the sexes.
In the Rainbow, Tom's marriage to the widow of Poland, Lydia, was respected by Lawrence. Tom on the road and Lydia began the fate of the encounter, just glanced at, Lydia exudes the body exotic deeply attracted him, he could not help but say "is her." If the love at first sight could only be seen as an instinctive impulse for Tom's curiosity about an unknown exotic, then their second encounter would undoubtedly reinforce Tom's desire for Lydia. He even felt that after this woman appeared in his life, he got a "new life". At this point, Lawrence uses Tom as the spokesperson for the conclusion of the model of gender relations. Men and women are not only physically attracted to each other, they also need each other in the spiritual level; the lack of either side is incomplete.
When the wicked man surpassed God's tolerance, God tried to wipe out mankind and all living creatures from the surface of the earth with great floods. Only the righteous Noah and his family were exempted. When the flood receded from the ground, a new world was born. Therefore, the religious significance of floods is to clear away evil and gain new life.
In the novel "Rainbow", the image of the flood appeared many times. Lawrence used his metaphor for the end of the old time and the beginning of a new life. The most typical scenario occurred when Tom drunk and fell into a flood and drowned. This scene has two layers of meaning: on the one hand, the flood symbolizes the evil modern capitalist system, and Tom as the farmer is the spokesman of the natural economy, the accident implies that the capitalist system has already destroyed the self-sufficient natural economy Do. At this level, the flood is the power of destruction. Tom, on the other hand, had been tempted by industrialized cities, and he was so weary of the monotony of life on the farm that he wanted to go far. "Although Tom had been trapped on a farm, Has been tortured between the new era and the old time, death had to say for him is a relief. At this level, the flood is the power of rebirth.
In Lawrence's Genesis, floods refer to the process of modernization and industrialization, full of evil but unblockable. By attacking the progress of society, he tried to express his memory of the good past and the dangers and crises that people faced in modern society.
The image of the rainbow appeared three times in the Bible. In Genesis, God instructed Noah and his family to flee the great floods. He said, "I will cloud the rain, and I will cloud the rainbow, and I will remember thee with you and with all flesh and blood. In the Bible, the rainbow is a contract between God and mankind that never breaks, and symbolizes the harmonious relationship between heaven and human beings. Although the novel to the title of the rainbow, but the image of the rainbow only appeared directly twice. At the end of Anna's chapter, Anna finds satisfaction in her pregnancy. She sees an arched rainbow in the sky outside. Anna and Bill have been in control since the marriage has been a quarrel with each other, but this time the rainbow is a peace truce between them contract. They found a compromise of life to solve the problem, that is, whether it is religious or spiritual world, both remain independent, only in the physical contact to find happiness. This relationship is superficial, but at least allows the family to remain stable and gives the child a relatively harmonious environment to grow.
"The Bible" is the most classic works of literature in the West, it provides a number of excellent writers creative material. By quoting and rewriting the familiar story of the Bible, writers try to express their philosophical reflections on religion, society, and life. In Rainbow, Lawrence shows the Genesis of his mind. But unlike the Bible, he did not explore the relationship between God and man, but rather to explore the relationship between men and women, hoping to find the perfect relationship between the sexes. Lawrence borrowed from the Bible some images, such as floods, rainbows, etc., he largely followed the original meaning of these images, but he in the context of modern society to extend these meanings, which expressed his modern society The genuine concern of the human problem, the severe condemnation of the industrialization of evil, and the endless remembrance of the good past.
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