英国essay论文精选范文:“Vocational Education in the United Kingdom”,这篇论文讨论了英国的职业教育。英国是一个学术传统浓厚的国家,重学术、轻技术的观念早已有之。为修补技术创新力上的短板,英国近年来从授课方式和就业制度上对职业教育进行了大刀阔斧的改革。如今的职教体系已成为该国提升人才竞争力的推动力量。
After years of development, the United Kingdom has formed a national vocational qualification certificate of vocational education system and evaluation method for core competence and diversity as a core mechanism for training.
Cambridge Regional College is a typical example. It is a large school of continuing education, not far from the world-famous University of Cambridge. College 77% is funded by the Government, is also dependent on corporate sponsorship. Institute for 4,000 men, ages 15 to 18 full-time students and part-time students in 9,000 over 19 years of employment provide training opportunities. Other students from 54 countries to bind here.
Come to Cambridge Regional College, was a most impressive here is not like school, as a microcosm of society: car repair shop, woodworking shop, building sites, beauty salon, hair salon, social welfare centres, hotels, and other readily available. These practical training area larger equipment, advanced detection equipment, student-oriented open throughout the day. Cambridge Regional College's strengths are taken for construction, plumbing, beauty, hairdressing and catering services. Schools regularly conduct market research, business research, to determine whether courses to keep up with business demands and outdated courses will be rapidly eliminated.
Cambridge Regional College's highest principle is "student-centered", well not the students ' fault, but a teacher's fault. Cambridge regional college students adhere to market-oriented, customer satisfaction as the goal. Second year student of the school began to work in the community. In cosmetology professional, for example, student evaluation are there teachers, student self-assessment, and customers, while customers accounted for the largest proportion in the first column.
All multimedia in College teaching, teaching resource database building and very well to meet the administrators, teachers, students and external assessment needs. Students through campus networks, electronic access to books and information they need, including the reading room. It is worth mentioning that, the College's Student Center a very wide range of services, including health and benefits consultant, course information consultant, social-emotional learning consultants, students social services, funded consultant. School for students aged 16 to 18 years old family provided financial assistance, students over 19 years of remission. Health benefits consultants to help students quit smoking, quit drinking, drug addiction. Sexual health courses provide support for pregnant students and young mothers.
Visit Cambridge Regional College, North West London College and in West London Academy, the greatest feeling is "classroom business, class society". "Employment do not look at diploma, certificate", "employers do not see what he knows, but to see what he can do", the new employment and the concept has been widely accepted, becoming United Kingdom social consensus.
In contrast, China has also promoted the development of vocational education for many years, but from the official civil, clearly inadequate attention to vocational education. In philosophy, teaching, employment, investment and so on, very low status of vocational education, tend to be seen as "second-class education." Over the past decade, China's higher education expansion speed, doctorate or master's degrees, Bachelor's millions every year increase, talents and skills but few encouraging signs. Enterprises need is brains, people who can work, and vocational school training students is to read both words, move hands people. From this point of view, United Kingdom College reform experience for reference.