
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Rousseau's three states of nature,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了卢梭的三种自然状态。卢梭的政治哲学在欧洲启蒙运动中是独树一帜的,在卢梭看似混乱并易引起争议的“自然状态”中实际存在着三种不同的理论属性,也就是说卢梭的自然状态可以从三种意义上来进行考察和分析,即逻辑意义、历史意义和法律意义上的自然状态,它们构成了卢梭政治理论中自然状态的三种类型。另外,卢梭的三种自然状态是为其两种社会契约服务的。


Rousseau's political philosophy was unique in the European enlightenment, but the uniqueness of his theory also caused some confusion to people's understanding. In particular, the two books "on the origin and foundation of human inequality" and "on social contract" expressed some totally different ideas, which were more typical. The consistency of Rousseau's political theory is the key among the perplexities faced by the interpreters of his political philosophy. Rousseau emphasized the coherence of the ideas expressed in his various works, insisting, for example, that "a great principle" was evident in all his works, and that "all the boldness of the social contract is contained in the inequality". Some modern scholars, such as Ernst Cassirer, have also interpreted the consistency of his ideas from a specific perspective. However, more scholars deny this consistency, believing that there are sharp contradictions and insurmountable gaps between Rousseau's two works of political philosophy. For example, according to c.f.aughan, "on inequality shows unscrupulous individualism, while social contract shows the same unscrupulous collectivism". Rousseau's two works are believed to be full of contradictions such as the negation and affirmation of reason, the universal criticism of the state and the high praise of the republic. This paper attempts to start with Rousseau's natural state theory, sort out and summarize the logical relationship between his "natural state" and "social contract", so as to provide a new perspective for understanding the consistency of Rousseau's political theory.

There are three different views on the nature of Rousseau's state of nature. Leo Strauss clearly expressed this view in his book natural rights and history. Other scholars, such as George Havens, Roger Masters and Jean Morel, hold similar views. The second view, such as Emile Durkheim, Lester g. Crocker and others, holds that Rousseau's natural state is a pure theoretical hypothesis or a speculative construction, having nothing to do with the actual historical state. A third view, from Robert Derathe et al., is that Rousseau's natural state is full of contradictions, and that he is confused and ambivalent on the subject.

The author thinks that, in Rousseau seems to be confusion and easy controversial "natural state" in real property there are three different kinds of theories, that is to say, Rousseau's natural state can be from the investigation and analysis about three issues, namely, logical meaning, historical significance and legal nature, they constitute the three types of Rousseau's political theory on the state of nature.

The natural state of logical meaning is the first type of Rousseau's "natural state", which is expressed as a theoretical hypothesis and a hypothesis and reasoning for the purpose of exploring the nature of things. Rousseau stated the hypothetical nature of this state many times in his treatise on inequality, writing: "I have only begun to reason, and to make some bold suppositions." Some of the studies we can undertake on this subject should not be regarded as historical truths, but only as presumptive and conditional deductions. These deductions are not so much fit to account for the true origin of things as for the nature of them. "Certain assumptions... If there is no history to examine, it is up to philosophy to determine similar facts which are relevant. Rousseau in the theory of inequality, the state of nature is divided into two stages, namely the "original state" and "the youth of the human race", as the first phase in the natural state of "pure natural state" or "primitive state" reflects the logical meaning and the historical significance of overlapping characteristics, some scholars also for this reason that the state of nature as Rousseau a combination of historical reality and theoretical assumptions. In order to separate the logical attribute and historical attribute in the first development stage of Rousseau's natural state, the author makes the following assumption according to the expression in Rousseau's on inequality: the term "pure natural state" represents the assumed and logical natural state; "Primitive state" describes the early human survival conditions, is a kind of historical reality. Although the two are synonyms in "on inequality", in order to distinguish the mixed connotations of logic and history contained in this natural state, we can endow the "original state" with historical significance and endow the "pure natural state" with logical significance, thus completely separating the two.

From the logical meaning of the natural state, Rousseau stripped all the social attributes of human in the way of abstract reasoning, so as to obtain a pure natural person, in order to clarify the essential attributes of human individuals and society, which is also the important reason why he called this natural state "pure natural state". The prominent feature of human being in the pure natural state is the situation of "lonely and ignorant savage", "loneliness" indicates that human being is an atomic existence, and "ignorance" indicates that human being is in the low stage of rational development. Rousseau rejected the view of most theorists of the school of natural law that "human beings are naturally social", and he opposed the pure state of nature to the state of society. Natural persons are equal, free, and self-sufficient, not so much because they follow the "laws of nature" that govern their relations to one another, as because they have little or no "relations" at all. Rousseau believed that the condition of the "lone savage" was a real "state of nature", which no other thinker "ever traced back to", because the natural state they imagined was a "state of society" to some extent. There is a sharp contrast between "ignorant savage" and the important role of "rationality" emphasized in Rousseau's social contract theory, which is related to the theoretical logic of his two social contract theories, which will be further analyzed later. The natural state of historical significance is mainly divided into two major and relatively stable stages: the "primitive state" and the "youth period". From the perspective of these two stages, the first stage, namely the primitive state, is the real natural state in Rousseau's words. Natural people are lonely, ignorant and free, and people have no family and any social contact, so they have no language as a communication tool, which is equivalent to non-social animals to a certain extent. The second phase, the human "youth" the continuation of the first stage can be regarded as "natural state", it is necessary to establish a realistic social contract process, but it is different from the "natural person" of the original state, it is a state of the new "social" or "quasi" social status, because the family and private property has emerged, there is a relatively stable social human relations, it is in a state of nature and civilization between states, is the "youth" of mankind. Rousseau fully affirmed the authenticity of the second stage, thinking that it was similar to the status of the tribal peoples in America. From the perspective of history, Rousseau divided the development and evolution of early human society into three stages, namely, from the primitive state, the youth period to the political society or the country, which was quite different from the dichotomy of "natural state -- political society" proposed by other contemporary natural jurists. Rousseau not only justifies the contract society or the republic from the perspective of affirmation, namely the natural state of logical meaning, but also criticizes the existing state from the perspective of negation, namely the natural state of historical meaning. That is to say, Rousseau believed that all existing states were unjust from the perspective of the historical development process of the natural state, which was an important reason for his elaboration of the historical attribute of the natural state. The following part will elaborate on this when analyzing the two logical clues from the natural state to the social contract.

In discussing the state of nature in the legal sense, Rousseau "equates the state of nature with the situation where people do not live under the rule of law". Rousseau in the theory of inequality, this paper discusses the three stages of inequality, that inequality of the third stage of development, the authoritarian political inequality phase will eventually lead to a new state of nature, because based on the strong power of the ruling order by subjects will resist, when the people to overthrow the tyrant rule, society in a certain period of time is similar to a state of anarchy. This natural state, the result of excessive corruption, "is the apex of inequality, the ultimate point of closing a circle, and it meets the point from which we started." "Terminal point" is the natural state of legal meaning, "starting point" is the natural state of logical and historical meaning. The logical natural state exists in the theory, and the historical natural state cannot be reproduced again. Only the third natural state, namely the legal natural state, can appear in human society, which is a criticism of the existing political society and a realistic condition to realize the ideal political society, namely the republic.

Rousseau's three states of nature serve his two social contracts. In his treatise on the social contract, Rousseau concentrated on an ideal social contract, and in most cases, what Rousseau called "social contract" specifically refers to such a contract. This ideal of a social contract, contract is essentially a combination of the people, the natural state of people through contract combined into political society, the political society in order to realize the citizens of self rule as the goal, and through the "autonomy" enable citizens to truly realize the "freedom", the social contract of political society is Rousseau's "republic". This is a typical "social contract" rather than a "political contract", different from Hobbes' "leviathan", because in this case, the creation of government itself is not a contract, but a result of the social contract. In the theory of inequality, from the Angle of the history in the country of origin is explained especially on the three stages of "inequality", Rousseau put forward another a kind of contract, the contract makes the existing countries to produce, it is more a social contract, as a "political agreement", because the important content of the contract is confirmed ruler's dominance, the formation and legalization of the government is the core of the contract terms, the establishment of private ownership and the law to protect private ownership is through such a "political agreement". Rousseau only use a small amount of space in the theory of inequality theory and second kind of social contract, as rich cheating poor contract, its purpose is to make the legalization of the rule of the rich, make the wealth inequality into political inequality, it essentially as a "political agreement", but also because of a "social" state before the contracts have been existed for a long time, to sign the contract but is to build a country and its violent machine and make it a way of legalization, as a result, "political agreement" is essentially a contract "rule". This contract makes people completely lose the natural freedom in the state of nature. People "born free" in the state of nature are "always in chains" in the state of politics. "Ruling contract" is a historical way to make human beings transition from social state to political state. It actually criticizes the legitimacy and justice of all existing states.

The relationship between the three natural states and the two social contracts in Rousseau's political theory can be more intuitively illustrated by the following figure. It can be seen from the figure that there are two logical clues in the argumentation process from the natural state to the contract society: one is to analyze the essential attribute of human from the status and characteristics of human in the natural state, and then demonstrate which kind of society can realize the essence of human. Second, it emphasizes the irreversibility of historical development. On the basis of acknowledging the beauty of the original state and the regressive nature of social and political development in the fundamental sense, it believes that only the "combined" contract can fundamentally free human society from the cycle of chaos caused by slavery and the "ruling" contract.


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