
本篇paper代写- War Can Bring Out the Best讨论了战争能带来的好结果。战争能真正激发出人们最好的一面,因为它能在这些年轻士兵之间建立起牢固的同志情谊和深厚的友谊,让这些年轻士兵之间的关爱、人性和相互依赖。另外,在战争中,还可以消除一系列的差别,包括阶级划分。虽然战争能激发人们最好的一面,但考虑到战争的严重危害,最好还是要避免战争。本篇paper代写51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。



It is known to us that war can bring out the worst in us and it has really caused various detrimental effects on the vast majority of people over the history. And the influence of war is so serious that many soldiers still have postwar shadows even long after the end of the war. However, war can as well bring out the best in us, which can be readily detected from Erich Maria Remarque’s novel titled All Quiet on the Western Front. This novel has explored comradeship in a ravishing way, during which Paul’s friendship with his fellow soldiers has been well delivered. War can really bring out the best in people in that it can help create strong comradeship and deep friendship among those young soldiers, which can be embodied via the below three aspects: the formation of the extraordinarily strong bond between these young men; the caring, humanity and reliance on one another among those young soldiers; the erasing of a series of distinctions including the class divisions.

War Can Bring Out the Best

First and foremost, war has helped create an extraordinarily strong bond between these young men that peace never could. As a matter of fact, camaraderie plays a part in relieving the horrible descriptions of front line death and assaults and it as well supplies a bright light to a place with nonstop darkness. Detailed speaking, a young soldier is afraid of guns when he firstly engages himself on the battlefield when there are explosions and a rocket fire in Chapter 4. As a result, he searches for a shelter to Paul and buries his head in the chest and arms of Paul. And Paul gently and kindly comforts him that he will soon get accustomed to it sooner or later. Based on this, camaraderie can be easily imagined; otherwise there won’t be such intimacy between this young recruit and Paul. Apart from that, Paul and his friends waylay Himmelstoss and beat on him, which can show that Paul and his friends stand by one another and they would like to fight against their common enemies. It is known to us that Himmelstoss deserves it and Paul and his friends are just giving him his due.

Actually, these young men are comrades-in-arms and they are more intimate than family members or even lovers. The rationale why such intense bond between them can be formed lies in that they have together endured unimaginable sufferings and seen unspeakable horrors, which are all issues that can never be shared with those who do not have war experiences. They can understand one another better because they are going through the same journey. What the comrades mean to Paul can be found in the sentence that “I could almost weep. I can hardly control myself any longer. But it will soon be all right back here with Kat and Albert. This is where I belong” (). Also, what has to be pointed out is that the death of one soldier will naturally induce a powerful emotional reaction among the other soldiers. However, grief is too much for these battle-hardened soldiers to suffer in that they are unable to mourn their fallen friends properly in addition to the outbursts of rage and sorrow (Cristina Pividori. 2017). With the development of this novel, we can know that Paul becomes increasingly numb to the losses of other soldiers so that he unconsciously emphasizes more on his relationship with Kat. Therefore he continues to fight with the accompanying of Kat and Kat becomes his closest friend at last. But he turns to have no will to survive after the death of Kat and he even accepts and welcomes his own death in the end of the novel. Without his comrade-in-arms Kat, he is without the will to live, which can as well help suggest how the bond is between these young soldiers.

Moreover, Paul’s friendship with Kat is another relationship worth exploring when the idea that war can bring out the best would like to be better illustrated, which can perfectly imply caring, humanity and reliance. The most impressive one is the scene with the goose dinner. In Chapter 5, Kat and Paul have got a goose and they are cooking it in the late night. Paul says. “We don’t talk much, but I believe we have a more complete communion with one another than even lovers have” (), which indicates that they would definitely live or die together and their communion is so complete that it is more complete than the lovers have. In the meantime, it can directly bring Paul peace and reassurance when he hears Kat’s voice and sees Kat roasting the goose nearby. In the mind of Paul, Kat is not only a friend of his own anymore but that Kat has actually become a father-figure for Paul.

Besides, the comradeship of this group of young men can be easily found in both the scenes of battle and the scenes of rest over and over again. Maybe Paul really counts their losses at many different aspects, but he still deems their attempts and close relationship to make them stay together to offer help to each other. Just take the scene in which Paul is trapped in Chapter 9 as an example. In Chapter 9, Paul loses his direction and his nerve and he is afraid of his death when he is alone in the trench. However, the voices his comrades immediately lead Paul to regain his nerve and what his friends say are “I belong to them and they to me; we all share the same fear and the same life; we are nearer than lovers, in a simpler, a harder way; I could bury my face in them in these voices, these words that have saved me and will stand by me” (). Taking the fact that his friends’ voices can quickly make Paul regain his nerve into consideration, there is no doubt that these young men have absolutely become the soul-mates of one another. Or maybe it can be put in another way that there is grace here at the same time and the grace appears when those soldiers get clear about their humanity and their reliance on other soldiers when they are confronted with hopelessness and all sorrow. But what is a pity to say is that Kat is so important to Paul that Kat’s death really hurts Paul a lot in Chapter 11. The more detailed condition is that Kat’s death is so final and so overwhelming to Paul and we do not hear his reaction at all. What we can only see is that he breaks down in the face of it and the loss of Kat is really too much for him to stand or accept. It is rather hard to imagine how it will be when you lose one that is closer than your own blood relatives, which is right what Paul experiences when he loses Kat in the end. Kat’s death represents the crashing down of Paul’s world.

Last but not the least, war has erased a series of distinctions, like the class divisions. In this novel, a fair knowledge can be obtained that these young men choose to hold each other up all the time no matter what happens, through battle and rest, hopelessness and horror, think and thin, etc. and without taking any regard of which class they are from. Class divisions no longer matter in the front and they have to die without any difference. Young men that are well-educated, such as Paul, have to fight in the battlefield and even die for it, which is the same as peasants including Detering (Sandra De La Torre. 2013). To put it more specifically, war has made Paul a totally different person after undergoing too many losses of other soldiers and what he cares about is the survival of himself and other soldiers. Due to the formation of comradeship, these soldiers have cultivated altruism to help them adjust and survive throughout the war and they also trust and cooperate with one other. The sentence “Kropp divides a cigarette and hands me half. Tjaden gives an account of his..broad-beans and bacon.. Kat appears.. he has two loaves of bread under his arm and bloodstained sandbag full of horse-flesh in his hand” () shows that that these soldiers learn to help one another and they perceive the importance of mutual help in that each and every one have their own unique and special skills and talents. The divisions between them are just nothing when compared with their survival.


To sum up, a reasonable conclusion can be drawn that war can definitely bring out the best in people because it really plays an important part in creating strong comradeship and deep friendship among those young soldiers and it can be justified by the following three aspects: the formation of the extraordinarily strong bond between these young men; the caring, humanity and reliance on one another among those young soldiers; the erasing of a series of distinctions including the class divisions. Though the war can bring out the best in people, war is better to be avoided when taking the severe detrimental effects of war into account.

Works Cited

Cristina Pividori. 2017. Searching for the Happy Battalion in Times of Crisis: Fraternal Friendships and the Heroic in the Great War Memoirs of Guy and Chapman and Charles Carrington. An International Journal of the Humanities. Online available from:

Erich Maria Remarque. All Quiet on the Western Front. Ballantine Books. 1987.

Sandra De La Torre. 18 December, 2013. Comrade in All Quiet on the Western Front. Online available from:


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