
留学生assignment代写精选范文:“Statistics in large data environments”,这篇论文讨论了大数据环境下的统计。在人们的生活之中,统计工作是不可或缺的。如今,大数据时代的到来,对统计工作产生了很大的影响。在大数据库时代,数据具有大量性和多样性,所以必须要借助一些软件来获取,然后进行后面的整理,以此提高工作效率与质量。

Statistics,large data environments,留学生作业代写,assignment代写,美国作业代写

In today's highly popular social networking technology, the network total amount of data also showed a trend of great surge, the kind of data are many and complex, its size also led to worldwide attention to it, people's production and life cannot leave the Internet of things technology in this fast and intense pace, the big data era of vigorous arrived. The arrival of the era of big data, provide statistical work for the new requirements, their ways of thinking and work aspects need to be a new round of breakthroughs and innovation, analysis and research carried out a few aspects of this paper.

Statistical work has an irreplaceable role in enterprise development, in the context of the era of big data, statistical work also needs to improve work efficiency and quality, and the law of development of the times to adapt, so that it can better promote economic growth enterprises to achieve sustainable development.

Under the big background data, statistical work is the first step in reform and innovation to achieve statistical information, the so-called statistical information is to make use of Internet technology, give full play to the advantages of the Internet, combined with information processing technology, computer technology and other resources for statistics collection, processing, handling, storage and sharing of management and other activities, and ultimately statistics data accuracy, reliability improvement. Most enterprises in our country at this stage, in terms of statistical information technology are already showing results, which can be summarized as section three stages, namely: Computer preliminary application stage; design, test and application stage statistical management information system; Internet technology stage. From this point of view three aspects, China's enterprises in the statistical achievements of information technology can not be ignored, but because the next big data environment, whether it is from the external environment, or internal environment, and improve the statistical information technology degree, and strengthen the efficiency and quality of data collection, processing and sharing a series of work, are inevitable, it is the only way for enterprises to achieve sustainable development.

Huge challenge companies to be able to better respond to the increasingly fierce external competition, as well as huge amounts of data electronically statistical system brings, must to continue to carry out high-quality statistical personnel training and absorption, but also need to be able to encourage these people in full-time in this position, while achieving interconnection with other systems and communication departments, to better promote the internal development of enterprises.

For statistical work, the estimate of the accuracy of the statistics is to determine the quality of a direct factor in the era of data, statistical processing tools rely on information technology and data mining technology to digital, so the realization of the scientific projections premise should ensure the accuracy of the raw data, to fully study and analyze the raw data, statistical projections to promote the results accurately.​

Due to statistical work in most of the data, the next big data environment, the amount of data which will be of great surge in order to achieve better use of statistical validity, improve work efficiency, adjusting the statistical relationship between the development of new ideas and information are very important, and information technology is based on the premise promote new statistical thinking, statistical turn new ideas capable of effectively promote the advancement and improvement of information technology, Therefore, statisticians must clearly recognize that these two points, so as to better promote its statistical work.

At this stage most of the statistical work in our country, for insufficient degree of sharing all kinds of data, which means that the speed of updating the database with new data rate actually produced inconsistent, so that, in the database repeatability resources to lag big, resource utilization is not high. Large data environments, share information is critical to improve the sharing of data and information strategy, we must be able to promote different winners have the resources and information that corresponds to their needs, in order to realize the value of their information resources are owned.

In the era of big data, because the data with a large number and diversity, not only the unit of measurement data from PB to EB then ZB, but also by the kind of text information based structured data to expand the scope of audio, video, pictures and other semi-structured or unstructured data. At the same time, the era of big data statistical indicators, we must rely on a variety of large-scale software acquisition, software programming and these have to be able to achieve in a particular statistical model theory, the government and companies need to make full use of the advantages of large data up and time for their own services, so as to realize theoretical model of the deepening and development of statistical models and their corresponding.

Traditional statistical research because the data structure of a single, small-scale data, data processing technology behind the data obtained thus requires precision to avoid uncertainty. However, in the era of big data, data with a large number and diversity, its uncertainty comes only from diversity and complexity, as well as individual differences in data sources, and thus may not be required accuracy of the data.

The traditional view that statistics can be analyzed by a local sample, which can infer the general rule. However, the traditional statistical point of view, after all, is based on limited data and less processing power on, in the big data era background, the two restrictions will disappear, that is, the overall sample, and by all things the data were analyzed, the sample can be avoided traditional statistical analysis occurred during the sampling frame instability, aim too strong, the limited sample size, correcting high cost, rapid detection efficiency analysis.

In China after entering the information age, will inevitably usher in the era of big data, high-paced life and work, is bound to generate huge amounts of data regardless of estimates, and how to organize, classify and use of these data become today each people new areas of work of research for statistical work areas, the arrival of big data era, with its undoubtedly a great challenge, already a mountain of data, are becoming more and more difficult to calculate, then to address these issues, give full play to the advantages of information technology, change the traditional idea of the work to improve the professional skills of statisticians, these are a viable strategy to deal with the era of big data, this paper from the aspects of its research, hoping to relevant staff provide advice and assistance.


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