
英国essay论文精选范文:“Internet media industry”,这篇论文讨论了互联网传媒业。互联网传媒是以互联网为载体通过文本、图片、音频、视频等形式来进行信息交流的新型传媒。随着互联网的普及,到21世纪初期,互联网传媒业已飞速发展,互联网传媒业以其交互性、海量性、迅速性的特点为传统媒体业服务,此时,互联网传媒业可以视为“准媒体业”。2003年之后,我国经济飞速发展,科技不断进步,互联网也越来越普及,互联网传媒业迎来了自己发展的黄金时代。但传统传媒业由于成本高,传播速度慢,不少传统传媒业已不堪负荷,纷纷破产。互联网传媒业不断抢占市场,至今,已然成为媒体业的主流。

互联网传媒业,Internet media industry,留学Essay代写,英国论文代写网,英国论文代写

With China's rapid economic development, scientific and technological advances, the number of Internet users in China has exceeded 600 million. This huge number means that the advent of the Internet age. Media industry caught up with the Internet this spring, and because of its speed, transmission range, the advantages of low operating costs, rapid development.

National leaders in the General Assembly more than once emphasized the development of the Internet in China, made clear that the Internet age has arrived. And, early in the Internet media industry, substantial preferential policies, on the open market, rapidly expanding market played an important role.

Internet media business is relying on computer technology, all operations are performed on a computer. Over the years, the development of computer technology, as well as Internet media industry with a very good technical basis.

China's Internet media industry business model very diverse, including online advertising, online gaming, and other businesses.

Internet media industry profitability is very rich, but the main source of profit is still advertising. Forms of Internet advertising, including graphic advertisements, video chip ads, keyword search advertising and other forms. Internet data support, through hits, pageviews and other metrics, advertising in different places, at different prices. With the development of the Internet, China's online advertising market share is rising.

Internet platform early a lot of human and material resources-building platforms, platform was built after the market opened, levy service charges on users, online games are this way. Online games, is the Internet as the carrier, people took part in a game, more attractive than stand-alone games. Therefore, online game development very quickly and continued market share gains, profit increase.

Internet media development to date, I must mention Sina the "dark horse". In 2010, Twitter this product appears, with the stars assigned enormous publicity, SINA weibo attracted users to register, use. Twitter now has become China's important news dissemination platform, users can, through their own accounts in Twitter to speak freely. Twitter also relies on advertising to make large profits. Meanwhile, Internet sensation, satin hands, as well as micro-blog revenue adds new revenue channels. Numerous Internet celebrity fans, Twitter advertising, charge for advertising, and pumped into the Sina.

Internet media development since more and more innovative products a revolutionary, profit model are more diverse.

The Internet has achieved rapid development in the past more than 10 years, has made remarkable achievements. However, breeds in the development crisis. Internet giant monopoly too seriously. Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba group, led by the Internet giant to control the vast majority of the market share, no strong competition, there will be a series of negative effects of monopolies. Some time ago, "Baidu" well confirmed this point. Monopoly detrimental to the free development of the market economy, is not conducive to the interests of citizens.



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