下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Electronic music,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电子音乐。电子音乐是现代音乐的一种形式,它的创作方式跟传统音乐不同,它是凭借更丰富的想象,在传统音乐创作的基础上辅以现代化电子手段“随意”拼接、剪贴、合成出来各种音乐。因此,电子音乐实现了更多传统音乐所不能实现的创作,对传统音乐既是延承又是“颠覆”。
Electronic music is a form of modern music, it is not completely equal to the traditional music creation way, but with more abundant imagination on the basis of traditional music creation, supplemented by modern electronic means "random" stitching, clip, synthesized all kinds of music. Therefore, the electronic music has realized the creation that more traditional music cannot achieve. The traditional music is both an extension and a "subversion", which is in sync with the technology and information age. The emergence of electronic music has played a huge role in the analysis of the basic elements of music and the new music combination, which has become one of the mainstream of music innovation.
An artist engaged in electronic music must be an interdisciplinary talent with both music and scientific thinking. Compared with the composer of pure writing music, the technical and operational components of electronics in electronic music are obviously important. Similarly, the creation process of electronic music also combines music knowledge and technological capability. Therefore, the electronic music is a special art form combining music art and electronic technology, which is complementary and indispensable.
One of the features of music is the "randomness" of hearing, the use of modern electronic equipment, the next second to play even beyond the musicians' expectations. These are all expressions of an almost infinite expansion of the electronic music. Electronic music USES electronic devices to express creative ideas in a broader space, extending the scale of traditional music rules in the expression of people music.
Electronic music by using a combination of hardware and software, build a virtual, invisible, plastic, liquid, open the sound field of concept, a deeper step, in addition to the abstract space concept expresses the reality of the sound field, and its technology provides a more free imagination, free play, invisible virtual space.
Both music and music have their own unique way of expression and communication. In traditional ideas, music is composed of traditional ideas and techniques, sometimes ignoring the effect of people's auditory sense. The good electronic music works not only give people the pleasure of auditory sense in acoustics, but also include a deep traditional music composition foundation, which is far beyond the traditional music. The seventh chord of the D7 chord was accepted by a long period of popularity, and the subsequent 12 notes were popularized and circulated by the painstaking efforts of a large number of musicians.
For the art of music, which relies on material ontology, there is a qualitative difference between electronic music and traditional music. According to the notes, the electronic music of the unit with frequency is different from the traditional music "note" effect. From the tone color, the traditional piano tone after the electronic processing, can be completely changed into another tone during the performance.
From the perspective of generalized rules, we can understand more about the common features of traditional music and music, only from the perspective of order, and more differences. Traditional music technique and electronic music beneath the technique of generalized rule is similar, if the music "sequence" metaphor for the gold in the making, the generalized rule is point finger of gold, it is the determinants of electronic music creation.
The regularity of traditional music at the end of the day was due to the biological instinct of the people, be independent, concreteness and intuitive, there is a limit of its limitations is human hearing, to determine the perceptions and summarizing ability is limited; Electronic music can use electronic equipment in a more broad space of more subtle expression the creation concept of people, the rules are different from the voice, after all is a person, has the variability, so we can say that the electronic music is the traditional music forms and ideas of "subversion" at a time, at the same time, when people engaged in the electronic music to "subversion" traditional rules, there will be a new music aesthetic orientation, but we have to realize that people engaged in traditional music from time to time also want to "subversion" traditional rules of their own.
From the content of music to the form, from the creation form to the communication method, from the organization principle to the development logic, the electronic music has "upended" the traditional thinking mode of the people in general. The organizational principle of the sound material, for example, the basic characteristics of traditional music is linear thinking, namely in the form of the beat rhythm to organize notes and rhythm, melody to pitch the organization form of composition, form a mode system in the form of combination of the scale, with harmonic sequence into the form of longitudinal acoustic system, to the organization form of polyphony of lateral sound system. The characteristics of the electronic music organization sound are in the way of non-linear thinking, namely the original sound recording and sampling in the early stage; Middle voice processing, the deformation in various electronic ways to handle voice prototype, make it produce fission and all sorts of change, and USES the bureau of rail and local collage, all kinds of montage editing and partial synthesis, etc.; And then there's the overall synthesis.
Electronic music usually brings strange sounds, strange sounds and unpredictable rhythm combinations. Compared with music works for traditional media, the appearance of electronic music marks a new thinking and expression space for composers. With the addition of a large number of audio materials with no accurate pitch, the music elements, which are based on accurate sound and sound, have lost the dominant position of the traditional era. Since the flow of electronic music cannot be viewed in the usual sense of rhythm, the beat is almost nonexistent. In other words, rhythm, harmony, tonality and melody are all played down in the traditional music era. Also, a combination of electronic music to take more and more ideas, means and methods, style, especially in today's music creation under the worldwide trend of western splicing, collage, combination of technique and the east, such as deformation, scaling technique in more and more applied to the same music movie, it's all become the characteristics of electronic music.
The unprecedented prosperity and development of electronic music has attracted the attention of music experts and scholars. In our country, the development of electronic music involves all aspects of music, and its future development direction and development mode have also become the focus of our attention, and the views are summarized as follows:
In China's education system, electronic music is not perfect. Any a mature and good discipline, in basic education and higher education professional Settings, teaching material selection, teaching system should be corresponding to each other and unified, and the development of our country in this respect is very lack. Education departments should be focused and systematic in planning and decision-making in the future planning and development.
The development and promotion of electronic music need both "tong" and "special". Electronic music is the combination of computer and other electronic professional technology and music creative technology, which determines the innovation of music with two professional talents. And for electronic music professionals, such as players need to be more proficient in the MIDI technology, audio technology, audio technology, sound samples and synthesis technology, and computer programming technology, multimedia technology, etc.
Software engineer is the core strength of electronic music. The in-depth application of modern computer and electronic technology and the research and development of new operating software are the basic driving force for the promotion of electronic music as a subject that integrates with modern technology. Today, a handful of Chinese electronic music software architect far short of the creation and popularization of electronic music technology demand in China, actively absorb the latest achievements in the world of electronic science and technology rapidly, to cultivate excellent talents become the urgent matter.