下面为大家整理的一篇优秀essay范文- Controversial Racial Discrimination in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的种族歧视。在美国,种族歧视一直是备受争议的话题。虽然现在已经是21世纪了,但美国社会还是存在着种族歧视和种族不平等的现象。因此,政府应该加大力度解决种族不平等和歧视问题,通过采取不同的行动,来减少种族问题。
Racial discrimination is always a controversial topic in the United States. In the 21st century, racial problem is still pervasive, which can be inferred from a heatedly debated case. On 9 August 2014, in Ferguson Town of Missouri, African-American youth Michael Brown was shot and killed by white policeman Darren Wilson in the unarmed condition. This tragedy immediately triggered a large-scale local protest. On 24 November 2014, the jury made the decision not to prosecute white Sergeant Darren Wilson, which escalated protest demonstrations into public violence. (Karimi and Pearson, 2014) The public is always suspecting whether the white sergeant’s shooting action is justice and whether the young black has committed such a violent crime seriously that leads to his death by the police’s gunshot. This shooting once again arouses people’s attention and heated discussion on the racial problem. It is hoped that such shooting tragedy will not happen again.
Racial discrimination is controversial in the United States. On the one hand, the government should solve racial inequality and discrimination. On the other hand, it should reduce racial problems by taking different actions. For this social problem, it can be further analyzed in three perspectives.
First and foremost, racial discrimination and inequality still exists in American society in the 21st century. In the workplace, staff has to tackle the racial bias. Immigrants like Africans, Asians and Arabs encounter the racial bias in the job opportunities, post promotions and colleague communications. These immigrants have the same qualifications and professional skills like the local American people, but they are unequally treated. For a large extent, the uneven treatment is from the traditional concept rooted from the old generations to the next generations. In addition, in the public, people also need to face the unequal treatment in housing, credit and consumer markets. (Pager and Shepherd, 2008) They will receive lower service standards compared with the local American people, which have left a dark side in people’s mind. For such situations, immigrant people have carried out a lot of campaign and parade to protest the racial discrimination and inequality like job strikes and public protests. They want to strive for their own rights and create a equal living environment for themselves and the next generations. (Sellers, 2006)
For this reason, the government and some institutions have taken some actions to solve the racial discrimination and inequality. However, the long-term anger will be spurt out by racial incidents like Ferguson’s shooting case. People take this case as an opportunity to express their ideas and dissatisfaction to the government.
In the second place, some actions have been taken to solve the problem. Through promotion and education, people tend to be treated equally in most of companies. Some large companies have established labor union to protect the rights of people from different races. Moreover, in the public, all people should be treated as the same by the governmental propaganda. The local government has made efforts to protect the rights of immigrants to receive the equal treatment in the public. Generally speaking, the results are sound and the public order is stable. With the presidential victory of Barack Obama in the United States, it is a great progress in the American history, which is a tendency that the relationships between Africans and Americans will be eased. Meanwhile, some famous commercial leaders like Mark Zuckerberg publicly support the muslin people living in the United States.
People are satisfactory about these actions. These actions have left a peace in their psychological mind. These actions are welcomed by the people. However, there is another problem and social instabilities around the corner.
In the third place, the government also needs to take severe actions to crack down on the social problems related to new immigrants like black and Muslim people. On the one hand, racial crime rate is relative high among the black people and the police have to take actions. (Blee, 2005) The reasons of these racial crimes are directly related to the high unemployment rate, low living standards and incomplete family environment. These factors are long rooted in the history of the United States. The racial crimes include rape, robbery, murder and social riots. For these crimes, the local government and the police have to take related actions to reduce the crime rate and bring a peaceful living environment for the local residents. On the other hand, in recent years, Muslim people have become another source of risks. They hate people in western countries and they launch terrorist attacks, which brings social instability to the society. (Sorrick, 2013) In the 21st century, the security is the first priority in the United States. After September 11 terrorist attack, the government has put many labors and funds in protecting the local security and strength surveillance. For immigrations, the relevant authorities have also paid special attention on the detailed information on new immigrants to reduce the social risks. (Sorrick, 2013) Nowadays, once unstable factors are identified, the local police will take the harsh measures to crack down on the potential risks.
For the above reasons, the police have to take immediate actions towards any evidence. However, there are some faults and misunderstanding among all the actions and arrests, which is inevitable. Under such circumstances, it requires the public understand the actions. Meanwhile, the police should also handle different accidents more prudently. It is a process of mutual understand and cooperation.
In a summary, the racial problem has been controversial in the United States for a long time in American history. The racial problem is still controversial and Ferguson’s shooting case is just an epitome of all racial cases. Contemporarily, the racial discrimination and inequality is being mitigated, but the social problems also make the problem still exist in the United States. For racial inequality and discrimination, the government has taken specific actions to mitigate the problem and ease the tense situation. However, with more immigrants settling in the United States, racial crimes and risks also force local policeman to taken actions. After reading this essay, the readers may be doubt about the justice of the local policeman and the severity of racial crimes and risks. It is hoped that the readers can think about the problems subjectively without prejudice. The essay is aimed to inspire people to remember the tragic history and look forwards to a brighter future. Meanwhile, the essay also remind people to double think about racial problems with correct attitudes, because racial problems are just happening everyday in people’s life.
Works Cited Page
Karimi, F. and Pearson, M. “Ferguson shooting: Where's Officer Darren Wilson?” CNN. August 23 2014. Web. 25 January 2016. http://edition.cnn.com/2014/08/22/us/ferguson-shooting-where-is-darren-wilson/index.html?eref=edition
Pager, D. and Shepherd, H. “The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination in Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets.” Annual Review of Sociology 34(1) (2008): 181-209. Print.
Sellers, RM., Copeland-Linder, N., Martin, PP. and Lewis, RL. “Racial Identity Matters: The Relationship between Racial Discrimination and Psychological Functioning in African American Adolescents.” Journal of Research on Adolescence 16(2) (2006): 187-216. Print.
Blee, KM. “Racial violence in the United States.” Ethnic & Racial Studies volume 28(4) (2005): 599-619. Print.
Sorrick, T. “Political Violence Prevention: Profiling Domestic Terrorists.” Journal Article, 2013.
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